Lower Corporate Tax Rate to Zero

Corporate tax rate should be lowered to zero  for companies which have 100 percent American workforces

Fairfax, Va. – Senator Joe Manchin (D. – W.Va.) said he would oppose raising the corporate tax rate to 28 percent, a key component of the Biden administration’s infrastructure bill, in a radio interview with West Virginia’s Metro News.

Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning said Manchin’s opposition is a “significant step toward defeating” the measure and issued the following statement:

“Senator Joe Manchin’s opposition to President Biden’s infrastructure bill, which is little more than the Green New Deal wrapped in a roads and bridges frosting, is a significant step toward defeating this permanent funding mechanism for the far left.

“When less than 10 percent of the proposed spending is on traditional infrastructure, the Biden plan cannot hide behind that label.  What’s more, the Democrats’ determination to create single-party spending binges, even on Infrastructure which always has a bipartisan cast, demonstrates the desire to fund far-left political priorities rather than anything resembling a smart rebuilding of our crumbling infrastructure along with preparing the 5G infrastructure which will move the economy in the next decade.

“Interestingly, Manchin’s concern about raising the corporate tax rate to the highest in the world shows that he is looking at the negative impact of effectively forcing job outsourcing to more conducive foreign tax environments.  There are many reasons to oppose this next Biden spendathon, but if there is a real discussion of business tax rates.

“Americans for Limited Government would like to humbly suggest that the corporate tax rate be lowered to zero percent for companies which have 100 percent American workforces.  If the adage that your tax policy should reflect what you are trying to accomplish, then the U.S. tax policy should encourage hiring American workers and discourage outsourcing of jobs and factories.  A zero percent tax rate for all-American companies would accomplish this simple goal.  If Biden wants to ‘rebuild better’ this simple revision would go a long way in achieving this goal.”

For media availability, contact Catherine Mortensen at 703-478-4643 or by email at cmortensen@getliberty.org.

Time to end Major League Baseball’s antitrust exemption

Commissioner Manfred has perverted baseball into a political body instead of a beloved sports league

Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement and action urging Congress to rescind Major League Baseball’s antitrust exemption:

“For 99 years, Major League Baseball has benefitted from a Supreme Court-mandated antitrust exemption under federal law that no other national sports league enjoys, effectively protecting baseball from any competition. But now Major League Baseball Commissioner Rob Manfred has caved to the baseball players’ union and in an unprecedented action moved the All Star Game away from the Atlanta Braves — the first time the team would have hosted the game in more than two decades — over Georgia’s changes to election law. Manfred has perverted baseball into a political body instead of a beloved sports league, and now it is time to reevaluate the federal government’s relationship with the league.

“Americans for Limited Government supports U.S. Rep. Jeff Duncan and Senators Mike Lee and Ted Cruz’ call for legislation removing baseball’s antitrust exemption. If Major League Baseball is no longer a politically neutral institution serving the American people, then it is no longer America’s pastime and does not deserve bipartisan political protection in the form of generously interpreted federal antitrust laws.”

Urge Congress to end Major League Baseball’s antitrust exemption!

Action alert, April 5, 2021 at https://www.votervoice.net/ALG/campaigns/83523/respond

For media availability, contact Catherine Mortensen at 703-478-4643 or by email at cmortensen@getliberty.org.


Baseball No Longer America’s Game

By caving to Woke Left, MLB proves it is ‘past it’s time’

Fairfax, Va. – In reaction to the announcement today by Major League Baseball Commissioner Rob Manfred to move the MLB all-star game from Atlanta to protest Georgia’s new voter integrity laws Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning issued the following statement:

“Major League Baseball’s decision to stand against basic voter integrity laws in this nation is tantamount to taking strike three with two outs in the bottom of the ninth inning. After last year’s decision to kneel to the Marxist movement Black Lives Matter, today’s announcement ends baseball’s status as ‘America’s Game.’ Americans for Limited Government urges fans to make the New York City-based commissioner’s decision a deciding factor on whether to spend entertainment dollars with a sport which believes there should be more ballot integrity for all-star game voting than for electing state and national officials. Mark April 2, 2021 as the day when the national pastime decided to go past it’s time.”

Americans for Limited Government led a national email campaign to urge Commissioner Manfred and team owners to stand up to the Woke Left and keep the all-star game in Atlanta.

For media availability, contact Catherine Mortensen at 703-478-4643 or by email at cmortensen@getliberty.org.

Opening the Economy = Job Gains

Time for Congress to end ‘trillion dollar splurges’

Fairfax, Va. – Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement in reaction to the March unemployment figures released from the Bureau of Labor Statistics:

“If Congress needed any more proof that the 91 percent of the recently passed $1.9 trillion spending bill that did not deal with health care needs should be pared back with all money not already spent rescinded, today’s employment report ends any argument.  The Bureau of Labor Statistics surveys taken in mid-March show what any sentient person already knew, continued opening of the economy produces massive job gains.

“This confirms, once again, that this is nothing more than a continuation of the Trump recovery with the major gains directly attributable to the former president’s push to re-open the economy.  The emergency is over, and the spending-drunk Democrat Congress needs to stop throwing around trillion dollar splurges and begin budgeting again.”

From the BLS report:

“Total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 916,000 in March, and the unemployment rate edged down to 6.0 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. These improvements in the labor market reflect the continued resumption of economic activity that had been curtailed due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Job growth was widespread in March, led by gains in leisure and hospitality, public and private education, and construction.”

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For media availability contact Catherine Mortensen at 703-478-4643, or email at cmortensen@getliberty.org.



ALG urges Scottsdale to reject General Plan as violation of 2006’s Prop. 207

April 1, 2021, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today sent the following letter to the Scottsdale City Council in opposition to the city’s new General Plan:

“Americans for Limited Government led the charge in passing Proposition 207 in 2006. This was done to protect property values against arbitrary regulatory takings, and to provide for remedies under law should those property rights be violated.

“It is clear that under the 2006 Proposition 207 protecting property rights, the new Scottsdale General Plan on zoning will be a regulatory taking and most certainly reduce the property values of Scottsdale residents, and if it goes forward, require just compensation to impacted residents. What’s more, the failure of the city and the planning commission to follow the basic procedures laid out under the law further opens the people of Scottsdale to unnecessary litigation. Contrary to popular belief, you cannot just ignore the letter of the law and pretend it does not exist when it suits you.

“Americans for Limited Government strongly urges the Scottsdale City Council to reject the new General Plan that will result in massive costs to taxpayers including compensatory costs, and a basic denial of property rights that Proposition 207 was designed to prevent.”


Letter to Scottsdale City Council, April 1 at https://getliberty.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/AZ-Property-Rights-4-1-21.pdf

For media availability contact Catherine Mortensen at 703-478-4643 or cmortensen@getliberty.org .


The real danger exposed in Suez blockage

‘Straight national security issue’

Fairfax, Va. – Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement in response to the international shipping crisis caused by the giant container ship that blocks the Suez Canal:

“World commerce goes through a few very narrow choke points which are extremely vulnerable. The tanker ship blocking the Suez Canal is estimated to have cost the world’s economy almost $9 billion a day. What’s more, Moody’s reports that 15% of the world’s container ship traffic goes through that one very vulnerable chokepoint. But other man-made passageways are similarly vulnerable, 60% of the cargo which goes through the Panama Canal originates or is destined to reach the United States user according the FreightWaves.com.  When combined with the importance of the Straits of Hormuz, a natural, narrow passageway which 25 percent of the world’s oil flows through every day, it is obvious that the economic well-being of most of the First World is dependent upon a few vulnerable passageways located in relatively unstable parts of the world.

“Given the United States’ dependence upon the Panama Canal for a significant amount of our trade, it is important that the Biden administration redouble efforts to thwart the Communist Chinese Belt and Road Initiative, which is currently investing heavily in Panama with an eye toward gaining dangerous influence over this pivotal central American country. There is nothing partisan about whether military or cargo ships can get through the American built Canal, it is a straight national security issue, and this is an area where a strong commitment of the Biden administration countering the Chinese entre’ to Panama should be met with support from both sides of the aisle.”

For media availability contact Catherine Mortensen at 703-478-4643 or cmortensen@getliberty.org.


Tenn. Gov. Bill Lee pushes bill to ban Chinese propaganda institutes from state schools

March 26, 2021, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement praising Gov. Bill Lee (R-Tenn.) for pushing legislation to remove Chinese Communist Party propaganda centers, called Confucius Institutes, from state universities in Tennessee:

“Governor Bill Lee has taken an important step in unwinding the state of Tennessee from the influence of the Chinese Communist Party by pushing legislation to deny Confucius Institutes from the public university campuses in the state.

“Confucius Institutes have been at the center of the Chinese government’s efforts to buy their way into influence over the U.S. higher education system. In Tennessee, the Governor has ordered a shutdown of the Institutes at their public colleges and universities turning away the Chinese government payola for allowing them to infiltrate the schools.  In the past, public colleges in the state of Tennessee have received $2.5 million, which Governor Lee is foregoing in the future.

“Both the states of Texas and Utah are also considering legislation to shutter Confucius Institute offices in their universities.  Americans for Limited Government urges all fifty states to discontinue all affiliations with this Chinese Communist Party influence operation in light of President Biden’s decision to welcome them with open arms.”

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 or email media@limitgov.org.




ALG to Biden: Stand up for American Jobs

ALG sends letter to Biden urging him to reject trade court decision that would kill U.S.  jobs

Fairfax, Va. – Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today sent a letter to President Joe Biden urging him to override the recent United States International Trade Court (USITC) trade dispute decision in a case involving the importation and sale of certain lithium ion batteries, battery cells, battery modules, and battery packs, which would do significant damage to United States interests in growing a domestic electric vehicle (EV) battery manufacturing capacity.

At stake are 2,600 jobs in Georgia beginning in 2024. The SK Innovations Georgia battery plant is expected to produce as many as 250,000 new EV batteries annually when fully completed. These specially designed electric batteries are for the new Ford EV F-150 truck and for Volkswagon’s Chattanooga, Tennessee EV manufacturing plant.

The USITC is a U.S. federal court that adjudicates civil actions arising out of U.S. customs and international trade laws. In this case, the court ruled against SK Innovations in a trade dispute with one of its South Korean competitors, LG Chem.

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From the letter:

 Please understand that Americans for Limited Government does not agree with your administration’s underlying rationale behind the push for electric vehicles. However, the business decision made by Ford and Volkswagen to continue their aggressive expansion into this market should not be delayed for years due to what effectively amounts to a trade dispute between two South Korean competitors.

One other aspect of this dispute that is important to note is that while SK Innovation adheres to the Clean Content requirements excluding invasive Communist Chinese Party software and hardware from use in their company, complainant LG Chem does not.  Given the experience in Anchorage, where the Chinese government demonstrated public contempt for America and our representatives, it would be significant for the administration to put new weight into the Clean Content international agreement as a whole. Striking down the USITC decision in this case would send a powerful, proportional message in that regard.

Mr. President, you have a unique opportunity to stand up for American manufacturing and the jobs it will create, while demonstrating strong leadership in our nation’s relationship to China.  It is our fervent hope that you will reject this USITC decision.

Click here to view PDF of letter.

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-478-4643 or email cmortensen@getliberty.org.

One man’s crazed actions no excuse to disarm Americans

Fairfax, Va. – Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement in response to President Joe Biden’s call to ban America’s most popular all-purpose sporting rifle.

“The murder of 10 Coloradans on the fifth anniversary of the Islamic terrorist attack in Brussels, Belgium, is no excuse for Congress to attack U.S. citizen’s right to keep and bear arms. Demagoguery aside, this tragedy points to the larger problem of hate groups within America. Disarming the rest of us due to the crazed actions of one person is akin to closing down every mosque in the United States because the shooter happened to be Muslim. Neither is acceptable and it is time those on the Left who continually attempt to exploit tragedy, to just stop.”

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-478-4643 or email cmortensen@getliberty.org.

ABC News breaks story of ‘rigged’ homecoming queen election

Network gives more coverage to homecoming election than presidential election fraud

Fairfax, Va. – Disney-owned ABC News is breaking a story about a rigged election for homecoming queen in a Florida high school.  Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning issued the following statement in reaction to the network’s newfound interest in voter fraud.

“Great news! ABC News has finally found election fraud after months of denying that it occurred. The crack national news team has discovered the Florida homecoming queen contest was fraudulently won by a mother and daughter duo who nefariously stuffed the ballot box. Americans for Limited Government is still waiting for ABC News to do a single substantive story about the credible allegations of massive voter fraud taking place in the 2020 election.

“Maybe their investigative team that focuses on high school homecoming elections can be turned loose on the somewhat less important national presidential elections.

“It truly is sad that ABC News has become such a Mickey Mouse organization.”

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-478-4643 or email cmortensen@getliberty.org.