Arizona Election Integrity Bills Model for Nation

Reforms protect ‘one person, one vote principle’

Fairfax, Va. – The Arizona State House of Representatives has passed a package of election integrity bills backed by Americans for Limited Government (ALG). ALG President Rick Manning issued the following statement in reaction:

“The Arizona State House of Representatives took a major step toward restoring Arizonan’s faith in their electoral system by passing a package of electoral reform bills designed to ensure that the ‘one-person, one-vote principle’ that is the foundation of our elected government is secured. The package, spearheaded by Jake Hoffman (R-Queen Creek) incorporates reforms which will ensure that only eligible voters vote. The measures contain safeguards to ensure that no eligible voter is denied their opportunity to determine the outcome of an election.

“Significantly, Hoffman’s package also includes a condemnation of U.S. Congress’ H.R. 1, a measure known by many as ‘the free to cheat’ election bill.

“Americans for Limited Government urges the Arizona state senate and governor to pass and sign this urgent election reform package. In addition, we encourage every state legislature to introduce and pass this model for election integrity in 2021. Rep. Hoffman’s effort is a model for legislators around the nation. Hoffman has been unafraid to take on this tough issue which is essential to the survival of our representative form of government. Our entire system depends on trust in the election process because our government depends upon the consent of the governed for its legitimacy.”

The bills are:

  • HB 2039: Requires hand count audits to be statistically significant with a 99% confidence level
  • HB 2569: Prohibits private funding of elections activities. (like big tech billionaire(s) did to the tune of $400M)
  • HB 2792: Prohibits mass mailing of ballots to voters who DO NOT request one. Adds a class 5 felony for violating this statute.
  • HB 2793: Requires an affirmative request to be registered to vote (ie. proactively prohibiting automatic and mandatory voter registration). Adds a class 6 felony for violating this statute.
  • HB 2794: Prohibits an agent of the government from modifying a statutorily prescribed election deadline. Adds a class 6 felony for violating this statute.
  • HB 2811: Prohibits same day voter registration. Adds a class 6 felony for violating this statute.
  • HCR 2023: A concurrent resolution opposing HR1 in the US Congress.

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 or email

Did Merrick Garland praise rape?

March 8, 2021, Fairfax, Va.–Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement urging the Senate Judiciary Committee bring back Attorney General nominee Merrick Garland to explain what he meant in his college writings a review of the musical “The Fantasticks” when he wrote “Most important are the Jones-Schmidt songs themselves, simple and engaging melodies with a few tender ballads like ‘Try to Remember’ and some hilarious group numbers like ‘it Depends on what You Pay,’ which provides a shopping list of rapes for sale (e.g. ‘the military rape–it’s done with drums and a great brass band.’)”:

“While historical context does matter, Merrick Garland should be called back to the Senate Judiciary Committee to answer questions from his college writings that appear to condone rape and kidnapping. It is clear that in this day of cancel culture, that if any Trump nominee were to ever praise a song whose lyrics included lines such as ‘A pretty rape! A literary rape! We’ve the obvious open schoolboy rape, With little mandolins and perhaps a cape…’, which was altered in 2006 by the songwriter Tom Jones, that they would be pilloried with no chance for response.

“It is fair to request that Judge Garland reappear before the Senate Judiciary Committee to clarify what he meant when he said the number, ‘It Depends on What You Pay,’ about rape was ‘hilarious’. Cancel culture, which is effectively deleting Dr. Seuss from Read Across America Day based on post-modern interpretations of some of his works, is little more than the French Revolution mob beheading anyone who ever aggrieved them. To end it, the left must be held accountable to the same standards as the rest of America. As believers in free speech, it is our heartfelt belief that Garland should be given every opportunity to clarify what he meant, rather than simply being cancelled.”


“It Depends on What You Pay,” Original lyrics:


A pretty rape!
A literary rape!

We’ve the obvious open schoolboy rape,
With little mandolins and perhaps a cape.
The rape by coach; it’s little in request.
The rape by day, but the rape by night is best.

Just try to see it.
And you will soon agree, señors,
Invite regret,
When you can get the sort of rape
You’ll never ever forget.

You can get the rape emphatic.
You can get the rape polite.
You can get the rape with Indians:
A very charming sight.
You can get the rape on horseback;
They’ll all say it’s new and gay.
So you see the sort of rape
Depends on what you pay.
It depends on what you

The kids will love it.
It depends on what you pay!
So why be stingy?
It depends on what you –

The spectacular rape,
With costumes ordered from the East.
Requires rehearsal
And takes a dozen men at least.
A couple of singers,
And a string quartet.
A major production.
Requires a set.

Sounds expensive!

Just try to see it.
And you will soon si,si señors,
Invite regret,
When you can get the sort of rape
You’ll never ever forget.

You can get the rape emphatic.
You can get the rape polite.
You can get the rape with Indians:
A very charming sight.
You can get the rape on horseback;
They’ll all say it’s new and gay.
So you see the sort of rape
Depends on what you pay.
It depends on what you

So why be stingy?
It depends on what you pay!
The kids will love it.
It depends on what you –

The comic rape.
Perhaps it’s just a trifle too unique.
Romantic rape:
Done while canoeing on a moonlit creek.
The gothic rape!
I play “Valkyrie” on a bass bassoon!
The drunken rape.
It’s done completely in a cheap saloon.

The rape Venetian
Needs a blue lagoon.
The rape with moonlight
Or without a moon.
Moonlight is expensive but it’s in demand.
The military rape:
It’s done with drummer and a band.

You understand?
I understand.
It’s very grand.
It’s very grand.
It’s done with drums and a great big brass band!

Just try to see it.
I see it!
I see it!
And you will soon si,si señors,
Invite regret,
When you can get the sort of rape
You’ll never ever forget.

You can get the rape emphatic.
You can get the rape polite.
You can get the rape with Indians:
A very charming sight.
You can get the rape on horseback;
They’ll all say it’s new and gay.
So you see the sort of rape

Depends on what you pay.
So you see the sort of rape
Depends on what you pay.
So you see the sort of rape
Depends on what you pay.
So you see the sort of rape
Depends on what you pay.
Depends on what you pay.
Depends on what you pay.
Depends on what you pay.
Depends on what you pay.

So why be stingy?
It depends on what you pay!
The kids will love it.
It depends on what you


Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 or email


Too many still unemployed, opening economy, not more spending is answer

March 5, 2021, Fairfax, Va. – Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement on the latest employment numbers from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics:

“The last month of President Trump’s economic miracle was February 2020.   Today’s release of employment data for February 2021, provides a snapshot of where America’s economic recovery stands compared to the beyond full employment America that existed before the China Virus resulting in more than half a million deaths and economic devastation.

“Today’s unemployment rate is 6.2 percent compared to 3.5 percent a year ago with approximately 4.2 million more people unemployed today than a year ago.  Unemployment has disproportionately impacted teenagers (13.9 percent), and adults with a high school degree (7.2 percent), or who did not finish high school (10.1 percent), who have witnessed an almost doubling of their unemployment rate in the past year. Those who have a college degree have also seen their unemployment rate double from 1.9 percent a year ago to 3.8 percent.  Overall, the number of unemployed has dipped below 10 million for the first time since the full economic impact of the virus was measured in April 2020, when the unemployment rate was 14.7 percent with more than 23 million unemployed.

“Other key measures show that the labor force has shrunk by more than 4.2 million and the labor participation rate is approximately 2 percent down from a year ago.  Some of this could be due to the aging of America and many seniors choosing to leave the labor force as a result of the virus, but there is clearly room for growth in the participation number.

“The good news is that the economic rebound has resulted in 16.8 million people returning to work since April 2020 out of the 25 million jobs that were lost in the pandemic, with some states like South Dakota showing an unemployment rate below where it was in February of 2020.

“The latest unemployment figures from states (December 2020) shows that eleven states engaged in the most draconian economic shutdowns all have significantly higher unemployment rates than the national average.  These states all have Democrat Governors who figure to benefit the most from the currently being considered COVID-19 package billed as economic stimulus.

“Rather than spending another $1.9 trillion that America does not have on boosting long-term unemployment benefits, instead, they should just demand that these states open their economies and allow their citizens to enjoy in the economic recovery.”


Employment Situation Summary Table A. Household data, seasonally adjusted (, March 5, 2021,

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 or email

Biden’s $1.9 trillion Covid boondoggle is unnecessary

Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement urging opposition to the $1.9 trillion Covid spending bill:

“The answer to the government-induced economic slowdown is not more government spending and intervention, but instead is for state and federal governments to get out of the economic shutdown business entirely and reopen America now.  Yet, the partisan Democrat $1.9 trillion Covid-19 bill doesn’t do anything to rectify the ongoing economic havoc being wrought by states like California, Michigan, New York and New Jersey, and instead provides massive bailouts for poorly run states.  The bill has next to nothing to do with expanding medical treatment or vaccine availability, but instead is a laundry list of spending that should be debated as part of the regular budget rather than as part of an emergency. Only about one-sixth of the legislation even goes to combating Covid.

“Americans for Limited Government strongly urges opposition to the Covid-19 $1.9 trillion boondoggle.  For perspective of how much money $1.9 trillion is, the amount of money collected by the federal government in 2020 from all sources was $3.4 Trillion, so with this one unnecessary spending splurge that Democrats will spend 56 percent of the entire amount raised into the U.S. Treasury last year. If Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer want to bailout poorly run states, let them go through regular order to convince their colleagues to pay for it.

“The simple reality is that this stimulus is not needed. The Atlanta Fed GDPNow forecasts 10 percent growth in the first quarter of 2021, based on the more than $3 trillion stimulus already passed under the Trump administration. This new $1.9 trillion spend, including more than $400 billion for checks, is just so Joe Biden can say he signed a check to Americans, too.

“Last year’s massive emergency Covid-19 spending was necessary to undo the damage being done by federal and state government actions to flatten the curve.  Now it is time to stop the emergency spending insanity and return to regular order.  If Democrats want to spend taxpayer dollars on state, local and union bailouts, they should debate them separately rather than creating the world’s biggest Christmas tree with massive giveaways for all their favorite supporters.”


$1.9 trillion Covid spending bill passes House, goes back to Senate—but will it help recover the 8.7 million jobs still lost to pandemic?, By Robert Romano, March 1, 2021 at

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 or email

Joe Biden is the real Neanderthal

Biden calls Texas and Mississippi opening up their states, rejecting mask mandates ‘Neanderthal thinking’

Fairfax, Va. – At a recent White House briefing, President Joe Biden called the decision by Texas and Mississippi to drop all mask mandates and allowing private business to choose how best to operate, “Neanderthal thinking.”

Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning issued the following statement in reaction:

“If Joe Biden followed the science, he would embrace the Florida unmasked and free approach rather than the New York ‘Covid is death’ model. Science shows the death rate in Florida is about half of the death rate in New York. Perhaps it is time for Biden to get out of his cave and enjoy the sunshine in states which choose both a lower death rate and freedom.”

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 or email

Texas declares victory over the China Virus, so should other states

Texas Governor Lifts Mask Mandate, Business Restrictions

Fairfax, Va. – Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced Tuesday that he will reopen the state “at 100 percent” and will rescind the statewide mask mandate beginning next Wednesday. Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning issued the following statement in support of Gov. Abbott’s announcement:

 “Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s decision to end the COVID emergency shutdown and mask mandate effective March 10 is a great step forward in restoring America’s freedom from the year-long grip of the China virus.  Combined with President Biden’s announcement that the Trump vaccines will be available to all Americans by the end of May, this announcement should lead the way for other states to follow  suit.  Fully reopening our state economies is the key to continuing the Trump economic revival and makes the idea of spending $1.9 trillion more money on pork, additional stimulus, state and union bailouts and incentivizing long-term unemployment seem almost crazy.  The truth is states like South Dakota, which are open, have an unemployment rate lower today than in February of 2020.

“Having the federal government and the rest of the states join Texas in declaring victory over the China virus and reopening would be the best stimulus possible.  The emergency is over and Congress’ excuse to spend trillions beyond their already bloated, deficit-ridden budget needs to end along with it.”

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 or email

Congress needs to stop Biden blundering into war in Syria

 Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement in response to President Joe Biden’s bombing Syria without Congressional authorization:

“It is striking that just over a month after Joe Biden became president he has already begun a bombing campaign focused on Syria. Obviously attacks on U.S. troops must be met with proportional force, and yet, the U.S. has been operating Syria for over a decade without any authorization from Congress. It is time for Congress to at least pretend to be a part of the foreign policy process, by demanding that President Biden make his case for engaging in acts of war.

“It has almost been 20 years since 9/11, and former President Trump’s negotiated Abraham Accords were on a pathway to providing a valid regional plan for an exit strategy. President Biden’s undermining of these accords through negating trade concessions to the United Arab Emirates, and releasing intelligence reports designed to threaten the Saudi government are reckless, and destabilize the region. It is time for the Biden administration to outline its Middle East strategy to Congress and the American people, before the administration’s actions become unexamined and undiscussed American policy.

“This is why the Constitution requires Congress to declare war, and it’s time for members to assert this responsibility, so we don’t blunder into another generation of American blood being spilt without a clear purpose and exit strategy. To force President Biden’s hand, Congress should not authorize any additional emergency war funding, and use the power of the purse to end this endless war.”

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 or email


House Democrats Chart Un-American Course with Calls to Silence Political Opposition

Fairfax, Va. – In response to a hearing today in the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Communications and Technology Rick Manning, president of Americans for Limited Government, issued the following statement:

“What we heard in this hearing should trouble every American. Our nation was founded on the belief that a free and independent press is the greatest defense against government tyranny. By demanding private companies censor media outlets they disagree with, House Democrats are threatening the fundamental precept of the First Amendment that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press…” These politicians are undermining our foundational freedoms in the most profound way. It is shocking to see elected officials in America embrace the tactics of authoritarian regimes such as those of the Chinese Communist Party of China, Iran and North Korea.

“This is an abuse of power and every American should publicly denounce the Democrat’s censorship campaign aimed at silencing all political opposition. Freedom-loving Americans everywhere are afraid of being canceled on social media and even losing their jobs because of this destructive woke culture.

“For the past four years, establishment media outlets such as the New York Times, the Washington Post, NBC News, and on and on have reported on the false narrative of Russian collusion. Should they all be deplatformed? The answer is a resounding, ‘No.’ It is not the government’s role to silence free speech, even when it is consistently and egregiously wrong like these major outlets have proven to be time and again.

“Like the Founding Fathers, I trust the American people are smart enough to see through the fake news and determine what is true. And in this case, it is clear House Democrats are pursuing a dangerous, un-American course that will destroy our freedoms.”

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 or email

Biden hypocrisy on full display in handling of Kerry Affair

Manning: Kerry clearly violated Logan Act, must be fired and prosecuted

Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement urging President Joe Biden to fire John Kerry and for the Justice Department to investigate Kerry for secretly negotiating with the Iranian government in 2018:

“John Kerry secretly negotiated with the Iranian government in 2018 in a bid to undermine U.S. policy and sanctions against Tehran, and at a minimum President Joe Biden should fire him.

“According former FBI agent Peter Strzok’s hand-written notes from the Jan. 5, 2017 Oval Office meeting in the Obama White House, then-Vice President Biden called for prosecuting Gen. Michael Flynn under the Logan Act for allegedly negotiating with Russia while serving as the incoming National Security Advisor during the Trump transition in 2016.

“As a private citizen with no official government authority, Kerry engaged in secret, unauthorized negotiations with Iran while President Trump was in office and should be investigated by the FBI.  It is reported that Kerry sought to undermine U.S. interests in sensitive international negotiations – a clear violation of the Logan Act. If Gen. Flynn could be investigated by the Muller special prosecutor team for his legal contact under the guise of a potential Logan Act violation, then Kerry should have the full weight of law thrown at him for doing substantial damage to U.S. foreign policy.

“Americans already believe we have a two-tiered justice system, one for favored political elites, and another for the rest of Americans. If Biden is unwilling to fire and prosecute Kerry, it further divides our country.”

Rush Limbaugh was an American institution who will be missed

Feb. 17, 2021, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government Rick Manning today issued the following statement honoring the life of the late Rush Limbaugh:

“Our condolences go out to Rush Limbaugh’s family and loved ones at this time of his passing. Rush Limbaugh was a great American who incredibly battled through cancer to continue fighting for liberty and limited government to his last breath. Rush was an inspiration to us all and an American institution. He will be sorely missed by those left behind, and it is our job now to try to fill the huge void that he has left.”

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 or email
