Every American has the fundamental right to make their own choices when it comes to vaccines
Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich in a video campaign ad.
Fairfax, Va. – Americans for Limited Government President Richard Manning issued the following statement in reaction to an official finding by Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich on Tuesday stating that a Tucson city ordinance requiring city employees get Covid vaccinated or face suspension is illegal:
“The city was in clear violation of a law passed by state lawmakers in June which specifically prohibits state and local governments from requiring any person to be vaccinated for Covid.
“We applaud AG Mark Brnovich for standing up for the rule of law. Progressive, power-hungry politicians have trampled on our civil liberties and individual freedoms during this pandemic. We need more elected officials fighting back against this unconstitutional takeover of our country.
“While it is true the state law doesn’t take effect until the end of September, Brnovich was right to put a halt to vaccine mandates now. An employee forced to obtain a vaccine now cannot go back and undo any harm that might occur.
“Americans for Limited Government is fighting these government mandates across the country. So far, our supporters have sent one million emails to local, state, and federal lawmakers rejecting Covid vaccine mandates and passports.
“We need more lawmakers to stand up like Brnovich to protect our freedoms. This is not a case against vaccines, just against vaccine mandates. Every American has the fundamental right to make their own choices when it comes to vaccines, and what they choose to do is no one’s business, least of all the government’s.”
In a letter to city officials, the solicitor general, writing for Brnovich, said the Aug. 13 vote by the Tucson City Council directly conflicts with a statute approved in June by state lawmakers. It specifically prohibits state and local governments from requiring any person to be vaccinated for Covid.
The letter states that strictly speaking, SB1824 does not take effect until Sept. 29. But the attorney general wants an immediate halt to prevent what he said could be harm to city workers who are forced to roll up their sleeves, even for a law not yet in effect.
“Nothing is more coercive than a government mandate to do something that’s soon going to become illegal,” Brnovich told Capitol Media Services.
For media availability, contact Catherine Mortensen at 703.478.4643 or email cmortensen@getliberty.org.