Inflation Continues to Surge Across All Items

Congressional Republicans need to say no to the partisan spending boondoggle

Fairfax, VA. – Consumer prices rose 0.9 percent in June, according to data released Tuesday by the Labor Department, heating up from the previous month.

The consumer price index (CPI), a closely watched gauge of inflation, increased to an annualized rate of 5.4 percent last month amid a summer rush of economic activity.

Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning issued the following statement in reaction to the news:

“Inflation continues to surge across all items at an annualized rate of 5.4%.  But prices are not really rising at that low of a level, in the five months since Joe Biden entered the White House, the rate has grown at .66% each month or a 7.9 percent annualized inflation rate.  Every consumer sees the price increases, and according to the BLS, the pain of higher prices was spread throughout the economy in June.  What is the answer to this hidden government tax which results from wanton spending?  Stop or slow the spending.  This means that Republicans in Congress need to just say no to the Biden/Pelosi/Schumer partisan spending boondoggle which they call an infrastructure plan.  America broke the bank to recover from the Chinese virus, it is time for the federal government to tighten its belt rather than accelerate price increases.

“Everyone loses under inflation, but those with the least disposable income and those on fixed incomes are hurt the worse.  There should be a bipartisan agreement to stop fueling the destruction of the value of the American dollar, but spending in DC is like heroin, it is hard for politicians to kick the habit.  The American people need to stage an intervention and tell Congress to stop the spending now.”

For media availability contact Catherine Mortensen at or 703.478.4643

ALG to Congress: To offset $1 trillion infrastructure plan, Congress should use 3-year sequestration, not tax increases

Fairfax, Va.–Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement on the White House-announced $1 trillion infrastructure plan:

“President Joe Biden has announced a bipartisan $1 trillion infrastructure spending bill via budget reconciliation but has not told the American people how they can afford it under current deficit neutral rules. Given the massive growth in government spending due to emergency Covid spending, the only approach is to revive bipartisan sequestration rules from 2011 that prohibit the increase in discretionary spending for a minimum of three years, rather than raising taxes.

“If infrastructure is a priority for government spending, then it’s only logical that funds be shifted from other areas, including unspent Covid funds, to meet this priority. It would be a massive mistake to burden our recovering economy will killer tax increases. Flatlining government spending is the only acceptable approach to paying for any infrastructure plan.”