Democrat leaders fail to denounce violence in Phoenix

Aug. 23, 2017, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today called on leaders in the Democrat Party to denounce the violence on the streets of Phoenix, Ariz. after President Donald Trump’s speech there last night:

Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren should all denounce the attempt by the violent political wing of the Democrat Party known as Antifa, Black Lives Matter and Resist to shut down a speech by the President to his supporters. The effect of these Democrat Party surrogate groups is to attempt to stifle and intimidate Americans from being able to attend an event featuring the duly elected President of the United States. Democrat Party leaders face a crossroads of whether to embrace violence as a legitimate means of political protest or to denounce it.

“There is no place for the kind of hate displayed on the streets of Phoenix last night in a civilized nation and anything less than a complete shunning by leaders of the violent Antifa, Black Lives Matter and Resist movement’s actions in Phoenix is acceptable, disqualifying them from serving in office. Anyone who fails to condemn political violence in all of its forms is not fit to serve.”

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 ext. 100 or at to arrange an interview with ALG experts.


Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke should fire the ‘politically correct’ Trust for the National Mall

Aug. 22, 2017, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Ric Manning today issued the following statement in defense of the Jefferson Memorial and Washington Monument just the way they are after the Trust for the National Mall called for changes to the Jefferson Memorial:

“Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke needs to set the record straight that a private non-profit group known as the Trust for the National Mall does not control memorial or museum content on the National Mall. While the money this non-profit, tax-exempt group raises to restore the Mall is appreciated, it does not give them the authority to change the Jefferson Memorial or any other statues in the name of political correctness. If the ‘Trust’ insists on changes, the Department of Interior should discontinue all ties with the group. The Jefferson Memorial and Washington Monument are testimonies to honor the ideals exemplified in the founding by Thomas Jefferson and George Washington, not to tear them down. They should be left just the way they are.

“For those who wish to explore more about their personal lives, it is highly recommended they go to Monticello and Mt. Vernon where there is ample information about Jefferson and Washington respectively, and slavery.”

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 ext. 100 or at to arrange an interview with ALG experts.




Bannon will be missed

Aug. 18, 2017, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement responding to the departure of Steve Bannon from the White House:

“We believe that Steve Bannon has been a great part of the success of the Trump administration this year. Ultimately President Donald Trump is true North in the White House and it is our hope that he will replace Mr. Bannon with someone who shares his vision for America.”

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 ext. 100 or at to arrange an interview with ALG experts.


ALG joins with 19 conservative groups and activists praising President Trump, Kellyanne Conway and Steve Bannon

August 18, 2017, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning and 19 other conservative groups and activists issued a letter to President Donald Trump praising Trump as well as Kellyanne Conway and Steve Bannon.

Manning in a statement said of the letter, “Kellyanne Conway and Steve Bannon are indispensable parts of the White House, and Americans for Limited Government is proud to join 19 other conservative groups and activists in praising President Trump for his achievements here to date, which include appointing strong judicial picks, undoing the regulatory assault on our nation’s energy producers, enforcing trade agreements and withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, refocusing the military away from social engineering and back to its core mission of protecting America’s interests, and the efforts by the Department of Justice to begin enforcing the law of the land against those who would subvert it.”


Letter to President Donald Trump, Aug. 18, 2017 at

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 ext. 100 or at to arrange an interview with ALG experts.


ALG praises Trump, Sessions for ending Operation Choke Point

Aug. 18, 2017, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning praised President Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions for putting an end to Operation Choke Point, an Obama Administration initiative to “choke off” politically disfavored industries, like firearms manufacturers and payday lenders, from access to the banking system, announced by Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd in a letter to Capitol Hill:

“Operation Choke Point was one of the most underhanded tools of the Obama-Holder Justice Department to kill off legal, legitimate businesses — and that says something. Under Choke Point, these legitimate industries were lumped together with online pornography, ‘get rich’ products, and Ponzi schemes, on a list of businesses considered a ‘high risk’ for fraud, thereby intimidating banks into abandoning them.  Bullying banks into choking off the financial lifeblood of any business enterprise under the guise of fraud prevention was a prime example of the Obama Administration’s flagrant disrespect for the rule of law.  President Trump and Attorney General Sessions did the right thing by terminating this affront to justice and restoring integrity to the Justice Department and the federal financial regulators. Hopefully, this marks the first step toward restoring the good name of these legitimate, law-abiding enterprises.”

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 ext. 100 or at to arrange an interview with ALG experts.



Rejection of mob rule and return to nation’s founding principles of all people created equal the key to reconciliation

August 17, 2017, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement urging national reconciliation:

“Yesterday there was a moving memorial for Heather Heyer who tragically died while exercising her First Amendment rights.

“Unfortunately, mobs in some of our cities have taken to vandalizing various statues in an attempt to erase our nation’s history. If those in Congress who identify with this new mob rule are truly determined to make a statement, they should start by renaming the Richard Russell Senate Office Building, given Russell’s long history as a segregationist who opposed extending civil rights. When they’re done wiping his name from the Senate office building, they can change the Byrd Rule, as nothing more than the legacy of former leader of the KKK. To leave Robert Byrd’s legacy in place in light of his horrifying views would be counter to the whims of the mob that they wish to marry themselves to.

“Obviously, this kind of symbolism will not bring Heyer back to life or achieve any reconciliation. In fact, all of these symbols remind everyone that many of our leaders have served honorably and yet had checkered histories, and erasing them from our nation’s memory does a disservice to the challenges that our nation faces moving forward. The genius of America is that we are a nation of laws founded around a basic recognition that all people are flawed. However the reason for the Bill of Rights was to ensure that flawed people did not impose their wills on others, by protecting individual rights from mob rule. It is around the principle of all people being created equal that our nation needs to rally and from there reconciliation can finally become a reality.

“If we cannot recognize how we got to where we are, we will never recognize how to get to where we need to be.”

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 ext. 100 or at to arrange an interview with ALG experts.



Trump infrastructure plan cuts through red tape that wastes taxpayer dollars

Aug. 15, 2017, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement praising the executive order by President Donald Trump that expedites review of infrastructure projects:

“The Trump administration is cutting through the red tape that wastes taxpayer dollars when it comes to initiating federal infrastructure projects, streamlining environmental reviews and authorizations so that the U.S. can finally expedite the rebuilding of critical infrastructure. This common-sense approach demonstrates why President Trump is the right leader to get America moving and should be encouraging to every taxpayer who is concerned about government waste.”

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 ext. 100 or at to arrange an interview with ALG experts.



Trump fighting for U.S. intellectual property in China

August 14, 2017, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement in support of President Donald Trump’s ordering an investigation into China over the theft of U.S. intellectual property:

“On July 20, President Xi Jinping of China acknowledged major concerns with the lack of protection of intellectual property in China at the National Financial Work Conference, stating, ‘Wrongdoing should be punished more severely so that IP infringers will pay a heavy price.’ We agree, and U.S. patent holders should be similarly protected in China. President Donald Trump, in ordering a U.S. Trade Representative investigation into China’s theft of U.S. intellectual property, including the coercion of U.S. companies to part with those assets as the price for doing business in China, is echoing the concerns raised by President Xi.

“Intellectual property is the underpinning of innovation, and the allegation that China has engaged in IP theft has plagued U.S.-China trade relations for years. While some are concerned that prioritizing IP may cause negative trade repercussions, President Trump determination to ensure that fair and honest trade is at the root of this investigation by the U.S. Trade Representative.

“In order for international trade to work, countries must agree on the rules, and China’s past and present failure to protect U.S. intellectual property from theft has put the entire economic relationship at risk.”

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 ext. 100 or at to arrange an interview with ALG experts.


Reflecting on Charlottesville and Chicago, all lives are created equal

August 14, 2017, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement on violence in Charlottesville, Va. And Chicago, Ill. over the weekend:

“A thirty-four year old usher at the Friendship Baptist Church in Chicago along with another man were murdered on Sunday morning while going up the steps of the church just as services were starting. These were just two of the nine killings, three of which were self-defense during a home invasion, that occurred in the Windy City this past weekend.  Thirty-three others were injured in the violence that has racked the nation’s third largest city.

“And this past weekend is the norm.  Just use Bing and search for yourself the term ‘Weekend violence Chicago’ and the results are stunning.

“On the same weekend, in Charlottesville, Virginia there was a similar tragedy, a thirty-three year old woman was killed when a car driven by a hate-filled individual crashed into her and others.

“Unfortunately, there are those who seek to politicize the Charlottesville homicide, and ignore the destruction of life that terrorizes many urban neighborhoods.

“President Trump has spoken out and his Department of Justice led by Attorney General Jeff Sessions is focused upon trying to solve the multiple year surge in homicides in Chicago as well as the attack in Charlottesville, and today, the President hit the nail on the head on the Charlottesville tragedy saying, ‘We must rediscover the bonds of love and loyalty, that brings us together as Americans. Racism is evil and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans. We are a nation founded on the truth that all of us are created equal. We are equal in the eyes of our creator. We are equal under the law, and we are equal under our Constitution. Those who spread violence in the name of bigotry strike at the very core of America.’

“As our nation pauses to reflect on the events in Charlottesville, may it also turn its eyes to Chicago and elsewhere around the country where murdering one’s neighbor has become so commonplace that it isn’t worthy of national news.

“All of us are created equal, and the homicide in Charlottesville and the murder of a church usher in Chicago should each tear at our collective humanity.”

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 ext. 100 or at to arrange an interview with ALG experts.



Mueller raid denies Manafort basic constitutional protections

Aug. 11, 2017, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement questioning the reported seizure of attorney-prepared documents from Paul Manafort’s home, contended by Trump attorney John Dowd saying that Mueller had seized “privileged and confidential materials prepared for Mr. Manafort by his counsel to aid him in his cooperation with the Congressional committees”:

“Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s seizure of attorney-client privileged documents from the home of Paul Manafort puts the privilege itself in jeopardy, raising serious constitutional questions about what is a reasonable search under the Fourth Amendment, permitted under the Fifth Amendment’s right not to incriminate oneself and protected by the Sixth Amendment’s guarantee of counsel. The implication of Mueller’s presumptuous raid is that anyone who is the target of an investigation dare not seek legal counsel, otherwise anything they say to their attorney can and will be used against them. This runs counter to more than 200 years of criminal jurisprudence where the right to an attorney was guaranteed. If the prosecution can peek at the innermost thoughts of the potential defendant consulting with legal counsel and the attorney’s own thoughts and recommendations, it destroys the basis of the adversarial court system and any capacity to defend oneself from malicious prosecution, and diminishes the legal system to being little more than Star Chamber, denying Manafort any chance of a fair trial.”

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 ext. 100 or at to arrange an interview with ALG experts.
