War on Terrorism ended. Terrorists won.

Joe Biden solely and completely bears responsibility for the collapse of Afghanistan.

Fairfax, Va. – Americans for Limited Government President Richard Manning issued the following statement in response to unfolding events in Afghanistan and the ongoing fallout of  Joe Biden’s presidency:

“August 15, 2021 is the day that the war on terrorism ended. The terrorists won.  The horrific sight of Americans being evacuated by helicopter off of the roof of the US Embassy in Kabul as the Taliban, which were the genesis of the attack on the Twin Towers, took Afghanistan’s capitol city is eerily reminiscent of the fall of Saigon, 1975. The Afghans who allied themselves with America are being abandoned to be slaughtered by an enemy that has neither compassion nor mercy.  Another Islamic state is being created dedicated to the subjugation of all non-Muslims and Joe Biden is its author through his blithering incompetence.

“Biden solely and completely bears responsibility for the collapse of Afghanistan as every decision he made leading up to today accelerated its fall.  In a sane time, his abject failure would cause universal calls for him to resign or be impeached.  Today, his Vice President tweeted “Get Vaccinated” demonstrating that is not an option as she is either not even aware of what is going on in the world or worse, is aware and chooses to ignore it.

“There is never a good time for the nation that is the leader of the free world to be led by those who hate the very freedoms that others aspire to, but seven months of President Biden has set the world on fire.

“Beyond Kabul, Biden’s plea for Saudi Arabia to pump more oil while he shutters domestic pipelines and oil production demonstrates how disconnected this administration is from the impacts of its own policies.  The southern border is overwhelmed by illegal immigrants, a record 200,000+ in July alone after Biden rescinded Trump’s policies that were working and Democrats in Congress dangle amnesty to encourage the flood.  And he is crippling the U.S. economy through his ongoing spending fueling rampant inflation which is driving up the cost of virtually everything at a pace not seen since the Carter era.

“The world is a far more dangerous place today than it was on January 19, 2021.  Incredibly, it only took seven months for a geriatric, befuddled president and his far left handlers to screw it up.  Pray for America and the world because the transformation that is occurring is  a disaster.”

For media availability contact Catherine Mortensen at 703.478.4643 or cmortensen@getliberty.org.

Unemployment rate drops as incentives to stay unemployed end

With employers begging for workers, the fact that 276,000 people were added to the number of recently unemployed is somewhat confounding. 

Fairfax, Va.- In reaction to the July 2021 Bureau of Labor Statistics jobs report, Richard Manning, President of Americans for Limited Government, issued the following statement:

“It is evil to encourage people to choose unemployment over work.  July’s unemployment numbers is another stark indicator that the Biden policy of giving extra COVID payments to the unemployed continues to have this effect.

“Even as the number of unemployed in America dropped by 782,000 in July, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that a whopping 560,000 of these coming from the roles of the long-term unemployed. This rapid decrease in unemployment coincides with many states ending the extra COVID related payment of benefits to the unemployed as those payments were blamed for the unemployed staying on the sidelines of the labor market.

“The number of unemployed unfortunately remains 2.3 million higher than in February 2020 demonstrating that even in a robust jobs market.  It can be expected that many of these people will get jobs as the extra payments end in the months ahead. The sad part is that this process has been artificially delayed due to the refusal of the Biden administration and Congress to end the unnecessary extra payments which were originally intended to get people over the hump caused by the economic shutdown due to the China virus.

“Conversely, and much more concerning in the report, is the increase by 276,000 people to 2.3 million of Americans who find themselves unemployed for less than five weeks.  With employers begging for workers, the fact that 276,000 people were added to this number of recently unemployed is somewhat confounding.  It is reasonable to ask how more than a quarter of a million more people became newly unemployed in July above the already inflated June number?

“We don’t know this answer, but if the short-term unemployment number continues to rise and these people remain unemployed in August, this could be the first tremor of a shifting workforce earthquake.

“Looking ahead on the broader labor policy front, it is reasonable to expect that when the massive extra federal subsidization of unemployment comes to an end, the summer of labor shortages will also end, bringing millions more back into the labor force in early fall.  But this will only occur if the politicians resist the urge to re-engage the failed health policies of economic shutdowns. The science shows that economic shutdowns had no effect on health outcomes from the virus while causing increases in preventable deaths across the board.  If states shut down again, the July unemployment numbers may be viewed as the high water mark of the COVID economic recovery.

“And as Congress faces the end of the extra COVID unemployment payments, it is essential that they end.  As they are both economically and personally destructive.  Any attempt to reinstate these payments must be vigorously opposed by people on both sides of the aisle who want to promote both a healthy workforce and healthy American ethos.”

For media availability contact Catherine Mortensen at cmortensen@getliberty.org , or 703.478.4643.

Americans for Limited Government Urges Congress to Pass pathway to end sugar subsidies resolution

This allows American farmers to compete on a level playing field and ends the pernicious impacts of market guarantees.

Fairfax, Va. – Representatives Kat Cammack (R-FL) and Dan Kildee (D-MI) have joined together to introduce a bi-partisan House resolution creating a pathway to ending U.S. sugar subsidies.  The Cammack-Kildee resolution recognizes the multi-billion-dollar sugar subsidies in India, Brazil, Thailand and others are tools those countries us to make their sugar temporarily cheaper than that grown by U.S. farmers.

“Free trade must also be fair trade, and we cannot abandon our own production capabilities in favor of cheap imports that destroy livelihoods and our markets—after all, food security is national security,” said Rep. Cammack. “I’m proud to introduce this resolution that will ensure a level playing field and preserve family operations.”

The Zero for Zero resolution instructs the President of the United States to, “seek elimination of all direct and indirect subsidies benefiting the production or export of sugar” by the above named governments as well as others. Upon certification that those governments have ceased their subsidies, the President is then instructed to produce legislation which would reform U.S. sugar subsidy policy.  In short, use the power of the United States as a trading partner around the world to end destructive sugar subsidies with the end goal of ending US subsidies, putting American producers on an equal footing with their foreign competitors.

“If our nation is ever going to get out from under agriculture subsidy after agriculture subsidy, it is imperative that we pursue a global solution,” said Richard Manning, President of Americans for Limited Government.  “This allows American farmers to compete on a level playing field and ends the pernicious impacts of market guarantees.  A true win-win solution that every Member of Congress should embrace.”

Americans for Limited Government is sending a letter to each member of Congress urging them to co-sponsor the Cammack-Kildee resolution.

Manning on Hannity: Declaration of Independence is America’s DNA

As American citizens, Jan. 6th  prisoners are presumed innocent until proven guilty.

Fairfax, Va. –  Americans for Limited Government President Richard Manning attended two news conferences today with members of Congress to shine a light on alleged abuses against the Jan. 6th prisoners in the DC Jail. He shared his experiences with the Sean Hannity Radio Show listeners (link below).

Manning issued the following statement:

“I had the privilege of attending two news conferences today with four courageous members of Congress, Reps. Louie Gohmert, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Bob Good and Matt Gaetz. They spoke to reporters at both the Washington, DC jail where the Jan. 6th defendants are being held and at the base of the U.S. Capitol.

“I have never been as proud of any members of Congress as I was today of these four. Rather than ducking controversy, they shined a light on allegations of abuse of the Jan. 6th prisoners. They are seeking to ensure humane conditions for all prisoners in the DC jail. Defense attorneys have told lawmakers that these prisoners have been subjected to solitary confinement under conditions that are antithetical to the core values of the American system of justice. As American citizens, Jan. 6th  prisoners are presumed innocent until proven guilty.

“The public employees who operate the DC Jail could have easily assuaged concerns of prisoner mistreatment by opening their doors to members of Congress who have oversight over their budget.  Instead, they demanded the members leave the public lobby and accused them of trespassing.  When the ‘supervisor’ came out to meet with the members, she met them outside and proceeded to turn heel and leave, locking the door behind her.

“If the DC Jail had nothing to hide, it is reasonable to ask, why they worked so hard to avoid any transparency whatsoever?  If prisoners who have not been convicted of any misdemeanor or felony are not being abused, those who run this DC jail gave credence to every concern about what is happening under their watch.  Enough is enough.

“Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts has judicial oversight authority over the District of Columbia and it is time for him to demand answers.  There is no excuse for Justice Roberts to remain silent.  If those prisoners are being denied their due process rights, then no one else’s rights are safe, either.

“Americans owe a debt of gratitude to Reps Gohmert, Taylor Green, Good and Gaetz, along with Paul Gosar who has been the point of the spear on this issue. The only question is where were the other 430 Members of Congress?”

For media availability, contact Catherine Mortensen at cmortensen@getliberty.org or 703.478.4643

Richard Manning on the Sean Hannity Radio Show talking about importance of the Bill of Rights

Listen here:

To regain House and Senate Majorities GOP must put the brakes on spending

 Republicans Must Embrace Fiscal Restraint, Just Say No to Both Infrastructure Bills

Fairfax, Va. – Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning issued the following statement today urging Senate Republicans to reject both so-called infrastructure spending bills under consideration:

“With recent polls showing that nearly 9 in 10 voters are worried about the rising cost of living, Republicans seeking to regain House and Senate majorities in 2022 are wise to embrace the principle of fiscal restraint. It would be a bad look for Senate Republicans to go along with legislation that promises almost $580 billion of deficit-spending over eight years, averaging $72 billion a year, and who knows what’s in years nine and ten. Moreover, by green lighting this spending on a 60-vote threshold, Senate Republicans who go along with it will be providing deficit offset wiggle room for the Democrats’ second spending bill they plan to push through on budget reconciliation. That bill could total as much as $3.5 trillion. If Congress doesn’t pass the first spending bill, it would mean the second bill would have to be significantly watered down. If Democrats wanted a deal with Republicans, they should take their second bill off the table. The fact they haven’t should make this Senate deal a non-starter.

“If the GOP wants to regain the mantel of fiscal responsibility, its members in Congress cannot pretend that adding an additional $72 billion a year to the annual deficit above and beyond the regularly authorized debt is okay. It is not and it is dangerous. It is time to just say no to the off-budget spending that has thrown our nation into a debt induced downward spiral.”

For media availability contact Catherine Mortensen at 703.478.4643 or cmortensen@getliberty.org.