The OSHA mandate may be dead, but federal power over health care is very much alive

Jan. 13, 2022, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement praising in part the Supreme Court’s decision to leave an injunction in place on the OSHA vaccine mandates, but blasting its decision to allow similar mandates against health care workers to be enforced:

“The Supreme Court is right to stop the Biden OSHA vaccine mandate that would have potentially thrown millions of Americans out of work. The Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution is not a blank check for the federal government to regulate every aspect of Americans’ lives and it is a relief that the Supreme Court is recognizing that fact.

“On the other hand, it is disappointing that the Court ruled that hospital and other health care systems that take Medicare and Medicaid are subject to intrusive federal regulations that impact their ability to provide health services at a time when when have a health care labor crisis. By forcing doctors, nurses, social workers and other health care personnel to comply with a federal vaccine mandate, the Court is treating those workers as second class citizens by virtue of the important role they are playing in the pandemic. What’s more, Justice Elena Kagan’s comments that if you’re funded by the federal government, you should be controlled by the federal government, should galvanize efforts of Congress to remove Obamacare root and branch.

“President Biden has the power of the bully pulpit and can seek to lead using it. Instead, Biden attempted to strong arm the American people into compliance, wasting valuable months in a pandemic and using the overbearing power of the administrative state, all of which is a cautionary tale of why the fight for limited government is more important now than ever.  The OSHA mandate may be dead, but federal power over health care is very much alive.”

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-478-4643 or at .


ALG Praises Gov. DeSantis for Pursuing Chinese Divestment Strategy

All governors should protect their state investments from non-transparent Chinese entities and the evil which they perpetrate on the Chinese people.

Fairfax, Va. – Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and some of his administration’s top officials moved this week to protect their state investments from non-transparent Chinese companies. Americans for Limited Government (ALG) President Richard Manning issued the following statement in support of Gov. DeSantis:

“Americans for Limited Government strongly supports Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s choice to pursue divestment of his state’s pension funds from Chinese assets.

“Chinese assets are not suitable for any pension fund investment due to their lack of transparency and the resulting inability of honest pension fund managers to determine their viability. What’s more, Chinese corporations are interconnected with the Chinese Communist Party, which engages in a barely-muted cold war against the United States.

“Finally, and perhaps most important of all, Chinese corporations, and China as a whole, encourage the use of slave labor for the manufacturing of goods. The Department of Labor has long recognized Uyghur Muslims and other religious and ethnic minorities who have been forced into state-sponsored labor and re-education camps by the Chinese Communist Party in Xinjiang and elsewhere across China. The 2020 report published by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of International Labor Affairs lists China 17 times as using children and slaves to make goods, many of which find their place on the shelves of U.S. retailers like Walmart. Artificial flowers, bricks, Christmas decorations, coal, cotton, electronics, fireworks, fish, footwear, garments, gloves, hair products, nails, textiles, thread/yarn, tomato products, toys are all listed as being made with child or slave labor in China.

“The Department of Defense has also condemned the vast concentration camp system in China said to be housing up to 3 million Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang province alone. In 2019, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Asian and Pacific Security Affairs Randall Schriver told a Pentagon briefing, ‘The [Chinese] are using the security forces for mass imprisonment of Chinese Muslims in concentration camps,” justifying the use of the term because “given what we understand to be the magnitude of the detention, at least a million but likely closer to three million citizens out of a population of about 10 million.’”

“ALG urges every governor in the U.S. to follow Gov. DeSantis’s lead and protect their state investments from non-transparent Chinese entities and the evil which they perpetrate on the Chinese people and the world.”

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-478-4643 or at

Congress must stop spending now to prevent runaway inflation

Inflation hurts everyone and runaway inflation is the hidden tax impacting every American that pays for our nation’s massive deficits by destroying the value of the dollar.

Fairfax, Va. – Wholesale prices increased at their quickest pace on record in November in the latest sign that the inflation pressures bedeviling the economy are still present.

Americans for Limited Government President Richard Manning released the following statement in reaction to the producer price index for final demand increasing 9.6% over the previous 12 months after rising another 0.8% in November:

“Every single month that Joe Biden has been president has resulted in an increase in the Final Demand Index of the Producer Price Index – a key indicator of future price expectations.  November continued that trend as the overall Producer Price Index (PPI) rose another .8 percent.

“This matters because the (PPI) is a measure of prices from the perspective of industries that make products, rather than the price paid by consumers.  While there is some debate over the predictive nature of the PPI as it relates to consumer prices, it is obvious that a price rise of 9.6 percent in the cost of production will be passed along to the consumers.  Last week, the Labor Department announced that inflation had risen by 6.8 percent over the past year and today’s PPI release makes it clear that more price inflation is on the way.

“But inflation is about more than numbers, it is about the person who needs to get an inexpensive used car to get to their job and discovers that used car prices have skyrocketed over the past year.  It is about the person who got a raise six months ago and today make less money in real dollars than they did before Biden became president.  It is about people on fixed incomes who are scraping by as it is discovering that the limited dollars they have just won’t stretch far enough to meet a meager budget.

“Inflation hurts everyone and runaway inflation is the hidden tax impacting every American that pays for our nation’s massive deficits by destroying the value of the dollar.  Somehow, I don’t think that anyone signed up for a 6.8 percent tax increase when they voted one year ago, but the combination of last year’s COVID recovery spending and this year’s stimulus bills have brought the chickens home to roost.  It is time for Congress to stop spending and for the President to evaluate all of the appropriated spending and ask for Congress to rescind much of the money that is in the pipeline to be spent.  I don’t expect them to do that, but our best hope is that they stop appropriating additional spending so our nation can work through this inflationary cycle without it turning into an economic catastrophe.”

For media availability contact Catherine Mortensen at or 703.478.4643.

Buckle up for more Biden-flation, no help is on the way

Dec. 10, 2021, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement in response to the latest inflation numbers showing 6.8 percent increase in consumer prices the past twelve months, the highest since the early 1980s:

“6.8 percent inflation would have been unimaginable a year ago when the rate stood at 1.2 percent. This more than five-fold increase in consumer prices is a direct result of the destructive Biden economic policies and is largely driven by his war on energy and Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer’s big spending ways. The Federal Reserve’s recent decision to remove the description of ‘transitory’ inflation should tell everyone to buckle, because help is not on the way from Biden’s failed presidency.”

For media availability contact Catherine Mortensen at 703.478.4643 or


Honoring America’s resolve and resiliency in wake of Pearl Harbor attack

Pearl Harbor response shows America what we can be

Fairfax, Va. – Americans for Limited Government President Richard Manning today issued the following statement in remembrance of the Dec. 7, 1941 Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

“Eighty years ago today, Japan attacked the United States of America in an attempt to destroy our Pacific Naval Fleet. But they underestimated American resolve and resiliency.  A mere five months later, U.S. Army Air Corp. Lt. Col. James Doolittle flew a one-way bomber run hitting Tokyo, Japan demonstrating that America would not only not back down but would bring the fight to the Japanese.

“The story of December 7, 1941 is not one of military defeat, although it certainly looked that way at the time, but instead is one of the peace-loving American people binding together in sacrifice, determined to defeat totalitarianism and Nazism.

“As America faces many different challenges both abroad and at home, remembering Pearl Harbor is perhaps more important today than ever before.  The wake of Pearl Harbor shows America what we can be, the greatness that can be achieved and how light can shine even on the darkest days.”

For media availability contact Catherine Mortensen at 703.478.4643 or

Rep. Nunes, ‘a fearless defender of truth,’ will be missed in Congress

In new role Nunes will lead charge to reestablish free, open internet

Fairfax, Va. – Americans for Limited Government President Richard Manning issued the following statement today in reaction to news that Rep. Devin Nunes will retire from Congress to work for the Trump Media Technology Group:

“Rep. Devin Nunes’s (R-Calif.) decision to retire from Congress at the end of 2021 to become the CEO of Trump Media Technology Group will be a true loss to the fight for freedom in Congress, but his unique knowledge and experience make him the best candidate for leading the charge to reestablish a free and open internet.

“Nunes was recognized as Americans for Limited Government’s Congressman of the Year in 2017 for his staunch defense of truth as the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee and again in 2019 as he fearlessly exposed the onslaught of lies spewed by the disgraced Democrat Chairman Adam Schiff.

“Rep. Nunes is an example of the best of Congress.  A fearless defender of truth and limiting the expansion of the deep state, he will be very difficult to replace.  We look forward to working closely with him in his new, important role. Rep. Nunes has been a champion of expanding access to information and the unfettered exchange of ideas.  Nunes’s new role running Trump Media Technology Group will allow him to use the free enterprise system to break the stranglehold Silicon Valley titans have had over free speech. These titans have made a mockery of the idea of the internet as a great leveler between the powerful and everyone else.”

For media availability, contact Catherine Mortensen at 703.478.4643 or

ALG Launches Nationwide Campaign to Defund Biden’s Vaxx Mandates

This is the fight Republicans were elected to fight

Fairfax, Va. – As the U.S. Senate approaches a Dec. 3 deadline for passing a Continuing Resolution funding bill to keep the government open, Americans for Limited Government (ALG) has launched a nationwide campaign aimed at ensuring not a single taxpayer dime is used to pay for the enforcement of President Joe Biden’s unconstitutional COVID vaccine mandates. ALG President Richard Manning issued the following statement:

“This is the fight Republicans were elected to fight. Biden’s unconstitutional federal government overreach is a classic battle between those who believe in limited government powers versus those who believe there is no end to what the federal government can do. There is no good reason for Republicans to vote for any spending bill that funds the enforcement of Biden’s vaccine mandates. Not a single one.

“Americans for Limited Government has launched a nationwide digital campaign asking Americans to urge their Senators and Members of Congress to reject any spending bill that funds enforcement of unconstitutional vaccine mandates.

“While it is good Senate Republicans plan to vote for an amendment to the Continuing Resolution that would defund vaccine mandates, what really matters is if those same Republicans hold firm and vote no on the bill itself, should the amendment fail.

“It is time to end Washington, D.C. showboating. Republicans cannot have it both ways. A vote to fund the unconstitutional Biden vaccine mandates is just that, no excuses. Congressional Republicans need to put their vote where their mouth is by refusing to fund the enforcement of the dramatic expansion of federal government power over individual liberties.

“Americans want their elected officials to do more than just talk a good game. Americans are losing their jobs due to these mandates.  Americans traveling back into the country will be forcibly quarantined while illegals will be passed through with no consequences.  Talk is cheap, now is a time for action – defund the vax mandates now!”

ALG’s Take Action:



For media availability contact Catherine Mortensen at 703.478.4643 or email at





Biden’s FCC Nominee is a Hyperpartisan Liberal Hack

Gigi Sohn’s confirmation would jeopardize investment and innovation,

threaten free speech, and bring partisanship to the FCC.

Fairfax, Va. – Americans for Limited Government President Richard Manning is urging members of the U.S. Senate to reject Gigi Sohn’s nomination to serve as a Commissioner at the Federal Communications Commission. In addition to sending a letter cosigned by 16 other leaders from a broad coalition urging the Senate to reject Sohn’s nomination, Manning issued the following statement:

“If confirmed, President Joe Biden’s nominee Gigi Sohn would work to instill policies that would crush innovation, silence conservative speech, and eviscerate intellectual property protections.

“The FCC was created by Congress to be an independent regulator and it has broad power over the telecommunications, media, and technology sectors. The agency has been characterized by bipartisan cooperation and accountability to Congress. As a well-known hyperpartisan activist, Sohn has no place on the Federal Communications Commission.

“Sohn has launched attacks against regulators and elected officials who do not share her views. She implied that the ranking member of the Senate Commerce Committee is an industry puppet. She suggested that Republican senators are a threat to the country. She credits center-right news outlets with ‘destroying democracy’ and ‘electing autocrats.’ Given these views, it is hard to believe that Sohn would give regulated entities a fair shake or operate in a bipartisan manner at the FCC.

“I urge Senators to reject Sohn’s confirmation.”

For media availability contact Catherine Mortensen at or 703.478.4643.

Not Guilty

Nov. 19, 2021, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement reacting to the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse:

“Justice was served in the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse, breathing new life into the presumption of innocence and upholding the fundamental principle of the right to self defense. The jury, which has been subject to death threats and intimidation, has proven they were willing to put that aside to uphold the American system of justice and the presumption of innocence. It is our prayer that they are left alone and able to return to their regular lives as unsung, anonymous heroes defending liberty and the justice system that is essential for the rule of law to prevail.

“The irresponsible major media companies and the President of the United States that each tried and convicted Rittenhouse based upon deliberate misinformation and libel should be held accountable by Mr. Rittenhouse using our nation’s tort system. Let justice be done.”

For media availability contact Catherine Mortensen at, 703.478.4643.


CBO gives Democrats 367 billion reasons to vote against Biden’s ‘wreckonciliation boondoggle’

CBO score should end this iteration of Biden’s spending bill

Fairfax, Va. –  Americans for Limited Government President Richard Manning issued the following statement in reaction to the Congressional Budget Office announcing the true cost of the Build Back Better spending bill:

“President Biden lied when he stated that his massive Wreckonciliation boondoggle would not cost anything, zero.  That is the conclusion of the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) which Biden called the “gold standard” when he was vice president in 2010. The CBO found that Biden’s latest massive spending bill would add $367 billion to the deficit over the next ten years.  And while Biden’s Press Secretary claimed that all economists agree that the bill will not fuel additional inflation, she must not have talked to former Obama economic advisor Stephen Ratner who urged the Biden administration to ‘come clean with voters about the impact of his spending plans on inflation.’

“The impact of the CBO score should end this iteration of the Biden bill as the budget reconciliation process demands that the proposal not add to the deficit.  The CBO just gave House and Senate Democrats, who are increasingly focused on inflation, $367 billion reasons to vote no if the bill should come to a vote.”

Click here to view CBO Summary of Cost Estimate for H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act.

For media availability contact Catherine Mortensen at, 703.478.4643.