Gabbard leaving the Democratic Party frightens ‘elitist cabal’ in Washington, D.C.

Oct. 11, 2022, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement on former U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii leaving the Democratic Party:

“Former U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard’s decision to leave the Democratic Party should send shivers down the spine of what she calls an ‘elitist cabal’ that controls it. Gabbard is no conservative; she is what the Democrat leadership fears most, an honest liberal. And the former DNC Vice Chairperson from Hawaii is not alone in rejecting the warmongering totalitarian left in expressing dismay at where the liberal elites have gone. Author Naomi Wolfe and former New York Times Editor Bari Weiss are two more examples of liberal opinion leaders who have chosen to speak out against the anti-free speech mantra that has overrun the party of Jefferson and Jackson.

“But the GOP should not become sanguine due to these important defections. Unfortunately, they have their own problems with too many leaders that are either too tepid or blindly accept narratives from the very elitists that Gabbard rejects.  Additionally, many of Gabbard’s comments about the elitist cabal on the left sound eerily familiar to those of us who were around during the tea party movement where similar concerns were openly voiced about GOP leadership.

“Americans are sick of uni-party rubber stamp government. The election in November will reflect that rejection of the elites. It will be up to those who replace them to prove that they are not just a new boss who is same as the old boss, to paraphrase The Who song, ‘Won’t Get Fooled Again’.”

For media availability contact Americans for Limited Government at


Biden releases drug dealers and smugglers under guise of federal release of marijuana convicts

Oct. 6, 2022, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement on President Joe Biden’s decision to pardon marijuana possession offenders:

“President Biden’s decision to order the release of federal inmates convicted of marijuana offenses demonstrates either a willful disregard for the truth or a dangerous political blindness.

“People caught smoking a joint on the corner are not in federal prison.  People who are smuggling drugs are.  The fact is that it is easier to convict someone of simple possession than it is to prove that someone is smuggling, so oftentimes, the crime is pled down by the defendant to get a shorter prison term.

“It is irresponsible and dangerous to release thousands of major drug smugglers and dealers onto the streets of America.  Last year, the CDC reports that more than 107,000 Americans died from overdoses, up more than 30,000 from when President Trump was in office and more than 50,000 since 2019 when the COVID lockdown policies began.

“Today Joe Biden chose to put thousands of drug dealers and smugglers back onto our streets without any attempt at individually reviewing their cases or any selection process to try to determine the circumstances surrounding their conviction.

“Drug smugglers don’t specialize in what they transport.  Today fentanyl, largely made in China, is responsible for about half the drug deaths.  Rather than pandering to the pot lobby, if the president were doing his job, he would be doing everything possible to shut down the international supply chain for fentanyl, whether it be through cargo ships from China or coming across our southern border.

“Instead, he chose to release thousands who afflicted a previous generation through their crimes.  If Biden had taken a careful path by examining the records of individual inmates and pardoning those who had proven good records in prison and/or were the very small minority whose only offense involved small quantities of marijuana, my criticism would be muted.

“But this indiscriminate prisoner release without regard to the extent of their dope smuggling and sales is reprehensible and a slap in the face to those families, neighborhoods and communities that are being overrun by the drug crisis.”

For media availability contact Americans for Limited Government at


No Surprise: Government funded through Continuing Resolution through December 16.

Oct. 3, 2022, Fairfax, Va.–Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement on the passage of the continuing resolution through Dec. 16:

“To the surprise of no one, the House and Senate voted to fund the federal government through December 16th using the Continuing Resolution (CR) process.

“The swamp got their funding with extras added on for Ukraine which got an additional $12 billion , $1 billion additional aid for heating oil assistance and the Federal Emergency Management Agency getting an unreported amount of additional funding.

“The additional heating oil assistance is a desperate attempt by Democrats in Congress to transfer the high energy costs created by their failed policies to the taxpayers, offsetting some of these costs for northeastern homeowners who are amongst their most loyal voters.

“The next two months and a half months will be a funding battle between those who wish to rubber stamp Biden’s policies, including the hiring of 83,000 new IRS agents, the legacy regulations and Executive Orders designed to penalize those who chose not to get vaccinated, and whether those federal workers who defrauded the federal taxpayer by not logging in to their computers during the pandemic will be held accountable.

“An audit of federal workers at the Health and Human Services Department between March of 2020 and December 2020 showed that 25 percent of workers failed to log in a single time while ‘working’ remotely.

“Should the GOP prevail in the upcoming election, it would be an act of treason against those who voted for change if the December 16th funding date is met with a spending bill that permanently embeds the Biden agenda.  Priority number one for congressional Republicans over the next two and half months should be extending the Continuing Resolution to March of 2023, when they can set the priorities and provide President Biden with a government funding bill that incorporates limited government priorities.”

For media availability contact Americans for Limited Government at



Slowing production of the F-35 is suicidal

Sept. 9, 2022, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement blasting the Department of Defense for halting deliveries of F-35 fighter jets:

“China is in war footing against the United States and has been for years. Now they are pushing Taiwan to the brink with provocative action after provocative action.  And somehow, the Pentagon allowed the manufacturer of America’s most advanced fighting aircraft to release that they have stopped production of the plane because a magnet used by the plane is made out of metal sourced to China.

“The law which outlaws using Chinese components into our military vehicles is necessary and wise.  We cannot have China crashing our aircraft with a simple instruction. But at a time when China’s ambitions are being fed by our national leader’s weakness, it is absurd to slow or stop production of our most feared aircraft due to reliance on a Chinese alloy in a magnet. And it is darn near suicidal to tell the world.

“The even bigger picture is the dangers of relying upon the Chinese for any products.  Currently, China controls nearly 80 percent of all rare earth metals in the world, yet the Biden administration continues to shut down or not allow development of our own domestic sources of these needed industrial building blocks.  Right now, the Biden administration is seeking to move ahead with regulatory actions to stop the production of Rhodium at the proposed Pebble Mine in Alaska. Rhodium is an essential rare earth metal for aircraft engine production. Yet, EPA regulators continue to stop the development of the mine.

“Joe Biden needs to wake up to the national security dangers of his policies, before his green agenda becomes fatal for freedom across the globe.”

For media availability contact Americans for Limited Government at



Federal Trade Commission Overreach Ripe for SCOTUS Scrutiny

Aug. 31, 2022, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement in response to Supreme Court likely challenging the aggressive expansion and power grabs of the FTC.

“The Federal Trade Commission under Joe Biden’s radical appointees has made a point to overturning internal rules of action and aggressively expanding its power.  In the wake of the Supreme Court’s West Virginia v. EPA case which curtailed the agency’s ability dramatically expand environmental laws beyond any reasonable congressional grant of power, the FTC’s power grab may be next on the chopping block.  The FTC faces a likely challenge to a part of their claimed authority to internally litigate cases effectively dictating their outcome at the Supreme Court in the Axon v. FTC case.

The administrative state has become a hotbed of government expansion over the years, and the FTC’s radical expansion of the federal government’s reach should serve as a cautionary tale for members of the United States Senate who vote to confirm members of little known quasi-governmental entities which have extraordinary control over the free enterprise system.  The nation can no longer afford the GOP acceptance of whoever President Biden appoints to positions of power.  In fact, you cannot claim to be a limited government Senator and vote for appointees who seek to rip apart the fabric of our nation.  It is our sincere hope that the Biden FTC serves as a constant reminder that the left has abandoned the comity of bi-partisanship needed to ensure legitimacy of an unelected administrative body’s actions, and Republicans are elected by their constituents to protect them from wayward regulators.

And in the meantime, let’s hope that the FTC feels the pointy legal sword for their blatant attempts at partisan, corporate score settling when they are forced to defend their positions before the highest court in the land in what can only be hoped is the near future.

For media availability contact Americans for Limited Government at


FBI censored Hunter Biden laptop story on Facebook and other social media in election intervention

Aug. 26, 2022, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement in response to Facebook Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s admission the Joe Rogan show that Facebook censored the Hunter Biden laptop story in 2020 in response to an FBI warning about it being Russian disinformation:

“Facebook Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s admission on the Joe Rogan show that his platform censored information about Hunter Biden’s laptop in advance of the 2020 presidential election is proof that the FBI directly and intentionally flipped the election to Joe Biden.  Polls of Biden voters taken after the election revealed that if they were aware of facts contained in the laptop, they would not have voted for now President Biden.

“With everything we now know about the FBI, their leadership and their willingness to use their power to manipulate and game the U.S. election system, the only question that remains is if they should have to register with the FEC as the enforcement arm of the Democratic National Committee.  It is impossible to reconcile today’s FBI with the once guaranteed rights Americans used to take for granted.  Congress must recognize that Efrem Zimbalist, Jr. doesn’t work there anymore and take action now to begin the dismantling this Agency that has turned into a civil liberties nightmare.”

For media availability contact Americans for Limited Government at


Liz Cheney wins ALG straw poll

Aug. 17, 2022, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning issued the following statement highlighting the results of Americans for Limited Government’s 2024 presidential straw poll for “who do you refuse to vote for?” with the  U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) topping the list, followed very closely by Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah):

“Americans for Limited Government conducted an internal poll of supporters and subscribers on August 16 and 17 testing which candidates were most likely to garner support and which were rejected by respondents.  Liz Cheney won the question, “In 2024, who do you refuse to vote for?” with 93 percent declaring their electoral enmity toward the anointed GOP leader of the NeverTrump cult.  Cheney was closely followed by Senator Mitt Romney who polled at 88.9 percent with former Vice President Mike Pence garnering more than two-thirds of those who would refuse to vote for him.  Maryland Governor Larry Hogan, a relative unknown, received an impressive amount of rejection at 36.7 percent.  It can be assumed that the more people know Larry, the higher he will rise on the ALG Reject List.

“Not surprisingly former President Donald Trump topped the charts as the person that respondents would definitely vote for with 92.6% followed by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis at 76.2 percent.  Interestingly, while 15.3 percent of the respondents definitely would vote for former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, 31.5 percent rejected her completely.  A meager 5.6 percent indicated that they would definitely vote for former Vice President Pence.

“This unscientific poll was provided to both email and Facebook followers of Americans for Limited Government, but at least Liz Cheney can say that she won one poll on August 16, and we don’t even have to wait for the mail-in ballots to be counted.  Congratulations Liz.”


Americans for Limited Government 2024 presidential straw poll, Aug. 16-17, 2022.

In 2024, who do you refuse to vote for? (Check all that apply)

Liz Cheney              903               93%

Mitt Romney           863               88.9%

Mike Pence             649               66.8%

Larry Hogan            353               36.4%

Mike Pompeo          205               21.1%

Ted Cruz                97                10%

Ben Carson             83                8.5%

Donald Trump         23                2.4%

Ron DeSantis          17                1.8%


In 2024, who would you definitely vote for? (Check all that apply)

Donald Trump         898               92.6%

Ron DeSantis          737               76%

Ted Cruz                320               33%

Ben Carson             261               26.9%

Mike Pompeo          212               21.8%

Nikki Haley              148               15.2%

Mike Pence             54                5.6%

Larry Hogan            8                  0.8%

Mitt Romney           3                  0.3%

Liz Cheney              3                  0.3%


Liz Cheney defeated in Wyoming GOP primary

Aug. 16, 2022, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement in response to U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney’s defeat to Harriet Hageman in Republican Party primary for the Wyoming at large Congressional District:

“January 6 Trump insurrection conspiracy theorist Rep. Liz Cheney was annihilated in today’s Wyoming primary by a humiliating margin, an unprecedented defeat for a sitting incumbent Representative.  Cheney, who has spent her last term in Congress providing political cover for Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Trump Derangement Syndrome, made clear that she did not care what those who elected her thought about former President Trump, making a mockery of her role as a ‘representative’ of the people of the Cowboy State.

“Today, the people of Wyoming had their say, and on January 3, 2023 former Representative Liz Cheney will likely find herself in a never-Trump Think Tank writing articles for the dozens of fans she has across the country.”

For media availability contact Americans for Limited Government at




FBI has zero credibility on origins of Mar-a-Lago raid

Aug. 16, 2022, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement on the Justice Department’s ongoing failure to release the affidavit adjoining its warrant to raid former President Donald Trump’s residence in Palm Beach, Fla. on Aug. 8:

“The Department of Justice owes the American people full disclosure of their rationale behind their unprecedented raid on former President Donald Trump’s residence in Mar-a-Lago. Nothing but full and immediate disclosure is acceptable of both the warrant’s affidavit and the seized documents Trump declassified on Jan. 19, 2021 before he left office. The same set of bad actors within the Justice Department used the pretense of an ongoing investigation to block access to information related to the politically driven Crossfire Hurricane-Russia collusion hoax for years and many of the declassified documents related to that investigation were among those seized from the former president.

“The FBI has exhausted all credibility and can be presumed to be little more than a political hit squad doing the bidding of Democratic Party power brokers. America finds itself in a precarious position where its lead federal law enforcement agency is engaging in unconstitutional and dangerous actions against the Biden administration’s political opponents. Congress must defund and end this investigation before it spins out of control.”


Trump declassified a trove of Russiagate investigation documents on Jan. 19, 2021, the day before he left office—and the Justice Department is still hiding them, By Robert Romano, Americans for Limited Government Vice President of Public Policy, Aug. 12, 2022 at

“Memorandum on Declassification of Certain Materials Related to the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane Investigation,” President Donald Trump, Jan. 19, 2021 at

Letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland, Senators Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), Feb. 15, 2022 at

For media availability contact Americans for Limited Government at


Afghanistan Fell to the Taliban One-Year Ago Today

Aug. 15, 2022, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement on the one year anniversary of the fall of Kabul, Afghanistan to the Taliban following the U.S. military withdrawal:

“Today, August 15, 2022 marks the one year anniversary of the fall of Kabul to the Taliban.  Afghanistan fell to the Taliban directly due to the Biden administration’s withdrawal of American air support against advancing Taliban troops in spring 2021.  This was coupled with public assurances to the Afghan leaders that we would back them in the fight, even as we were working directly with the Taliban in their takeover of the country.

“The two plus weeks following the fall of Kabul mark one of the darkest moments in U.S. history with images of desperate Afghans falling from airplanes trying to get out and murdered Afghan allies being hung from helicopters and showcased to the city and the world.

“And finally, there are at least 84 American citizens who remain trapped in Afghanistan a year later as of last month, according to a House Republican report and finds that the Biden administration left behind hundreds more Americans and thousands more green-card holders in its speedy retreat than previously revealed, who have effectively become hostages of the Taliban or else they’d be home already.

“During the second half of August, Americans for Limited Government will have a couple of exclusive interviews with people who worked to protect our nation’s honor and keep our commitments to those Afghan citizens who committed to freedom and were targeted to die as a result.  We will also remember the 13 American service members who died on August 26th in a bombing attack by a terrorist released from the prison at Al Bagram Air Base when the Biden administration surrendered it with no apparent plan on how to deal with the fallout.”

For media availability contact Americans for Limited Government at
