Senate should confirm Christopher Wray as FBI Director immediately

July 26, 2017, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement urging the Senate to confirm Christopher Wray as FBI Director before the August recess:

“Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley has done his job in moving President Trump’s nominee for FBI Director Christopher Wray with unanimous positive recommendation. The next order of business after health care that the U.S. Senate should address is confirming Wray as FBI Director immediately. It’s time to get the temporary and politically tainted acting director Andrew McCabe out of the director’s chair so the FBI can begin the process of restoring its credibility with the American people.”

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 ext. 100 or at to arrange an interview with ALG experts.





House Ways and Means should publicly take advertising tax ‘off the table’ for tax reform bill

July 26, 2017, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement urging the House Ways and Committee Chairman Rep. Kevin Brady (R-Texas) to take the advertising tax off the table in upcoming discussions on the tax bill:

“House Ways and Committee Chairman Kevin Brady wisely chose against the inclusion of an advertising tax in his initial tax reform proposals. Advertising is an immediate business expense and should continue to be allowed to be deducted as such. Other than looking for a pot of money, there is no economic rationale for changing the way advertising is treated in the tax code, and Brady should make this absolutely clear that an ad tax is off the table.”

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 ext. 100 or at to arrange an interview with ALG experts.


House should still vote on 2018 budget by Chairwoman Black, cancel August recess

July 26, 2017, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement urging the House to vote on the budget offered by House Budget Committee Chairwoman Rep. Diane Black (R-Tenn.) that cuts mandatory spending by $203 billion over 10 years before going on August recess:

“It would be unthinkable that the House would not pass a budget resolution or even consider one prior to going on their August recess. How have they gone all the way to the end of July without dealing with the budget? The August recess should be cancelled and all the work of the Congress, including passing all the appropriations bills, should be completed.”

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 ext. 100 or at to arrange an interview with ALG experts.



Trump should stick by Scott Garrett appointment to head Ex-Im Bank

July 25, 2017, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement urging President Donald Trump to stand by his nomination to head the Export-Import Bank of the United States, fprmer U.S. Rep. Scott Garrett (R-N.J.):

“President Trump made an outstanding appointment to head the Export Import Bank in former New Jersey Representative Scott Garrett.  Garrett’s experience overseeing and indeed opposing the continuance of the Ex-Im Bank will allow him to work on ensuring that the Bank operates as intended under the law, while separating itself from the crony capitalism that has been the hallmark of its existence.

“It is to be expected that Boeing Corporation through its D.C. association proxies would be concerned about reforms that Garrett might institute given the widely held view that the Ex-Im Bank is Boeing’s personal source of government guaranteed loans for overseas sales, but that is simply too bad.  President Trump came to Washington to drain the swamp and his appointment of Garrett to run the Ex-Im Bank is emblematic of his pledge to attack corporate welfare. Scott Garrett is the right choice. Trump should stand by his nomination and Garrett should be confirmed by the Senate.”

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 ext. 100 or at to arrange an interview with ALG experts.





Senate vote to proceed on Obamacare repeal ‘important first step’

July 25, 2017, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement praising the U.S. Senate for voting to proceed to legislation that would replace Obamacare:

“The Senate took the important first step needed to begin the process of repealing and replacing Obamacare. The next vote on the 2015 partial repeal language will demonstrate which Senate Republicans were serious about repeal and who was just playing politics. The Obamacare system has failed. There is absolutely no excuse not to sweep it away in its entirety and replace it with a market-based approach that will drive down consumer costs by finally creating real competition.”

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 ext. 100 or at to arrange an interview with ALG experts.



ALG urges Yes on Motion to Proceed to Obamacare repeal

July 24, 2017, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement urging the Senate to vote Yes on the motion to proceed to legislation on alternatives to Obamacare:

“The Senate should vote yes on the motion to proceed to consider alternatives to Obamacare. If nothing else, the motion to proceed will be followed by a repeat of the 2015 partial repeal bill. This will force every Senator who voted to repeal in 2015 to recast that vote now that it matters. There is simply no excuse after seven years of voting, complaining and campaigning for Senate Republicans to not take this opportunity to put their money where their mouths are, and end the failed Obamacare system.”

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 ext. 100 or at to arrange an interview with ALG experts.



Washington Post should show work on anonymous sources used against Sessions, or be ignored

July 24, 2017, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement blasting the Washington Post for its use of unverified, anonymous sources for its July 21 hit piece against Attorney General Jeff Sessions:

“It is unacceptable for supposed news outlets like the Washington Post to continue a war on the Trump Administration using anonymous sources reading from top secret documents that the reporter never even sees to check the veracity.  It is clear that in the case of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, that he is making substantive changes at the Justice Department that many Obama holdovers despise.  The Attorney General has clearly stated under oath what the content of various conversations he has had are, and has vigorously denied ever talking to the Russian ambassador about the election campaign.  It is normal for opposition campaigns to provide counter narratives, but if the Washington Post wants to maintain even a shred of journalistic respectability, they need to show their work, or they should be ignored.

“The Post put out another of their unsourced, somebody read something to me over the phone so it must be true, stories on Friday evening attacking Attorney General Sessions over his brief contacts with the Russian ambassador that occurred during the course of business last year. Attorney General Sessions has vigorously denied, under oath, that these conversations were in any way related to the election. Yet, a deep state unnamed U.S. intelligence source continues to feed false information to the Post in an attempt to stop Sessions’ efforts to root out these bad actors who have repeatedly fed fake news to the anti-Trump media.

“The Post has a new slogan, ‘democracy dies in darkness,’ which they hang their hats on while pretending to be the neutral light. The irony of course is that they report out of darkness when they continue to use anonymous sources which have embarrassed them time and again when the full truth comes out, and not just the filtered spin they are being fed.

“Attorney General Sessions is doing a great job in restoring faith in the rule of law and cleaning up the mess left behind by the politicized Obama Justice Department.  He is going after the MS-13 illegal alien gangs that Obama allowed to infiltrate our nation, and deporting them. He is working hard to refocus the Justice Department to actual criminals rather than being at the vanguard of trying to Administratively change our national culture.  I strongly encourage him to keep up the good work, and not be deterred by Jeff Bezos’ political gnats working under the pretense of journalism.”

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 ext. 100 or at to arrange an interview with ALG experts.


HUD Secretary Ben Carson to ‘reinterpret’ racial and income zoning rule

July 20, 2017, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement praising the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Ben Carson, for stating his department will “reinterpreting” the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule:

“HUD Secretary Ben Carson’s decision to ‘reinterpret’ the Obama era Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing regulation will hopefully take federal government bureaucrats out of the business of day to day local zoning decisions. The efforts of Senator Mike Lee and Representative Paul Gosar to keep this critical constitutional issue in front of the public over the past three years were instrumental in this important Trump Administration decision.

“It is this kind of rolling back of the Obama era administrative overreach that is the centerpiece of the Trump Administration successes.  What’s more, this proposed action by Secretary Carson demonstrates his understanding of the importance of the Fair Housing Act and the need keep it from being used as a political weapon directed at local communities. This never had anything to do with individual cases of housing discrimination, which both political parties abhor and remains illegal, but instead was an unconstitutional federal power grab over local zoning.”

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 ext. 100 or at to arrange an interview with ALG experts.


Mueller exceeds mandate with Trump family business investigation

July 20, 2017, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement urging the scope of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation to be limited:

“Robert Mueller was originally tasked to investigate Russia’s supposed interference in the 2016 U.S. election campaign. His appointment was directly tied to Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ original recusal on all matters related to the 2016 campaign. The Attorney General’s recusal does not include reported ongoing investigations conducted by the Department of Justice unrelated to the election. As a result, Attorney General Sessions should bind the Special Counsel to only pursuing matters for which Sessions has recused himself from overseeing as the nation’s top cop. If Robert Mueller has not found any criminal matters to investigate pursuant to Russian interference in the election, then his tenure as special counsel should end.”

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 ext. 100 or at to arrange an interview with ALG experts.


What they’re saying about Jeff Sessions

July 20, 2017, Fairfax, Va.—Attorney General Jeff Sessions has led the effort to restore the rule of law in the United States. He has received wide praise for his actions to protect law enforcement, remove illegal immigrant criminals, strengthen our borders, and lead his office with moral integrity; here is a compilation of praise he has received since taking office:

“Jeff Sessions is the best Attorney General President Trump could have. He is doing the difficult job of unwinding the politicized mess left behind by his Obama appointed predecessors.  Rather than turning a blind eye, Attorney General Sessions is cracking down on illegal immigration, deporting MS-13 gang members and other illegal alien criminals, and ending the war on police,” Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning, July 20, 2017.

“This [National Police Week] is also a time to give thanks for the colleagues, citizens, and public officials who have our backs when things get tough and dangerous. Today, we are here to honor one of these public servants, Attorney General Jeff Sessions. We live in a time when politicians and the top brass in police departments do not always have the courage to put the interests of innocent citizens and officer safety ahead of political correctness and calculated reelection ploys. This is why we are so grateful to have an attorney general who rejects such cynical behavior… Attorney General Sessions, on behalf of the men and women of the Sergeants Benevolent Association of New York City, it is my privilege to bestow on you an honorary membership in our union in recognition of your commitment to doing what is right for the safety of our communities and for having the backs of rank and file law enforcement officers in New York City and across this nation,” President of the Sergeants Benevolent Association of New York City, Police Sgt. Edward Mullins Jr. said, May 12, 2017.

“The fact that we’ve had these vicious murders and within days of my talking to the Attorney General he agreed to come here, to me, shows the full strength of the federal government to eradicate MS-13. They should be on their knees thanking [Attorney General Jeff Sessions], not out there protesting,” Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., said of protestors at a New York event Attorney General on April 28, 2017.

“.@realDonaldTrump should stand by AG Sessions. He’s the only one making good on campaign promise for immigration in the nat’l interest!” NumbersUSA, July 20, 2017 on Twitter.

“Sessions is doing a fantastic job when it comes to #electionlaw @TheJusticeDept,” J. Christian Adams, a member of the President’s Election Integrity Commission, July 20, 2017 on Twitter.

“The Department of Justice, under the capable leadership of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, has made the right call in backing the rule of law in Texas. I am committed to working with the entire Trump administration to protect American communities and reaffirm that the United States is a nation of laws,” Sen. Luther Strange, R-Ala., June 23, 2017.

“The criminal law has the bottom-line purpose of protecting the public’s safety. In seeking fair, equal, and fully disclosed justice, Attorney General Sessions is trying to reestablish the distinction between the criminal law and other social policies,” Retired Federal Prosecutor, Thomas Ascik, June 1, 2017.

“Attorney General Sessions has repeatedly said that he would recuse himself from cases as appropriate, and today he has done so. Although not legally mandated, this decision puts the issue behind him and ensures that the department’s law enforcement will be free from even the appearance of impropriety,” Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas.

“Thank goodness for Jeff Sessions. He is a man of the highest integrity and honesty. The American people heard the truth today,” Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala.) said, following Session testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee, June 23, 2017.

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 ext. 100 or at to arrange an interview with ALG experts.
