85 percent of Americans support free speech for all, even the unpopular, 63 percent oppose political violence by Antifa

Sept. 6, 2017, Fairfax, Va.–Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement in response to a poll by Center for Security Policy/Eagle Forum/McLaughlin & Associates showing overwhelming support for the First Amendment and free speech rights:

“At a time when the First Amendment is under unprecedented assault by the institutional left, the American people have proven once again that they are not willing to trade their essential liberty to avoid being potentially offended, with 85 percent unequivocally supporting free speech rights for everyone, including those they disagree with. Particularly telling is the result that nearly two-thirds of Americans are opposed to the radical Antifa movement, which supports and engages in violence against those they disagree with.

“The fact that the First Amendment maintains broad suppport across America clearly shows that freedom runs through the very DNA of the American people, and those who seek to undermine basic freedoms or provide aid and comfort in that effort, do so at their own political peril.

“Private companies like Google, Facebook, Twitter and Paypal need to proceed cautiously as they consider becoming arbiters of appropriate speech on the Internet, because if Americans believe that they have relinquished their neutrality, they will lose their dominance to market alternatives.”

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 ext. 100 or at media@limitgov.org to arrange an interview with ALG experts.



McCarthy wall funding dismissal: Either a gaffe or another broken promise

Sept. 5, 2017, Fairfax, Va.–Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement blasting House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s (R-Calif.) statement that “We’ve got a lot of busy things happening here. We have to deal with Harvey, we have the debt ceiling, we have a continuing resolution, which will be just about a three-month continuing resolution. So, you will deal with the wall a little later in the year”:

“House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy knows full well that funding for the southern border wall could and should be included in a continuing resolution. That’s where all funding for the government is included. His arrogant dismissal of the importance of funding the wall demonstrates House leadership’s lack of resolve to accomplish this most basic of the President’s priorities. In January, House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell promised $12 billion to $15 billion in wall funding in the FY 2018 spending bill. In March, Ryan reiterated this promise that the funding would come in September. McCarthy’s statement is either a massive political gaffe or an affirmation that Speaker Ryan never, ever intended to keep his promise.”


Watch Ryan and McConnell promise wall funding at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVjVom0WE4U

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 ext. 100 or at media@limitgov.org to arrange an interview with ALG experts.


Trump, Sessions restore separation of powers, rule of law by ending unconstitutional DACA

Sept. 5, 2017, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement praising President Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions for ending the deferred actions for illegal immigrants that resulted in executive amnesty for millions under former President Barack Obama:

“President Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions are restoring the separation of powers and the rule of law by ending Obama’s unconstitutional executive amnesty programs for illegal immigrants. Obama had usurped constitutional authority from Congress by using his ‘magical’ pen and phone to create his own law out of whole cloth. In the process, Obama threw our immigration system into chaos by creating an incentive to break the law and travel here illegally. Through this action, Trump and Sessions are sending the clear message that the law will be enforced no matter how illegal immigrants arrived in the U.S. or what they did afterward. By ending executive amnesty, the rule of law on our nation’s borders has been restored.”

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 ext. 100 or at media@limitgov.org to arrange an interview with ALG experts.




Lehigh Valley ‘No Surrender’ team releases speakers list for Friday rally in Allentown, Pa.

Aug. 31, 2017, Allentown, Pa.—Event organizers for Friday’s pro-Trump “No Surrender” rally released a list of speakers, including national and local conservative leaders.  Fed up with Congressman Charlie Dent’s constant placation of liberal Democrats, pro-Trump activists will be gathering on Friday, September 1 in Dent’s hometown of Allentown to call out Dent and the rest of the Pennsylvania Surrender Caucus (Reps. Ryan Costello, Mike Fitzpatrick, and Patrick Meehan).  Dent is the leader of a liberal band of Republicans called the Tuesday Group, which has consistently derailed the  Trump agenda on the budget, Obamacare and a host of other issues.

Confirmed speakers include (organizations are listed for identification purposes only):

Ed Martin, President of Phyllis Schlafly Eagles

Adam Gingrich, Pennsylvania Coordinator for the Trump campaign

Rick Manning, President of Americans for Limited Government

Commissioner Steve Rogers, Township of Nutley, NJ

Kathy Barnette, Radio Host, WFYL-1080, Philadelphia

Reverend Todd Johnson, pastor of First Immanuel Baptist Church in North Philadelphia

Daphne Goggins, Republican Leader, 16th Ward in North Philadelphia

Gloria Lee Snover, Chairman, Northampton County Republican Committee

Bob Bolus, leader of Scranton for Trump

“Charlie Dent and the Tuesday Group have been masquerading as Republicans, while running President Trump’s agenda straight into the ground,” said event cosponsor Ed Martin.  “It’s high time we called out these liberals in Pennsylvania and across the country for betraying their voters and capitulating to Nancy Pelosi and the far Left.  We’ll start at high noon tomorrow.”

What: Lehigh Valley “No Surrender” Rally

When: Friday, September 1, 2017, Noon to 1:30 pm (eastern)

Where: Jordan Park,            6th Street & Sumner Avenue, Allentown, Pa.

Sponsoring Organizations: Americans for Limited Government and Phyllis Schlafly Eagles

Media credentials will be given upon request at the event. Please be prepared to present a press badge or business card identifying your news organization. Please RSVP or send your questions to media@rallypa.org.

For more information, check us out at www.rallypa.org


ALG praises Nancy Pelosi for joining with President Trump in condemning all political violence

Aug. 30, 2017, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement praising House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) for joining with President Donald Trump in condemning political violence in all of its forms when she said “Our democracy has no room for inciting violence or endangering the public, no matter the ideology of those who commit such acts” and called Antifa out by name:

“Nancy Pelosi appears to have come to her senses and agrees with President Trump’s position that all political violence should be condemned. Peaceful protest is a normal part of Americana and fully protected by the First Amendment. But violence whether from Antifa, Black Lives Matter or the KKK is deplorable. We’re glad Pelosi finally realizes this fundamental tenet of a stable republic. One of the foundational principles of America is that the people have an uncontested right to speak freely, to assemble peacefully and to protest and petition their government, and political violence in all its forms has no place and we’re glad that with Pelosi’s statement we have finally reached a bipartisan consensus. Now given this unanimity, the Department of Justice should engage in a wholesale investigation of the KKK, Antifa and Black Lives Matter to root out all of the violence and those that fund it.”

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 ext. 100 or at media@limitgov.org to arrange an interview with ALG experts.



Time for Congress to act on Trump tax reform

Aug. 30, 2017, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement urging Congress to get to work on President Donald Trump’s proposals to reform the nation’s tax system:

“President Trump is keeping his eye on the economic ball in his call for tax reform. While the economic news is improving, as demonstrated by the 2nd quarter growth being upgraded to 3 percent, there remains much to be done. Far too many Americans are being left behind and not a part of the labor force. President Trump’s tax reform proposal will generate massive investment in the U.S. with the result being increased opportunities for our nation’s workers to regain their footing as they seek to achieve the American dream. Now it is up to Congress to step up to the plate and get comprehensive tax reform that President Trump has called for done.”

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 ext. 100 or at media@limitgov.org to arrange an interview with ALG experts.


Five acts of liberal surrender by U.S. Rep. Charlie Dent

Pro-Trump Forces to Rally in Allentown on Friday

Aug. 30, 2017, Allentown, Pa.—Fed up with liberal Tuesday Group Chairman U.S. Rep. Charlie Dent’s (R-Pa.) constant acts of surrender to the Left, pro-Trump forces will be gathering on Friday, Sept. 1 in Dent’s hometown of Allentown to call on Dent to start backing President Donald Trump’s agenda in Congress. The “No Surrender” team cited Dent’s top five acts of liberal surrender.

  1. A month before the election, Dent called on then-candidate Donald Trump to withdraw his candidacy.
  2. When Trump stayed in, Dent voted against Trump for President. In spite of Dent’s opposition, Trump still won Pennsylvania’s 15th Congressional District by seven points — as well as the entire Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.  Dent’s adamant opposition to candidate Trump has served as prologue to his opposition to President Trump’s agenda.
  3. Only months ago, Dent rounded up a gang of 20 likeminded, liberal Republicans and sent a letter threatening to derail the House Budget Committee’s budget resolution because it would curb the growth of entitlement spending.   If big spending appropriator Charlie Dent can’t accept even modest cuts to entitlement spending and a pathway to a balanced budget – a staple of GOP principles – no wonder he’s so desperate to work with Democrats.
  4. Shortly after Trump took office, Dent attacked Trump’s proposed travel ban, saying “You can’t do that to people.”
  5. When House leaders failed at trying to get Obamacare overhaul legislation passed, Dent called on them to abandon their efforts to repeal Obamacare and work with the Democrats. After liberal Republicans torpedoed the Senate health care bill, Dent and his cohorts released a “bipartisan” plan to bail-out health insurers keeping them on government-funded life support.  Dent led the charge to depose his fellow Tuesday Group co-chair for daring to work with the conservative House Freedom Caucus on Obamacare, rather than the Democrats.  Dent and the rest of the Pennsylvania Surrender Caucus (Reps. Ryan Costello, Mike Fitzpatrick, and Patrick Meehan) joined just 16 other House Republicans in voting against the House-passed Obamacare overhaul bill, after voting just two years ago for repeal legislation that had no chance of being enacted.

“Charlie Dent’s career has been nothing more than a laundry list of abject surrender to the liberal Democrats,” said event cosponsor Ed Martin.  “Americans are fed up and ready to reclaim the mantle of last November’s election.  On Friday, we will call out liberal Tuesday Group leader Charlie Dent and the entire Pennsylvania Surrender Caucus and tell them to get back in line with the Trump agenda or get out of the way.”

What: Lehigh Valley “No Surrender” Rally

When: Friday, Sept. 1, 2017, Noon to 1:30 pm (eastern)

Where: Jordan Park, 6th Street & Sumner Avenue, Allentown, Pa.

Sponsoring Organizations: Americans for Limited Government and Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagles

Media availability before and during event upon request at media@rallypa.org.

For more information, including tickets, check us out at www.rallypa.org


Lehigh Valley ‘No Surrender’ Rally in Allentown, Pa. for Trump on Friday, Sept. 1

Will call out Charlie Dent, Tuesday Group, PA Surrender Caucus

August, 29, Allentown, Pa.—Patriots across the Lehigh Valley will converge upon Allentown on Friday, September 1 for a rally calling on Rep. Charlie Dent of Allentown and other members of the Pennsylvania Surrender Caucus to get in line behind the Trump agenda.  Dent and his Keystone State cohorts (Reps. Ryan Costello, Mike Fitzpatrick, and Patrick Meehan) continue trying in Congress to subvert the Trump agenda to Make America Great Again.  Dent is the ringleader of the liberal “Tuesday Group,” which has been a constant thorn in the side of President Trump.  “Starting September 1, we will expose Charlie Dent and his liberal Tuesday Group Republicans for surrendering the Trump agenda to Nancy Pelosi and the far Left.  We urge all Trump supporters to join us in Allentown and send a message to Congress to get to work and pass President Trump’s agenda,” said event cosponsor Rick Manning, President of Americans for Limited Government.  A list of speakers will be rolled out as the program is finalized.

What:                                                 Lehigh Valley “No Surrender” Rally

When:                                                Friday, September 1, 2017, Noon to 1:30 pm (eastern)

Where:                                              Jordan Park, 6th Street & Sumner Avenue, Allentown, Pa.

National Sponsors:                      Americans for Limited Government and Phyllis Schlafly Eagles

Media availability before and during event upon request at media@rallypa.org .

For more information, check us out at www.rallypa.org


Paul Ryan takes power of the purse leverage on wall off the table

Aug. 24, 2017, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement blasting House Speaker Paul Ryan for taking the House’s Article I power of the purse leverage off the table by saying “I don’t think a government shutdown is necessary” on achieving GOP funding priorities in the September continuing resolution including securing funding for the southern border wall proposed by President Donald Trump:

“We should call this Paul Ryan’s ‘art of the steal,’ because the Speaker is effectively stealing any possibility of achieving Republican priorities in the September spending bill including building the southern border wall he promised would be delivered this fall. Since Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is expected to try to filibuster that legislation, the only way to isolate Senate Democrats is for the House and the White House to present a united front that no bill can pass the House without the wall funding — all of it.  Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell promised $12 billion to $15 billion in January would be passed, and this funding has already been delayed once. To break this promise Ryan has been making all year again, by ceding the power of the purse to a recalcitrant Democrat Senate minority, is short-sighted, foolish and deceptive to the American people who are counting on the GOP to deliver on border security.

“Building the wall is more important than avoiding a partial government shutdown. The only shred of credibility that GOP majorities in Congress will have in 2018 is their ability and willingness to deliver the Trump agenda including the wall, and after the Obamacare debacle crying that Chuck Schumer would not let them will not fly. If President Trump’s wall is not funded, it will be another of a growing list of GOP Congressional failures, and Congressional Republicans will be the ones to pay the political price, not the President.

“It is time for Ryan and McConnell to show the American people that they are serious about enacting the President’s agenda by ending the D.C. game of bait and switch and working with the President using every tactic at their disposal to force their priorities into law. This September vote will be a crucible for House and Senate leadership and failure is no longer an option. Speaker Ryan needs to walk away from the clear signal that he is giving up on building the wall without even a whimper, let alone a fight, leaving him vulnerable to the charge that he never intended to get wall funding to the President’s desk. Ultimately, the only way Ryan regains his dignity and credibility is when he links shields with President Trump to force the Democrat minority to back down on this critical national security infrastructure project.”

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 ext. 100 or at media@limitgov.org to arrange an interview with ALG experts.




Tillerson says ‘we may not win’ in Afghanistan, embraces ‘guaranteed to fail stalemate strategy,’ says Manning

Aug. 24, 2017, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement blasting Secretary of State Rex Tillerson for saying of the U.S. military that “we may not win” a battle in Afghanistan:

“It is immoral to expend a single ounce of American blood or another dime of our treasure to play for a tie in Afghanistan. Yet, that is exactly what Secretary of State Rex Tillerson advocated when he said that the U.S. military ‘may not win’ in Afghanistan instead justifying the President’s new policy as a way to bring the Taliban to the table for a settlement.

“One strategic advantage that President Donald Trump has, akin to Ronald Reagan, is his unpredictability. By saying ‘we may not win’ in Afghanistan, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has embraced a guaranteed to fail stalemate strategy. At best, Tillerson is proposing a war of attrition, where the U.S. forces the Taliban to the table by wearing them down. At worst, he is proposing a war of attrition, where the enemy wears us down and outlasts the Trump administration. Either way, his statement undermined the clear statement of strategy by President Trump to the nation on Monday, which promised victory. ‘We may not win’ is not a vision of victory, it is the equivalent of waving a white flag before the Trump plan ever gets off the ground. After almost sixteen years in Afghanistan, time is not on the side of the U.S., it is on the side of the enemy which is indigenous to the country. They only need to outlast us. The President must repudiate the statement by Tillerson, which absolutely undermines his stated policy.”

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 ext. 100 or at media@limitgov.org to arrange an interview with ALG experts.
