Dear Mitch McConnell: Biden’s corruption and abuse of power demand impeachment

Aug. 10, 2023, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement urging Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and the Senate let the U.S. House of Representatives to do its job and complete its impeachment inquiry of President Joe Biden, in response to McConnell’s statement to the New York Times that “Impeachment ought to be rare… This is not good for the country.”:

“Impeachment is a terrible thing as it should be a last resort. House Democrats abused this Constitutional remedy to presidential corruption twice during the Trump administration in a blatant political weaponization of what was once a solemn process.

“The sin by the Pelosi House’s choice to impeach a man who they could not defeat politically cannot be used as an excuse for Congress to not do their job when dealing with proven abuse of power and blatant pay for play corruption by the current occupant of the White House.  Joe Biden doesn’t get a constitutional get out of jail card because House Democrats acted badly.  What matters is whether Joe Biden is fit to serve as President, and the proof is that he is not.

“The House Oversight Committee has proven that Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, was being paid one million a year by a Ukrainian natural gas company that had legal problems in Ukraine.  It has been proven beyond any reasonable doubt that Hunter Biden and executives of that company, Burisma, called then-Vice President Joe Biden urging him to end the pressure on their company from a Ukrainian prosecutor.  It is public record with a grainy YouTube video as the receipt that four days after the frantic call, Vice President Joe Biden spoke to the Ukrainian legislature decrying corruption in the country with a special focus on the prosecutor’s office.  And it is incontrovertible that after leaving government with little expectation to be on the ballot again, Joe Biden bragged in a Council on Foreign Relations speech about withholding $1 billion of loan guarantees from Ukraine unless they fired the prosecutor.

“This is just one instance of the Joe Biden legacy of corruption which extends from Kiev to Moscow to Romania to Beijing.  And this doesn’t even mention his Justice Department’s fervent pursuit of Donald Trump in an effort to disqualify the former President and overwhelming frontrunner for the GOP nomination from election. Seems to me that the key claim in the Pelosi Ukrainian impeachment of Trump was that he asked the President of Ukraine to look into the very Biden corruption which the House Oversight Committee has uncovered.  Trump got impeached for seeking the truth.  Now Biden must be impeached because the truth is that Joe Biden heads a family criminal enterprise where he is the brand and his influence is what is for sale.

“Americans for Limited Government has created a means for Americans to let Congress know that they expect Joe Biden to be impeached.  No more excuses, the Biden Crime Family has been exposed and it is Congress’ constitutional responsibility to use the impeachment process to remove someone who can credibly be questioned about his motives in foreign policy decisions due to his past personal corrupt and illegal enrichment.”

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Americans for Limited Government Urges Cosponsorship of Paul-Jordan Free Speech Protection Act

July 20, 2023, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement urging members of the House and Senate to cosponsor the Free Speech Protection Act by Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), Ranking Member of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio):

“Senator Rand Paul and Representative Jim Jordan have introduced the most important civil liberties protection legislation in at least a decade.  The Free Speech Protection Act ends the practice of federal government officials, agencies and their contractors of communicating with media and social media platforms to censor speech.  What’s more, it provides the ability of those whose speech is censored to take legal action against those government officials who were responsible for the censorship.

“This is why Americans for Limited Government is urging every Member of Congress to cosponsor the Free Speech Protection Act.  Every American should agree that the right to dissent, which is at the heart of the First Amendment freedom of speech and assembly clauses, is part of the DNA of the American political experience.  Every Member of Congress should be appalled by the abuses of power and work to assure that future administrations cannot do the same to their political opposition.”


Letter to Congress in favor of the Free Speech Protection Act, July 20, 2023 at

Urge Congress To End Unconstitutional Censorship!

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Vote Yes For Perry-Boebert Amendment on FAA Legislation

July 20, 2023, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement urging the U.S. House of Representatives to vote in favor of an amendment to the FAA legislation by U.S. Rep. Scott Perry (R-Pa.) and Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) that would protect the existing market for premium tail fin numbers by striking Section 206 and 207 from the bill:

“One man saw a need for a market for higher value airplane tail numbers.  He met that need, investing his money to legally purchase airplane tail numbers that he believed would be desirable, and now provides a way for aircraft owners to have access to these premium numbers.  Those who don’t want to use his service have almost half a million other number and letter combinations to choose from for just $10 each.  This is American entrepreneurial spirit at work and a perfect example of supply and demand. Vote yes on the Perry Boebert amendment number.

“There is no legitimate reason to change the law.  I know this is a little thing, affecting a couple of entrepreneurs and a few aircraft owners, but if you are going to stand for limited government, then you can’t stand for ending an honest market-based business just because you can.”


FAA Bill Stomps Free Market Tail Number System & Common Sense, July 19, 2023, By Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning at

Letter to House and Senate against Sections 206 and 207 of FAA reauthorization, July 14, 2023, Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning:

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Senate refuses to reaffirm Constitution’s supremacy over NATO Treaty

July 19, 2023, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement blasting the defeat of an amendment offered by Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) to the National Defense Authorization Act that would have affirmed Congress’ power to declare war under Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution:

“It was disappointing that 83 Senators disagreed with the basic principle that a treaty cannot supersede the U.S. Constitution when it comes to going to war.

“Americans for Limited Government supported Amendment 222 offered by Senator Rand Paul to the NDAA this afternoon affirming that Congress’ power to declare war under Article I, Section 8, Clause 11 of the Constitution.

“The world is in a perilous time and it is for these exact times that following the Constitution is of paramount importance. The decision to go to war must always be made with the consent of the governed and that means through a vote of Congress. This would not have changed the NATO Treaty, but merely reaffirmed provisions within it which assure that actions should be carried out within the framework of each member country’s constitutions.”


Dr. Paul, Reps. Roy and Davidson Reaffirm Congress’ Constitutional Authority to Declare War, June 22, 2023 at

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Vote Yes On Gosar Amendment To FAA Legislation

July 19, 2023, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning Manning today issued the following statement in favor of passage of U.S. Rep. Paul Gosar’s (R-Ariz.) amendment 33 to the Securing Growth and Robust Leadership in American Aviation Act (FAA) bill:

“Americans for Limited Government urges passage of Representative Paul Gosar’s amendment #33 which removes an ill-advised provision restricting air flight tourism.  People with disabilities, seniors and families need the flexibility of viewing our national parks and other treasures using helicopters and fixed wing aircraft.  For many, it is the only way they can fully enjoy the unmatched beauty of the Grand Canyon, Denali and the many inaccessible Hawaiian sights.  Congress has a long history of promoting accessibility and your support for Rep. Gosar’s amendment #33 will stand alongside that historic record of inclusion.  There simply is no reason to deny people with disabilities true access to our nation’s most beautiful natural treasures.”

For media availability contact Americans for Limited Government at


Vote Yes on Perry-Boebert Amendment on FAA Reauthorization on Tail Fin Numbers

July 19, 2023, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement urging the U.S. House of Representatives to vote in favor of an amendment by U.S. Reps. Scott Perry (R-Pa.) and Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) that would strike Sections 206 and 207 of the FAA reauthorization legislation:

“Hidden within the legislation to reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration is a proposal to end the re-selling of the tail numbers which identify individual aircraft. Why the heck should the federal government care about this and who are these supposed limited government elected officials who would so blithely end a free-market solution which intelligently allocates desirable vanity tail numbers while still allowing non-premium numbers to be available for purchase for ten dollars? Fortunately, U.S. Rep. Scott Perry (R-Pa.) and U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) have offered an amendment to the legislation, Amendment No. 334, that would strike Sections 206 and 207 related to N-number restrictions.

“Some smart entrepreneurs discovered a demand for short two, three or four letter/number combinations or meaningful combinations that was unfilled, and they reserved numbers they thought there would be an excess demand for a cost of $10 each. This is a true supply and demand marketplace with potential buyers free to walk away at any time to purchase a different number from the FAA for a nominal fee, and Congress should not be interfering with.”


FAA Bill Stomps Free Market Tail Number System & Common Sense, July 19, 2023, By Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning at

Letter to House and Senate against Sections 206 and 207 of FAA reauthorization, July 14, 2023, Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning:

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ALG Urges Public to Stay Calm and Not Take the Bait

July 18, 2023, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement urging the public to remain calm in response to reports that former President Donald Trump may once again be arrested by the Justice Department, this time for alleged violations of the Insurrection Act:

“Having observed the politicized and weaponized U.S. Department of Justice and how they have used January 6 as an excuse to eviscerate First, Fourth and Fifth Amendment rights, the reported pending arrest of President Donald Trump is a time to respond with a calm resoluteness and dedication to exhausting every ounce of energy to ending this abuse of power at the ballot box.  Any GOP member in Congress who chooses to stand with the DOJ and FBI should be primaried and defeated.  Most know or suspect that the Biden administration secretly hopes for protests which can be goaded into violence.  Do not take the bait.  We have seen the pictures of suspected FBI actors instructing others to lead the attack on the Capitol police barricades on January 6.  Please do not give those who would use any incident as an excuse to escalate their war on individual liberty.

“I am sick of this garbage as much as anyone.  We have one choice.  To beat the corrupt elites in charge of the White House and our intelligence agencies at the ballot box, and then sweep them into the ash heap of history where they belong.  Stay calm, but do not be defeated.”


“Protesters in Washington D.C. should cease and desist from violence,” statement by Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning, Jan. 6, 2021 at

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Slowing of jobs economy in June very troubling

July 7, 2023, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement in response to the latest jobs numbers:

“The Labor Department’s unemployment report signals a slowing of the jobs economy in June.  The most troubling number was the significant increase in people reporting that they had become part-time employees due to slowing or slack economic conditions.  Employers moving their workers to part-time status is the typical cost-cutting path that businesses are forced to pursue as the economy slows.

“It is fair to say that predicting recession off of this one report is unreasonable, but it is important to note alarm bells that go off when reading beyond the top-line unemployment rate numbers.”

For media availability contact Americans for Limited Government at


Trump indictment a threat to constitutional governance

June 8, 2023, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement blasting President Joe Biden and Attorney General Merrick Garland for indicting former President Donald Trump, the Republican frontrunner in 2024, and urged the U.S. House of Representatives to immediately begin impeachment proceedings against Biden and Garland for this unprecedented abuse of power:

“Major allegations related to President Joe Biden’s taking a $5 million bribe in exchange for getting a Ukrainian prosecutor fired just hit American news outlets today. Just an hour and a half after this bombshell, very credible allegation of bribery, the Justice Department leaped into action and indicted former President Donald Trump for having classified documents that any reasonable reading of the law and Constitution indicates he had every right to have because they were declassified. Joe Biden over the past four years has repeatedly stated that his presidency is about the soul of the country. If what’s happened on June 8, 2023, with this massive abuse of power for a sitting president to imprison his political opponent doesn’t convince you that our nation’s soul is at stake, nothing will.

“The Trump indictment represents a threat to constitutional governance. We are in a battle over whether the Constitution and Declaration of Independence even matter anymore, and it is incumbent upon the House to exercise its Article I responsibility to rein in an out of control executive and begin impeachment proceedings against both Biden and his Attorney General immediately.”

For media availability contact Americans for Limited Government at


Durbin’s stale, failed processing fee legislation only benefits the woke corps

June 6, 2023, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement urging opposition to expected legislation by Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) that would impose new regulations on credit card processing fees:

“Woke retailers like Target are lining up in support of what last year I called ‘smash and grab’ legislation worth billions of dollars by mandating changes to how credit cards are processed. Senator Dick Durbin succeeded in getting language put into the 2010 Dodd-Frank bill that imposed massive new regulations on the banking industry which changed the processing of debit card transactions.  Guess who got and kept the windfall in lower processing fees?  If you answered the big box retailers, you are right.

“Why would anyone in the Senate jump on board legislation which would give uber-woke retailers like Target millions of dollars a month in free money? That’s the question Americans should be asking Senator Durbin who is expected to reintroduce his stale, failed legislation to give Big Box retailers a bigger cut on credit card swipe fees.

“As always, Durbin and Target lobbyists promise that the savings in processing fees will find their way to the consumer.  As the legendary British rock group The Who once sung, ‘we won’t be fooled again.’

“In fact, a 2017 study by the International Center for Law and Economics (ICLE), found that big box stores like Target were the big winners from the Durbin debit card processing fees amendment, and main street stores along with lower income consumers were the losers.

“And a previous 2014 analysis by ICLE also found that ‘although the Durbin Amendment had generated benefits for large box retailers, it had harmed many other merchants, especially those specializing in small-ticket items, and imposed substantial net costs on the majority of consumers, especially those from lower-income households.’

“The 2017 ICLE study also found ‘… that the passage of time has not ameliorated the harm to bank customers from the Durbin Amendment; to the contrary, earlier adverse trends have solidified or worsened. Nor do we find any indication that matters have improved for small merchants or retail consumers: Although large merchants continue to reap a Durbin Amendment windfall, there remains no evidence that small merchants have realized any cost savings — indeed, many have suffered cost increases. Nor is there any evidence that merchants have lowered prices for retail consumers; for many small-ticket items, in fact, prices have been driven up. Finally, we identify a new trend that was not apparent when we examined the data three years ago: Contrary to our findings then, the two-tier system of interchange fee regulation (which exempts issuing banks with under $10 billion in assets) no longer appears to be protecting smaller banks from the Durbin Amendment’s adverse effects.’

“Shocker.  The 2010 Durbin amendment benefitted Durbin’s big retailer donors and harmed small businesses.

“What’s more, the study finds that bank consumers with low balances endured higher bank fees in order to offset the losses suffered by the banks increasing the number of unbanked Americans.  Effectively, Durbin’s last venture into the transfer fee arena created the perverse effect that the poorest consumers suffered a funds transfer into the largest and wealthiest big box stores.

“Now, you know why Durbin is desperately seeking a GOP Senator to co-sponsor his recycled credit card transfer fee legislation.  It is also why he is looking in the ranks of the newly elected Republican freshman class, like Ohio’s J.D. Vance, for someone who doesn’t realize that this idea has been tried and has failed.

“It is easy to understand why Illinois’ Dick Durbin would want to fill the pockets of woke retailers like Target with unearned cash, what is impossible to fathom is why any GOP Senator would join him.”

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