McConnell’s exit clears way for Senate GOP to work to accomplish Trump agenda

Feb. 28, 2024, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President today issued the following statement on Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) stepping down from his Senate Republican leadership position in November:

“Senator McConnell’s decision to step down from his Senate Republican leadership post in November will hopefully embolden him and his staff to use these last few months to fight for a restoration of fiscal sanity, freedom and border security. Senator McConnell has an opportunity to at least partially restore his legacy by using his position to stop the flow of illegal aliens root and branch. If he instead chooses appeasement on the border, the budget and on Biden’s executive overreaches, it will cement his position as an establishment stumbling block against true reform. In the least, McConnell’s exit now clears the way for Senate Republicans to choose leadership who are going to work diligently to accomplish the Trump agenda in 2025.”


“Senate Minority Leader McConnell pushes for ‘clean appropriations and away from poison pills’ as House Speaker Johnson pushes to ‘rein in Democrats’ overspending and policies’ harming America,” By Robert Romano, Feb. 28, 2024 at

For media availability contact Americans for Limited Government at .



Did Special Counsel Hur lie? Release the Biden transcripts

Get DOJ out of elections

Feb. 27, 2024, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement in response to the U.S. House Judiciary, Oversight and Ways and Means Committees’ Feb. 12 letter urging the release of Special Counsel Robert Hur’s interviews with President Joe Biden:

“Special Counsel Robert Hur made specific allegations against President Joe Biden that he was ‘elderly man with a poor memory’ who couldn’t stand trial. This unnecessary allegation by the Special Counsel is an effective kill shot against the Biden campaign and the release of transcripts of Hur’s interviews with Biden are necessary to determine its truthfulness.

“Since 2016, the Department of Justice has played a major role in our presidential elections and it must be ended. It was not James Comey’s job to lay out the case against Hillary Clinton, and then say she was unprosecutable, nor was it their job to give credence to politically motivated Russia collusion charges against candidate and then President Trump.

“Today, the Department of Justice finds itself running a dubious set of cases against former President Trump, and the Hur investigation of Biden’s handling of classified documents prior to his presidency went well beyond the facts to question Biden’s fitness for office. America has fallen away from the core principles of elective, representative government as we are now subjected to the Justice Department acting as both opposition researchers and legal shields in the presidential election process. This is dangerous and the special counsel regulations need to be revised or rescinded.”


“Will the American people determine if Biden and Trump run for president—or the permanent state? Special Counsel Hur questions Biden’s ‘poor memory’ while Special Counsel Smith tries to lock up Trump,” By Robert Romano, Feb. 9, 2024 at

For media availability contact Americans for Limited Government at .


Nikki Haley says she’s ‘not going anywhere.’ She’s correct.

Feb. 20, 2024, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement blasting former Gov. Nikki Haley after she stated “South Carolina will vote on Saturday. But on Sunday, I’ll still be running for president. I’m not going anywhere.”:

“Nikki Haley says she’s ‘not going anywhere.’ She’s correct. Her campaign for the Republican nomination is dead as GOP voters are overwhelmingly rejecting her. Haley’s determination to play the role of wrecking ball on behalf of Joe Biden is evidence that she is nothing more than a mouthpiece for big money uniparty donors.

“It is both instructive and distressing that Haley chooses to embrace the Department of Justice and intelligence agencies’ abuses of power against former President Donald Trump and the American people. Her acceptance of Biden’s censorship and prosecution of political opponents makes her unfit to be elected dog catcher let alone serve as president.

“Biden’s censorship regime is nothing more than a symptom of the disease that afflicts our country, a corporate-government axis that obliterates the First, Fourth, Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments. This axis fears Donald Trump and his determination to both drain their controlled swamp and end their bid for tyrannical one-party rule. Nikki Haley’s vow to continue in the race despite embarrassing losses is little more than an endorsement of Joe Biden’s reelection and serves as a permanent indictment on her character and judgment.”

For media availability contact Americans for Limited Government at .


Trump $350 million fine in New York threatens property rights under Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments

Feb. 16, 2024, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement in response to New York City Judge Arthur Engoron fining former President Donald Trump and the Trump Organization over $350 million over property valuations:

“The political persecution of President Donald Trump by partisan prosecutors and judges continued today in New York, where ‘Judge’ Arthur Engoron fined Donald Trump and the Trump Organization more than $350 million and barred him from serving as an officer or director of any New York corporation for three years over a financial fraud claim.

“The claim came down to an alleged misevaluation of his properties by Trump to banks who loaned him money. In court, representatives of the banks testified that they conducted their own valuations (as happens with every property loan) and made the loans based upon those valuations, thus showing zero harm.  What’s more the Trump valuations approximated the banks own valuations of the property, which were dramatically divergent from the valuations ascribed by the Attorney General office of New York.  Likewise, Florida real estate experts testified that the Mar a Lago estate’s value far exceeded what was claimed by the New York Attorney General.  In spite of the bank claiming no harm, and their testimony that the loans given were repaid in full including interest, the judge found Trump guilty and fined him $350 million.  It is hard to imagine any reasonable person doing business with the state of New York in the future given the pure injustice of this decision and penalty.

“The Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution protects individuals from government taking of property.  President Trump has promised to appeal the decision.  For the sake of the future economic viability of the state of New York, this political confiscation of Donald Trump’s properly owned, maintained and financed properties must be overturned. Even partisan Democrat politicians have to understand that no one of sound mind can justify putting their wealth at risk of political confiscation as has happened to former President Trump in this case.  The fact that this case even was allowed to be considered is a deep scar on the Empire State and should force every corporation which has significant assets in the state to engage in self-examination of whether having a spot on the New York City skyline is worth risking their entire company’s and personal wealth if they fall on the wrong political side of pernicious and venal local and state prosecutors working in concert with a political hack on the bench.”

For media availability contact Americans for Limited Government at .


3 Years Later: Revocation Of Houthis As Terrorists Opened Door For Iranian Aggression

Feb. 12, 2024, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement marking the three-year anniversary of the State Department’s announcement that the Houthis would no longer be considered a terrorist organization:

Three years ago today, the U.S. State Department and the Biden administration announced that they were revoking the terrorist designation of the Houthis as a Foreign Terrorist Organization. One month ago, the United States and the British bombed Houthi rebels is bombing the Houthis in retaliation for their attacks on cargo ships on the Red Sea heading to and from the Suez Canal. The Suez Canal handles 30 percent of the entire world’s sea-going container traffic.

“While the Biden administration seems to have forgotten this three-year anniversary which opened the door to Iran’s funding of its terror network in Yemen, it would be a shame if the rest of the world forgot about how kowtowing to Iran has made the world a much more dangerous place. Just another Biden blunder – shrinking America’s prestige, power and dollar one screw up at a time.”

For media availability contact Americans for Limited Government at .


Special Counsel report on Biden should scare everyone

Once again, Justice Department seeks to pick winners and losers in American elections

Feb. 9, 2024, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement in response to Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report on President Joe Biden:

“The most disturbing element of Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report on President Joe Biden was not that the Biden could not be prosecuted as a sitting president. That was to be expected based on Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel opinions from 2000 and 1973. It is that once again the Department of Justice is using prosecutorial powers and pronouncements to put its thumb on the scale of a presidential election, in this case by trying to push Biden out. The Biden special counsel report opining on the President’s mental capacity can be viewed as the equivalent of a prosecutorial death sentence to Biden’s presidential campaign. No one elected Hur, the Special Counsel, to do politics and this ongoing weaponization of the Department of Justice to pick nominees, candidates and eventual winners in our election system is frightening. Republicans and Democrats alike should join together to end the special counsel regulations to prevent future anonymous bureaucrats from playing major roles in determining who gets elected and who doesn’t in what is supposed to be a free and fair election.

“It absolutely understandable why in the face of the two-tiered justice system and eight years of the Justice Department’s abuse of Donald Trump that many Republicans are celebrating Hur’s pronouncement of Biden’s unfitness for office. But the real challenge facing our nation is that unelected bureaucrats are using their positions of trust to influence elections. Just as it’s inexcusable that Special Counsel Hur made his pronouncement on Biden, so too must Special Counsel Jack Smith’s tenure as Special Counsel also be ended. The mutually assured destruction against both parties engendered by the Justice Department and other intelligence agencies does grave damage to our nation’s belief that our electoral system is based on the consent of the governed.”


“Will the American people determine if Biden and Trump run for president—or the permanent state? Special Counsel Hur questions Biden’s ‘poor memory’ while Special Counsel Smith tries to lock up Trump,” By Robert Romano, Feb. 9, 2024,

For media availability contact Americans for Limited Government at .


ALG urges no vote on Senate illegal immigration legalization bill

Don’t tie Trump’s hands in 2025

Feb. 6, 2024, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement in opposition to the Senate $118 billion foreign aid and border supplemental:

“The Senate immigration proposal legislatively locks in illegal immigration levels of millions for years to come, and specifically would prohibit former President Trump in 2025 should he win from closing the border. Any action that transforms illegal immigration into legal entrance into our country will have permanent, negative, long-term consequences for our nation and must be opposed. It is incredible that Republicans in the Senate would even consider voting for legislation designed to tie Trump’s hands in 2025 and beyond.”


“Trump tells Congressional Republicans ‘only a fool… would vote for this horrendous border bill’. He’s right, it guarantees at least 1.1 million illegal immigrants a year.” By Robert Romano, Feb. 6, 2024 at

“House Republicans declare Senate foreign aid, border bill dead on arrival, requires 1.1 million illegal immigrants a year,” By Robert Romano, Feb. 5, 2024 at

For media availability contact Americans for Limited Government at .


Americans for Limited Government Endorses Donald J. Trump for President

Time for Nikki Haley to End Her Campaign

Jan. 23, 2024, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement endorsing former President Donald Trump for president in 2024:

“Donald Trump will be the GOP nominee for President of the United States, and Americans for Limited Government proudly supports him.  It is time for former Governor Nikki Haley to end her campaign in order that the focus can turn to defeating Joe Biden and his attempt to finish the fundamental transformation of America promised by Barack Obama.

“This election is a battle for the soul of America. This is what Joe Biden has claimed on multiple occasions.  This statement is perhaps the only thing Biden got right in his entire presidency, because the election is indeed a battle for the soul of our country.

Will America embrace the radical idea thatWe hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness?’

“This idea has been rightfully expanded to include women, but the fundamental precept is clear.  We are created.  Our rights are from God, not allowances from government. And we are free to pursue happiness, but not guaranteed it.

“Will America remember, ‘That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed?’

“The consent of the governed, meaning the government including intelligence and other national security-oriented agencies, the federal criminal justice bureaucracy and even the IRS are subject to the supremacy of the elected leaders, particularly the President of the United States, through whom these agencies and departments derive their ‘just powers’ as detailed under Article II of the U.S. Constitution — from the consent granted by the people.

“Former President Donald Trump is the only person who has the determination to restore a federal government which serves the people rather than expecting the people to bow down and serve them.

“The heart of America is the goodness of the American people. A people willing to donate freely to help others beset by natural disasters around the world.  A people who have historically chosen to shed the blood of their sons and now daughters around the world in the defense of freedom. A people who don’t want to worry about what their government in Washington, D.C. is up to, and prefer to pursue happiness by exercising their life and liberty to follow their dreams.

“2024 may be the last time Americans have a true opportunity to exercise the power of the ballot box on behalf of a candidate who will dedicate himself to destroying the poisonous tree of the intrusive, self-serving administrative state by striking directly at its root in Washington, D.C.

“Americans for Limited Government supports Donald J. Trump to be restored to the presidency by the vote of the people and urges all those who love and wish to defend individual liberty to join us. If we unite, we cannot be defeated, but if we are fractured, we cannot win.  Join us in uniting around the DNA of America and voting for the only candidate who is pledged to not only embrace but fight to maintain it — Donald J. Trump.”

For media availability contact Americans for Limited Government at .


U.S. Rep. Spartz’ Debt Commission Act will address debt death spiral

Jan. 17, 2024, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement in support of U.S. Rep. Victoria Spartz’ (R-Ind.) Debt Commission Act of 2024:

“America is in a debt death spiral, with OMB projecting the national debt to rise to $50 trillion by 2033, and it is unclear whether Congress will ever have the political will to do something about it. One thing is clear, continued reliance on debt to subsidize the social safety net ensures that that net will collapse, hurting those who are most dependent on it including seniors.

“The Social Security and Medicare trust funds are reporting they are rapidly approaching insolvency, and today, mandatory spending including interest payments account for 73 percent of all federal spending, and at $4.6 trillion, accounts for 100 percent of all revenue taken by the federal government from all sources. This means if Congress eliminated all defense spending, all foreign aid, and every program that Congress votes on, firing every employee, the federal government would still run a deficit.

“And it gets worse. In fact, the percent of mandatory spending plus interest is projected to rise to 78 percent of all spending by 2033, accounting for 105 percent of all revenue.

“Another example of the debt spiral is the dramatic increase in Medicaid recipients resulting from the shift in eligibility for benefits from 200 to 300 percent of the poverty level in 43 states from Obamacare, resulting in approximately $100 billion of additional spending according to the Congressional Budget Office.

“There are no easy answers to the debt abyss we are trapped in. Every dollar spent has a constituency. Every dollar taxed has a constituency. While Congress should be able to have an honest discussion on alternatives, politics prevents it, and with intergovernmental holdings of debt set to begin declining in 2028 as entitlements reach the tipping point, U.S. Rep. Victoria Spartz’ Debt Commission Act of 2024 will at least jump start a robust policy discussion that is long overdue.”


Spartz Updates Debt Commission Proposal, Jan. 9, 2024 at

Debt Commission Act of 2024 at

For media availability contact Americans for Limited Government at .


ALG opposes Schumer-Lankford illegal immigration amnesty deal

Jan. 16, 2024, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement in opposition to a deal reported by the Immigration Accountability Project between Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.) on illegal immigration amnesty:

“Americans for Limited Government ardently opposes the Schumer-Lankford illegal immigration expansion deal.  President Biden’s failure to enforce the law should not be rewarded with an acceptance of more than 150,000 entries a month.  The bad deal effectively normalizes catastrophic levels of illegal immigration while knowing those who created the crisis by ignoring the law for the past three years will continue ignoring it in the future. Senator Lankford is a man of honorable intentions dealing with those without them and the result must be defeated.”

For media availability contact Americans for Limited Government at
