Senate rejects S.J. Res. 52, upholds 1332 waivers that restore federalism to health insurance markets

Oct. 30, 2019, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement praising the Senate for rejecting S.J. Res. 52 and upholding 1332 waivers that restore state primacy in health insurance markets:

“The President kept his word by administratively undoing parts of Obamacare that decrease competition and drive up health care costs, beginning the process of restoring state primacy over the insurance markets. House Democrats tried to undo that using the Congressional Review Act, but thanks to the Senate that effort failed. And the Senate should also reject any other attempts to create artificial government price controls including the unintended consequences in health care policy in the surprise medical billing legislation currently being considered in the House, which would have the perverse effect of driving up overall health care costs as well.”

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