Fly Your Flag, Piss off a Liberal

Fairfax, Va. – In recognition of Flag Day in the United States, Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning issued the following statement:

“Flag Day is more important today than ever before in history.  We have a concerted attack by the left on America as symbolized by recent challenges on what our flag stands for by those who revel in the protection of people who burn it in the streets while viewing those who fly it proudly as a national problem.  After Memorial Day, Mara Gay, a New York Times Editorial Board member complained on MSNBC about the amount of flags she witnessed on Long Island stating, ‘…I was really disturbed. I saw, you know, dozens and dozens of pickup trucks with expletives against Joe Biden on the back of them, Trump flags, and in some cases just dozens of American flags, which is also just disturbing … Essentially the message was clear. This is my country. This is not your country. I own this.’

“Americans for Limited Government strongly encourages every American to fly their American flag today and every day as a reminder to their neighbors that they are not alone in their feeling of pride in the United States of America, and also as a reminder to those who are disturbed by flying the flag that they are a small, narrow minority of elitists who hate American freedoms and the God-given individual liberties that have made our nation unique and a beacon of freedom for the rest of the world.

“Fly your flag and piss off a liberal.”

For media availability contact Catherine Mortensen at 703-478-4643, or


Time to end national economic emergency measures

May’s drop in unemployment makes clear the economic emergency is over.

Fairfax, Va. – Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement in response to the U.S. Department of Labor’s May unemployment report which showed a drop in unemployment from 6.1 percent to 5.8 percent.

“As states continue to reopen their economies, it is having the obvious anticipated impact of lowering the unemployment rate. The number of people on temporary layoff declined by 291,000 people in May accounting for about 60 percent of the drop in the number of people unemployed.

“However, the fact that more than a million additional people still remain on temporary layoff status when compared to February 2020, prior to the Chinese lab originated pandemic, continues to prove that big, blue state governors economic shutdown policies have been a disaster for American workers. The ten states with the highest unemployment rates are all run by Democrat governors.

“We can anticipate that positive employment numbers will keep growing through the summer as blue states continue to open up. Another positive impact this summer will be the decision by almost half of the states to drop the federal government extended unemployment benefit which has discouraged workers in these recovered states from coming off the sidelines and taking a job. Next month’s unemployment report should reflect this important policy shift by increasing labor participation.

“It is clear that the economic emergency is over. Congress should take immediate steps to end economic measures that no longer make sense. The job market challenges that remain are largely due to the actions of state governments governing by fear rather than science. These challenges no longer require a one-size-fits-all federal government response. It is time to end national economic emergency measures.”

For media availability contact Catherine Mortensen at 703-478-4643, or email at

Fire Fauci!

Americans for Limited Government loses faith in Fauci and calls for his removal

Fairfax, Va. – Americans for Limited Government (ALG) is promoting an online campaign urging our members and supporters to support  the Fauci’s Incompetence Requires Early Dismissal (FIRED) Act.

The bill would impose a retroactive 12-year term limit on the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Fauci’s official post. The top scientist has held the job since 1984, so if the bill were to be signed into law he would be forced out of his job.

ALG President Rick Manning issued the following statement calling for Fauci’s removal:

“Dr. Fauci’s response to this pandemic has been a disaster and he must be dismissed. Fauci has not been open and transparent with the American people about the origins of the deadly Covid-19 virus. His muddled messaging on the value of masks has cost him credibility. Now, as more evidence emerges that the virus may have come from the notorious Wuhan lab, something Fauci denied was even possible, it is clear that Fauci is part of the problem. Clearly Fauci knew there was a strong possibly the virus could have emerged from the Wuhan lab which he had funded. Fauci must be fired. He has spent the last year scoffing at and denying the Wuhan lab-leak theory and as a result we haven’t had an honest investigation, possibly costing millions of lives. An intense investigation into the origins of the virus will be essential to preventing future pandemics. Unfortunately, due to Dr. Fauci’s decision that ousting Trump was more important than getting to the truth, we are 13-15 months behind in preventing another world-wide pandemic that experts fear.”

Rep. Warren Davidson (R-Ohio), who introduced the FIRED Act, told ALG, “Dr. Fauci represents everything that President Eisenhower warned us about in his farewell address: the scientific-technical elite steering the country toward their own ends. Americans have had decades of Dr. Fauci’s leadership, and he publicly failed to respond appropriately to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is time for him to step aside so that new leadership can ‘follow the science’ and start reopening America.”


Thank you, Mitch McConnell for protecting America from the Woke Mob in Congress

Fairfax, Va. – Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement in reaction to the defeat of a measure in the Senate that would have resulted in a partisan witch hunt against Trump supporters:

“Thank you Senator Mitch McConnell for working to make certain that the one-sided Pelosi Star Chamber on the January 6th Capitol break-in is not moving ahead.  After hundreds of FBI and other law enforcement officials using the full power of the federal government investigated and continue to investigate what happened, as well as the House impeaching the President with a full Senate acquittal, there is nothing to be served by another investigation but political theater.

“Ironically, if Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi truly wanted to get to the bottom of what happened, they would be investigating why the House Sergeant at Arms (who is directly controlled by the Speaker) refused requests leading up to January 6, by the head of the Capitol Police to have National Guard protection for the Capitol in spite of intelligence indicating that trouble might be brewing.  What’s more, they would investigate why the Capitol Police falsely claimed that Officer Brian Sicknick died from a head wound caused by a fire extinguisher when the coroner determined that not only was there no head wound, but his untimely and unfortunate passing was a completely natural event due to a stroke suffered on January 7th.  Finally, it would be important to discover what prompted a Capitol Police officer to shoot and kill Ashli Babbitt with the same kind of investigative fervor that is used in other police shootings of private citizen.

“America owes a debt of gratitude to Leader McConnell for his courage in standing up to the mob which wants to continue to politicize the tragic events of January 6.  His determination to bring national healing should be hailed from ocean to ocean. For those who love America and want our nation to thrive, moving ahead rather than being continually divided by those who seek to use their governmental powers against their political opponents, I say, thank you Leader Mitch McConnell, thank you.”

For media availability, contact Catherine Mortensen at 703-478-4643 or email at


Memo to Biden: Stop Spending!

Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement responding to President Joe Biden’s proposed $6 trillion budget:

“Memo to President Biden: The emergency is over, stop spending as if we were at the height of the Covid crisis. President Joe Biden’s $6 trillion budget would make permanent the spending from Covid and then some — a 36 percent increase ($1.6 trillion) above the pre-pandemic 2019 outlays levels of $4.4 trillion.

“The $1.8 trillion deficit that results effectively removes any illusion that the federal government will ever rein in spending. Biden’s plan would increase government dependency, crowd out private investment, and make permanent the economic damage wrought by the Wuhan-lab-originated virus.

“House and Senate GOP members should coalesce with Democrats who claim to be moderates and declare this budget dead on arrival, and to create a realistic plan to end the destructive government gravy train emergency Covid spending. Congress needs to send a direct message to Biden: stop spending. It’s time to allow America to recover.”

For media availability, contact Catherine Mortensen at 703-478-4643 or email at


Biden attempts to deflect from his administration’s shut down of Trump-era investigation into Covid origins

In response to a CNN investigation that found the Biden administration terminated a Trump-era probe into the possibility of Wuhan lab leak as the origin of the deadly Covid-19 virus, President Biden today released a statement attempting to deflect from his administration’s attempted cover-up.

Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement in reaction to the breaking news:

“Today’s statement by Joe Biden is a tacit admission that his administration canceled and then covered up a legitimate State Department investigation into the origins of the Wuhan virus. Biden’s dramatic change in direction clearly shows that his administration is finally taking seriously the calls of Sen. Rand Paul, Sen. Tom Cotton, and Rep. Bill Posey that an investigation must occur. However, having Covid-origin deniers in the administration who have already engaged in a coverup running any investigation is unacceptable. They have already proven they are politically motivated, cannot be trust to run an honest investigation.

“This is why Americans for Limited Government supports HR 834, a bill that would create a non-partisan commission to get to the bottom of the deadly virus that has now killed more than 3.3 million people worldwide.”

For media availability call Catherine Mortensen at 703-478-4643 or email at


Alarming inflation rate calls for immediate halt to Biden’s socialist agenda

Biden, Pelosi, Schumer Need to Reverse Course Immediately

Fairfax, Va. – Today’s data from the U.S. Labor Department’s Bureau of Labor Statistics shows annualized inflation has jumped to 4.2 percent. Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning issued the following statement blaming the alarming inflation rate on the socialist spending and regulatory policies of President Joe Biden and the Democrat-controlled Congress.

“Inflation is back, courtesy of the wild spending spree by the Biden administration in the face of supply limitations that, at least partially, are the result of continued limitations instituted by state governments.  When Joe Biden took office, the annualized inflation rate was 1.4%, and the January inflation rate had ticked up to .3 percent. Just released inflation data from the U.S. Labor Department’s Bureau of Labor Statistics shows annualized inflation has jumped to 4.2 percent with the previous three months showing increases of .4, .6 and in April .8 percent.  While an imperfect calculation as the inflation numbers build upon themselves, the previous three months annualize out to an inflation rate in excess of 7 percent and rising.

“As those who lived through the hard times of high inflation in the 1970s and early 1980s, prices increasing faster than wages is devastating both to the economy and to the nation’s psyche as the feeling that ‘the harder I work, the further I fall behind’ takes hold.

“Congress needs to quit messing around with the left’s attempt to federalize our election laws and impose a socialist wish list on America and behave responsibly.  This means killing Biden’s latest $1.9 trillion spending bill outright, and rescinding the excessive unemployment benefits that are stifling the labor markets.  Because much of the inflation has been fueled by high energy costs which drive up costs for the delivery of goods around the country, the administration also drop their regulatory attack on oil and natural gas.

“At the start of Biden’s term, our nation was energy independent, enjoyed low inflation and a booming employment market which was held back only by Democrat state governors’ Covid lockdowns. In his first 100 days, Biden has rescinded the Trump prosperity program and replaced it with a government-before-people agenda that is directly responsible for this inflation burst.

“The difficult piece of this puzzle is that once the inflation genie is out of the bottle, a number of other ills follow including higher interest rates which impact home and car purchases, but also the amount the U.S. taxpayer has to pay to service our $28 trillion debt.  The Biden, Pelosi, Schumer team need to reverse course now before they kill the goose that laid the golden egg.”

For media availability contact Catherine Mortensen at 703-479-4643 or

Cheney leadership ouster unites Republicans towards the future

May 12, 2021, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement reacting to the ouster of U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) as House Republican Conference Chair:

“Liz Cheney continued to choose to look backwards at the Trump presidency rather than fight the dangerous leftward lurch by Biden-Pelosi-Schumer that harms all Americans. It is her failure to have a vision for the future and how to lead against the big government, corporatist threat against freedom that made her ouster as House Republicans’ lead communicator necessary. Republicans made the right choice to turn towards a new leader who is capable of focusing on the challenges ahead, rather than sowing division through relitigating lost internal battles of the past. This is why Nancy Pelosi recently referred to Liz Cheney as her favorite Republican. With the move today, House Republican leadership can act as one as they fight for common sense, limited government principles.”

For media availability please contact Catherine Mortensen at or 703-478-4643.


Reject Democrat’s ‘Steal the Vote’ Bill

S.1 Would Create a Stunning One-Party Takeover of Voting Laws and Elections in Our Country

Fairfax, Va. – The Senate Rules Committee today is considering amendments to S.1, the For the People Act, a massive voting and elections bill that would  rewrite the rules of American politics to exclusively benefit one political party, the Democrats.  Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning issued the following statement urging Senators to reject this attempt at one-party takeover of our country:

“Americans for Limited Government strongly opposes this attempt to federalize elections by threatening the one-person-one-vote principle, making ballot security a thing of the past and increasing political intimidation aimed at donors. This flies in the face of the seminal Supreme Court ruling Alabama v. NAACP protecting donor anonymity.

“S.1 would require states to automatically register residents to vote at Departments of Motor Vehicles, turn the Federal Election Commission into a partisan entity controlled by the White House incumbent party, create federal regulation of Congressional redistricting, require the use of absentee ballot drop boxes, eliminate state restrictions on mail-in voting, require same-day voter registration and gut state voter identification laws. These so-called reforms are designed by partisans to give Democrats’ an advantage in federal elections and to cement one-party rule in Washington, D.C. It should be soundly defeated.”

For media availability please contact Catherine Mortensen at or 703-478-4643.

Biden’s monumental World Trade Organization Covid mistake

Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement blasting President Joe Biden for waiving intellectual property provisions of the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Agreement  related to the Covid vaccine:

“President Biden’s decision to allow a waiver of intellectual property provisions of the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Agreement for newly developed medicines and vaccines at the World Trade Organization is a monumental mistake that threatens continuing innovation and the current and future distribution of the vaccine in the fight against the Covid-19 virus.

“The cutting-edge innovation which has led to the development of four separate vaccines including two that use mRNA technology will effectively be distributed around the world under the guise of providing additional help to populations that have not received vaccinations.  While this may seem noble on its face, the net result of the Biden action will likely be the end of new innovations on treatment and better vaccines and boosters.   The Trump administration rejected the WTO waiver as it effectively allows a quantum technological leap in bio-weapon development in countries that don’t like the United States very much.

“Furthermore, it is doubtful that the waiver will produce many additional vaccines because the world is years behind in mRNA technology, meaning there are not many places with the skill to create them in a mass manufacturing setting.  The short-term result will be in straining supply chains and result in counterfeit vaccines being created at a time when health professionals need to trust what they’re administering. We’re still going to have to produce most of this and all that’s changed is we’ll be required distribute limited supplies everywhere, allowing the world to raid our supply. Next fall, if this results in a slowdown in the U.S. of vaccine distribution for any further boosters that might be needed, it will fall on Biden’s head. However, those scientists and government’s intent on bio-weaponry development, including China which is in a race to develop a bio arsenal, may get answers on how a weapon might be defeated, making the world a less safe place.

“We urge President Biden to reconsider this decision.  It won’t significantly increase the number of vaccines available, encourage development of even more advanced treatments and vaccines, while increasing our national security risks.”

For media availability contact Catherine Mortensen at 703-478-4643 or
