Time is running out for Congress to listen and defund vaccine mandates

Feb. 24, 2022, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today urged Congress to oppose any omnibus spending bill that allows implementation of President Joe Biden’s Covid vaccine mandates, including through the use of the Senate filibuster:

“Americans for Limited Government urges Congress to listen to the American people and oppose any omnibus spending bill that funds implementation of President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandates, including with the use of the Senate filibuster. Compulsory vaccines are unconstitutional, unnecessary and counterproductive, resulting in a decrease of voluntary vaccinations in the months following their announcement. In a free country, the American people must be allowed to determine for themselves what their own risk tolerance is, whether it is with Covid, the flu or any other illness. The past month, 25 million emails have been sent to Congressional offices in opposition to vaccine mandates from Americans for Limited Government action alerts. Now, Congress must listen and act to protect liberty. No excuses.”

For media availability contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 or media@limitgov.org.


Truckers convoy arrives at D.C. in display of patriotism

Feb. 23, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement praising the truckers convoy arriving in the Washington, D.C. area today:

“The truckers convoy arriving in the Washington, D.C. area today have wisely decided that they will not go into Washington, D.C. proper and will instead drive around the Beltway responsibly. Their message urging Congress to embrace a freedom agenda and to end Covid mandates is important at this time in American history. This decision by convoy leader Bob Bolus is a good one and Americans for Limited Government urges members of Congress to take the concerns of these truckers to heart, and then to take action by defunding the Biden vaccine mandates.”

For media availability contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 or media@limitgov.org.


ALG Urges Senate to Defund the Vaccine Mandates

Take these regulatory yokes off the necks of the American people today by voting to amend H.R. 6617

Fairfax, Va. – The United States Senate is poised to vote today on a critical funding bill, H.R. 6617, that includes funding to enforce President Biden’s vaccine mandates. Americans for Limited Government (ALG) is leading a nationwide campaign to defund the vaccine mandates.  ALG President Richard Manning issued the following statement ahead of today’s expected voted in the Senate:

“Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) will be offering an amendment to the government funding continuing resolution this afternoon which would defund the vaccine mandates.  This is an important amendment which should pass overwhelmingly as Republican and Democrat state and local leaders, including the Mayor of Washington, D.C., have lifted these mandates at the local levels.  It is absurd to leave inflexible federal government strictures in place. It is time for the Senate to defund their enforcement of unconstitutional vaccine mandates.  Americans for Limited Government launched a campaign a week ago, which resulted in 24.3 million emails being delivered to Congress demanding lawmakers defund the mandates. It is time for Congress to assert their Article One Constitutional powers to do so now.

“Americans for Limited Government urges Senators to support Sen. Lee’s actions to take these regulatory yokes off the necks of the American people today by voting to amend H.R. 6617 and sending it back to the House of Representatives for passage.”

For media availability contact Catherine Mortensen at 703.478.4643 or cmortensen@getliberty.org.


ALG urges senators to ‘oppose tyranny’ & defund vaccine mandates

‘The livelihoods and personal freedoms of millions of Americans are at stake’

Fairfax, Va. – Sens. Mike Lee (R-Utah), Ted Cruz (R-Texas) Rand Paul (R-Tenn.), Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyo.), Roger Marshall (R-Kan.), and Mike Braun (R-Ind.) have announced they will not consent to a time agreement that eases passage of the Continuing Resolution (“CR”)  without an agreement to allow for a roll call vote on an amendment to defund Biden’s unconstitutional vaccine mandates.

Americans for Limited Government (ALG) President Richard Manning issued the following statement in support of the senators efforts:

“This is big news. I have no doubt that the 23 million emails received in the Senate and House of Representatives through Americans for Limited Government’s DefundTheMandates.com campaign played a part in this.

“Americans for Limited Government strongly urges every senator to vote to defund the vaccine mandates.  Democrat governors across the country are joining their Republican counterparts in ending the shutdowns and mandates.  It would be obscene for the federal government to continue pressing for American workers, soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, health care workers, emergency and first responders along with federal government workers and contractors to lose their jobs at a time when the CDC has found that natural immunity offers better protection against the Delta variant of COVID than two vaccinations.

“It is time for Republicans, Democrats and Independents to come together and end this dismal chapter in our nation’s history by defunding unconstitutional vaccine mandates at a time when the federal government should be encouraging Americans to get back to work, instead of forcing them to be thrown out of their careers and livelihoods.”

Note: The six senators have sent a Dear Colleague Letter to every senator inviting them to “stand with us and oppose the CR until it explicitly defunds the implementation and enforcement of these mandates…we need to take a vote on this before funding their enforcement. The livelihoods and personal freedoms of millions of Americans are at stake.”

Click here to view Dear Colleague Letter.

For media availability contact Catherine Mortensen at 703.478.4643 or cmortensen@getliberty.org.

Americans for Limited Government Launches Campaign to Defund COVID Vaccine Mandates

Fairfax, Va. – Americans for Limited Government (ALG) has launched a nationwide grassroots campaign to get a million Americans to send an email to every Member of Congress and the United States Senate demanding they defund President Joe Biden’s unconstitutional COVID vaccine mandates.

The campaign backs up efforts led in the House by Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) and in the Senate by Senators Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Ron Johnson (R-Wis.)

“Biden’s Vaccine Mandates need to be stopped, and Congress can do it by voting to defund the mandates,” said ALG President Richard Manning.

“In the days ahead, both the House and Senate will be voting to fund the federal government. This is the place to make a stand,” Manning explained. “Forty-one Senators can filibuster any funding bill which pays for enforcement of the Biden Vax Mandates.

“Our goal is to get a million Americans to take action by Monday,” Manning concluded.

Every American is asked to go to the website DefundTheMandates.com and in 60 seconds send this short email to every U.S. Senator and Member of Congress.

Please stop the Biden vaccine mandates by voting against any government funding bill which includes money to enforce these intrusions into American’s basic liberties. A vote for funding the government which does not stop the vaccine mandates is a vote for the vaccine mandates.

I am counting on you.

Thank you!

For media inquiries contact Catherine Mortensen at 703.478.4643 or cmortensen@getliberty.org.

# # #

Americans for Limited Government Opposes House ‘Postal Reform’ Raid on Medicare

Stop the special interest raid on Medicare under the guise of ‘postal reform.’

Fairfax, Va. – This week the House of Representatives is expected to vote on H.R. 3076, legislation which raids our nation’s Medicare system to the tune of $5.6 billion over the next ten years according to the Congressional Budget Office. Americans for Limited Government President Richard Manning issued the following statement:

“This is disastrous.  Just six months ago, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services reported that Medicare will be depleted in 2026 writing, “… current-law projections indicate that Medicare still faces a substantial financial shortfall that will need to be addressed with further legislation.

“This massive expense dump on Medicare will have the dual effect of accelerating the senior health care program’s bankruptcy, and increasing the costs associated with any rescue plan.

“Dumping U.S. Postal Service (U.S.P.S.) retiree health care obligations into Medicare will not only make the Medicare solvency crisis more difficult to solve. Pushing the effects of bad contracts negotiated with the postal workers union over the years onto the Medicare Trust Fund is cynical politics at its worse and must be stopped.

“The Government Accountability Office has already found in 2020, that, ‘USPS’s current business model is not financially stable” with almost $78 billion in the past 13 years.’  Shifting their retirement health care costs over to Medicare merely puts a band aid on the post office’s financial woes, but it puts a dagger in the heart of Medicare solvency with higher payroll taxes and cuts in Medicare benefits for retirees the inevitable outcome.

“Americans for Limited Government urges the House of Representatives to stop this special interest raid on Medicare under the guise of ‘postal reform.’”


For media availability contact Catherine Mortensen at 703.478.4643 or cmortensen@getliberty.org.

1 million new jobs past two months could point to economy overheating

Feb. 4, 2022, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement on the latest jobs numbers:

“Over the past two months, the BLS establishment survey has shown gains of 1 million new jobs, but it is coming at the same time as red-hot 7 percent inflation, a collapsing 10-year, 2-year yield, 5.7 percent economic growth in 2021, and yet a projected GDP growth by the Atlanta Fed of just 0.1 percent for the first quarter, indicating the U.S. economy is headed into stormy waters. All Americans should hope that the establishment jobs gains will be sustained, but any prudent person should know that no business cycle lasts forever, and right now, some of the signs point to an economy that is overheating. At this juncture, it is almost guaranteed the Federal Reserve will hike interest rates next month, and the only question is by how much.”

For media availability contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 or media@limitgov.org.


Capitol Police’s warrantless surveillance on Congressional staff and visitors must end

Jan. 27, 2022, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement reacting to a Politico report that the Capitol Police have been conducting warrantless surveillance of Congressional staff and visitors:

“Politico reports that in fall of 2020, the Capitol Police began a process of investigating staff and visitors to members offices at the U.S. Capitol, and dramatically expanded their efforts after the first of the year, 2021.  These investigations include going through personal Congressional staff members’ social media accounts and investigating the owners of buildings and homes where members meet. This is warrantless surveillance. There are no criminal allegations being investigated, it’s a fishing expedition in violation of the Fourth Amendment. It also violates the First Amendment right to peacefully petition members of Congress, by creating a chilling effect on Congressional staff, advocacy groups and even personal friends of members.

“The effect of this intrusion is that any private citizen who hosts a fundraiser or even a private party where a member of Congress is invited could be subjected to a full-scale Big Brother investigation into every aspect of their lives. What’s more since the Capitol Police report to the Speaker of the House, they are effectively conducting political opposition research for the majority party.  Politico reports that friends of Florida Senator Rick Scott and House Minority Whip Steve Scalise have been subjected to these inquiries without the courtesy of the respective members being notified.

“The public has a right to meet with elected officials. For the Speaker to use the Capitol Police to monitor meetings of members of the opposition party is unconscionable.  Those responsible for implementing these programs within the Capitol Police should be fired, and Speaker Pelosi should be removed from her position for engaging in this practice.  House Democrats need to understand that a Capitol Police force that intrudes into the personal lives of Republican staff members while they are in control in January of 2023, will be reviewing theirs.  It is time to nip this abuse of power in the bud by ending it now.”

For media availability contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 or media@limitgov.org.


Supreme Court should still hear the OSHA vaccine mandate case

Jan. 25, 2022, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning responding to the Department of Labor’s decision to withdraw the OSHA emergency temporary standard rule requiring employers with 100 or more employees to require Covid vaccines, and replacing it with a proposed rule instead:

“OSHA’s announcement that they’re dropping the emergency regulation that requires employers with 100 or more employees to fire unvaccinated employees is little more than a shell game. What OSHA’s really dropping is the emergency designation while promising the same regulation through normal regulatory channels, including public comment periods. This demonstrates incredible hubris by the Biden Labor Department as the Supreme Court injunction against the OSHA vaccine mandate was built around the lack of Congressional authorization for their action. Nothing has changed. Congress still has not OSHA authorized to act, therefore OSHA still lacks authority to even propose the rule, and they know it.

“The Supreme Court should still finish the job by definitively stopping OSHA from moving forward with any regulation on this subject matter. The Commerce Clause, which OSHA is authorized under, does not allow for vaccine mandates, and OSHA has never had authority to compel employers to fire employees. OSHA’s job is to determine if somebody stacked boxes in the emergency exit, not to determine who gets to hold a job and who doesn’t, and the Court should remind them of that fact.”

For media availability contact Catherine Mortensen at 703.478.4643 or cmortensen@getliberty.org.



Americans for Limited Government Offers Changes to Senate Bill Reining in Big Tech Abuses

ALG Seeks to Ensure Woke Microsoft Included

Fairfax, Va.  – The Senate Judiciary committee is marking up legislation on Thursday, Jan. 20 that seeks to restore competition online by establishing commonsense rules of the road for dominant digital platforms to prevent them from abusing their market power to harm competition, online businesses, and consumers.

Americans for Limited Government (ALG) President Richard Manning issued the following statement in support of critical changes to the American Innovation and Choice Online Act, S. 2992:

“The Senate Judiciary Committee needs to include Microsoft, the world’s dominate office productivity software, into language that triggers potential antitrust action. Microsoft, which has had more acquisitions since 2011 than all other tech companies combined, has jumped into imposing ‘wokism’ into America’s bloodstream.

“Astonishingly, Microsoft Word now comes with the ability to suggest politically correct words in place of everyday language. For example, changing ‘blacklist’ and ‘whitelist’ to ‘accepted’ or ‘allowed list,’ and swapping the gender-specific ‘postman’ with ‘postal worker.’ Similarly, ‘humanity’ or ‘humankind’ is recommended over ‘mankind,’ and ‘expert’ is suggested when the software flags ‘master.’

“The fact that Microsoft has created an ability to interject its cultural bias onto our blank word document screen is frightening and dangerous. If the Senate Judiciary Committee is going to pass legislation to rein in Big Tech’s abuse of power, it is irresponsible to leave Microsoft’s dominant office productivity software off the table.”

Current bill language:

ONLINE PLATFORM.—The term “online platform” means a website, online or mobile application, operating system, digital assistant, or online service that—

(A) enables a user to generate content that can be viewed by other users on the platform or to interact with other content on the platform;

ALG suggested language change (changes in red):

ONLINE PLATFORM.—The term “online platform” means a website, online or mobile application, operating system, enterprise software, digital assistant, or online service that—

enables a user to generate content that can be viewed by other users on the platform or to interact with other content on the platform, to create documents, spreadsheets, presentations, or to communicate with others via email, messaging, voice, or video;

For media availability contact Catherine Mortensen at 703.478.4643 or cmortensen@getliberty.org.