Biden attempts to repair U.S.-Saudi relations that he damaged

July 15, 2022, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement responding to President Biden’s trip to Saudi Arabia:

“President Joe Biden decided on day one of his administration to effectively declare war on Saudi Arabia. He did this by canceling the sale of defensive weapons like patriot missiles, ending the terrorist designation of the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen, and undermining the Abraham accord by reinstating tariffs on U.A.E. aluminum.

“Now, Biden claims that he wants to establish better relationships between Israel and Saudi Arabia. President Trump already did that, and Joe Biden cannot pretend that he has done anything except fund Iranian terrorism aimed at taking down the House of Saud.

“I hope that President Biden has a successful meeting in Saudi Arabia., However, any problems or pushback he receives are the sour fruits of his disastrous middle eastern policy.”

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Initial jobless claims continue creeping upward

July 14, 2022, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement on the latest jobless claims:

“Initial jobless claims continue to climb and are beginning to reach alarming levels. The three-month climb takes jobless claims from a very low 166,000 a week in March, to a steadily rising 244,000 a week now. With President Biden desperately clinging to jobs growth as his economic proof point, the White House must be beginning to hit the panic button over the gathering dark clouds over labor markets. The increasing number of layoffs is fortunately still being offset by the number of job openings that are being filled. But with more employers slowing hiring, expect those numbers to come down soon. Nothing lasts forever.”


“How bad will Biden’s recession be?” By Robert Romano, Vice President of Public Policy, Americans for Limited Government Foundation, July 12, 2022 at

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Biden’s inflation wrecks economy

Real weekly earnings down 4.4 percent.

July 13, 2022, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement on the latest inflation data:

“President Biden’s continued wrecking of the U.S. economy is evidenced by prices going up 1.3 percent in June and 9.1 percent for the past twelve months. Real wages after inflation as calculated declined by a full 1 percent in June alone, and dropped a whopping 3.6 percent over the past year. Even worse, employers are scaling back hours by 0.9 percent over the past year, making weekly average earnings or take-home pay 4.4 percent less than they were a year ago. Whether the hours are being scaled back due to the supply chain failures, slack demand, or both, this may indicate that the robust jobs economy may be at its end because people don’t pay people to stand around.

“A desperate Biden is meeting with the Saudi ‘s today to try to convince them to open their oil spigots, even as he has closed America’s while selling our Strategic Oil Reserve to China. The one good thing that could come from the Biden-Saudi meeting is that it is rumored that Hunter Biden may be joining the new Saudi-backed LIV professional golf tour if the price is right.”

For media availability contact Americans for Limited Government at


Texas and California Agree: Depend on Wind Energy and Prepare for Blackouts

July 11, 2022, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement responding to the latest power outages in Texas:

“It might shock people to discover that the state of Texas has fallen into the same green energy dependency cycle which has captured California.  At least that is what the agency overseeing utilities in Texas, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), is reporting.

“ERCOT is urging Texans and Texas businesses to conserve energy this week due to a projected capacity shortage.  How could Texas, the king of oil and natural gas, be facing an electricity shortage, you might ask?  A combination of record high demand, failure to add new coal, natural gas and nuclear thermal capacity and the failure of the wind to blow is the answer.  Remember this is the same Texas ERCOT which has encouraged the growth of wind and solar without increasing the capacity of coal, natural gas and nuclear over the past decade putting all of the future electricity needs of the oil state at the whim of the wind and sun gods.  Just two winters ago, it was Texas which suffered from massive power outages due to wind and solar shortages and a cavalcade of other operational mistakes, and now they find themselves in the same exact vice.

“California is well-known for being whacko-stupid in their pursuit of unreliable energy displacing coal, natural gas and nuclear, but the fact that the nation’s second most populous state has allowed its own internal electricity generation system to fall into the green abyss is beyond absurd.  The difference is that Texas legislators are supposed to be smart enough to allow markets to work.  Unfortunately, they decided on a state run electricity generation plan years ago which is now bearing the sour fruit of shortages, like all socialist systems do.  It is time for Texas to revisit their state electricity generation strategy before they become the laughing stock of the country.  A state which has mocked California for a generation suffering because they didn’t understand that to have a reliable grid, you need reliable energy sources.  As an oil and natural gas producing state, you would think the politicians in Austin might have read their own brochures.”


“Texas hasn’t expanded baseline electricity generation capacity in a decade, boosted wind and solar instead,” By Robert Romano, Vice President of Public Policy, Americans for Limited Government Foundation, March 8, 2021 at

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Economic warning sign: Unemployment insurance claims continue steady three-month rise

July 7, 2022, Fairfax, Va.- President of Americans for Limited Government Rick Manning issued the following statement reacting to the release of weekly Unemployment Insurance Claims by the US Department of Labor.

Weekly unemployment insurance claims filed in the week ending July 2 by the US Department of Labor sent another warning sign that the overall economy is tipping toward recession as jobless claims continued their gradual creep upward.  The seasonally adjusted claims climbed by 4000 to 235,000, while the four-week average nudged up 750. In a vacuum these numbers are not bad, but the steady increase of claims since April second’s low water mark of 166,000 cannot be ignored. What is more, the overall number of people on unemployment insurance rose by 51000 last week, indicating that the ability of the economy to fully absorb newly unemployed may have reached a tipping point.

It must be noted that the weekly unemployment insurance claims report is notoriously volatile, but a trend that lasts for almost a full quarter cannot be ignored.

For media availability contact Americans for Limited Government at


Labor Market Predicto

July 6, 2022, Fairfax, Va.–Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement in anticipation of the latest jobs figures to be released on July 8:

“I predict that the June jobs report that comes out this upcoming Friday, July 8, will signal the beginning of the end of the jobs boom.  This won’t likely show up through a massive uptick in the unemployment rate, but rather by a continued downward trend on hours worked by the average worker with perhaps a slight increase in the unemployment rate.

“The news is providing scattered reports that job offers are being rescinded, and some prominent companies, like Tesla, are beginning the layoff process. The new unemployment insurance claims report remains in what would traditionally be described as low, it is troublesome that claims have crept up steadily and significantly over the past three months in almost stealth increases.

“Independent economic analysis by Atlanta Fed’s GDPNow is predicting that our economy is likely currently in a recession, and employers feeling the combined pinch of anticipated sky-high labor cost increases due to inflation and uncertain economic times ahead, will likely be shifting labor resources to pay the most productive employees and shed those who contribute least to the bottom line.  This is the natural course of business, and I expect the upcoming June unemployment report to reflect the beginning of this cycle.”

For media availability contact Americans for Limited Government at


Supreme Court restores Article One lawmaking power, freedom of religious expression, the right to bear arms and federalism in a week

June 30, 2022, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following on the conclusion of the Supreme Court’s 2021 term which included West Virginia v. EPA, Kennedy v. Bremerton School Dist., New York State Rifle & Pistol Assn., Inc. v. Bruen and Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization:

“Today ends the most consequential Supreme Court term in more than a generation, as the Court eviscerated the power of the administrative state to contrive regulations outside the intent of Congress in the West Virginia v. EPA case, ended the federal legal onslaught against the free exercise of religion in the Kennedy, made it clear that individual liberties enumerated in the Constitution extend across state lines in the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association case, while rejecting the Court’s power to write legislation by ending the inferred right to abortion and returning the issue to the states in the Dobbs case.

“This Court restored individual First and Second Amendment rights, federalism and took a giant swipe at the power of the Article II executive branch of government to write laws through regulation.

“It is a great day in America and as we head into Independence Day weekend, the fireworks will shine a little brighter and pop a little louder as they proclaim the reclaimed freedom primarily due to the efforts, clarity and vision of Associate Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, Amy Coney Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh. America is more free today than it was six months ago, and all liberty loving Americans should look at this day as a watershed in turning the tide against the ever-encroaching administrative state’s encroachment on individual liberty.”

For media availability contact Americans for Limited Government at


ALG: Don’t give feds more power to force social media censorship of conservatives

June 29, 2022, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement urging opposition to “American Innovation and Choice Online Act”:

“I have a great deal of respect for Representative Ken Buck, (R-Colo.), but I cannot understand why he would be pushing a Democrat anti-trust bill which does not include prohibitions on social media censorship of conservative viewpoints. Yet that is exactly what Representative Buck is doing in his on-going support for the ‘American Innovation and Choice Online Act’ (AICOA).

“Buck himself admitted that President Joe Biden will not sign a bill that, ‘harms the kind of censorship that the Democrats have appreciated in the last few years.’

“In plain terms, Biden won’t sign any bill that stops social media censorship of conservative thought. Not a surprise given that this administration (Department of Homeland Security) has admitted to working with social media companies to censor speech related to 2020 election security and COVID on their website. And it is this same agency which was pushing to have a Disinformation Governance Board to coordinate government wide social media censorship efforts of conservatives.

“So the question seems obvious.  Why would any Republican support without precondition giving the federal government more power over social media companies knowing that the Biden administration is already leveraging those companies to shutter speech on the right?

“They shouldn’t.  Americans for Limited Government urges every member of Congress, including Rep. Ken Buck, to join us in opposing passage of the American Innovation and Choice Online Act.”

For media availability contact Americans for Limited Government at


Abortion laws will be decided in State Capitols

June 24, 2022, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement responding to the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision that returns the question of abortion law to the states:

“In 1973, Roe v Wade was wrongly decided by the Court, as the right to an abortion wholly contrived by activist judges. The Dobbs decisions rightfully returns this question to the states. Interestingly, with Democrats holding a 60-vote majority in the Senate and a substantial majority in the House in 2010, they never attempted to codify Roe into federal law, leaving the Court with no other choice but to return the issue to the states. If the left wants to blame anyone for today’s, they should look to Speaker Nancy Pelosi squarely in the eye, ‘Why didn’t you try to put it into federal law?’ The only thing for the Court to consider were state laws, and what the limit to those are. In this case, with a solid 6-3 ruling, the Court ruled that’s states is where the issue will remain for the next generation. Suddenly state legislature and gubernatorial races just became a lot more interesting as abortion laws will be decided in State Capitols.”


Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, “The Constitution does not prohibit the citizens of each State from regulating or prohibiting abortion. Roe and Casey arrogated that authority. The Court overrules those decisions and returns that authority to the people and their elected representatives.”

For media availability contact Americans for Limited Government at


Right to bear arms settled for a generation by Supreme Court as liberty prevails in landmark ruling

June 23, 2022, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement praising the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision today in New York State Rifle & Piston Association v. Bruen:

“Congress has taken a giant step backwards in gun ownership, but it should be paying attention as the Supreme Court has affirmed the right to keep and bear arms today. New York State put laws into place that made it virtually impossible for the average person to legally carry a firearm without a license, and the Supreme Court today affirmed that the bearing of arms is constitutionally protected for law-abiding citizens in a landmark decision. Now states have to provide the means in order for ordinary citizens to be able to exercise their rights.

“Today’s Supreme Court decision is the final word for a generation on the self-defense debate that has engulfed New York City and the nation since the 1980s when  a gentleman named Bernie Goetz defended himself on a subway car using a handgun while being attacked by number of muggers and then had to defend himself against overzealous prosecutors, resulting in Goetz’ acquittal on self-defense grounds of the shooting, but convicted on a unlicensed weapons possession charge. That charge that resulted from New York State’s gun restrictions would have been overturned by today’s ruling.

“The Goetz case ignited debate across the country surrounding the right to bear arms leading to the passage of dozens of laws at the state level expanding the right to carry and the right to self-defense. While Congress still hasn’t figured out that shall not infringe means what it says in the Constitution. The Supreme Court today left no doubt that law-abiding citizens have the right to carry guns to defend themselves or for any other reason.

“Perhaps Congress will read the decision and the reconsider the unconstitutional path they are following an egregious expansion of civil asset forfeiture to confiscate firearms, a straightforward deprivation of property without due process, targeting American citizens’ Second Amendment rights.”

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