ALG Praises House Passage of Fiscally Balanced Israel Aid

Nov. 2, 2023, Fairfax, Va.–Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement praising the U.S. House of Representatives for approving $14.3 billion of military assistance to Israel:

“Americans for Limited Government applauds the House of Representatives for approving a $14.3 billion military aid package to Israel in the wake of the horrific Sabbath Attack by the government of Gaza (Hamas) that targeted civilians. Israel’s 9/11 was horrifying in its brutality and utter inhumanity, and the U.S. has a responsibility to support our Israeli allies.  Speaker Mike Johnson took a necessary step to protect the American taxpayer by offsetting the $14.3 billion with immediate cuts to the Internal Revenue Service, taking money that was appropriated to expand the agency and redirecting it to support Israel.  The aid package also eliminated the Biden administration’s demand that billions of dollars be provided to the Palestinian Authority and Gaza for humanitarian aid. Thankfully, the House rejected sending U.S. tax dollars to those who are perpetrating and cheering the mass slaughter of Israelis.  We urge the Senate to pass the House version of the Israel aid package and send it to President Biden for his consideration.  This targeted spending to provide needed resupply of missiles for the vaunted Iron Dome missile defense system among other items should be passed immediately with the spending offset by cuts in existing federal government programs.”

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ALG supports amendments 14, 73, 92, 168 and 236 to Interior Appropriations bill

Nov. 2, 2023, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement of support of an amendments 14, 73, 92, 168 and 236 to the House Interior Appropriations bill:

“There are many outstanding amendments to the Interior Department appropriations bill, and Americans for Limited Government appreciates Speaker Mike Johnson’s allowing this vigorous amendment process.  It serves the purposes of the House and the people of America to have votes on a number of proposals to improve the Committee product.  Americans for Limited Government is highlighting our support for five of these amendments:

Amendment 168: “Americans for Limited Government supports Representative Burlison’s amendment to prohibit funds to enforce the EPA final rule titles “Endangerment and Cause of Contribute Findings for Greenhouse Gases Under Section 202(A) of the Clean Air Act.  (See linked article)  The landmark Supreme Court ruling in West Virginia versus EPA found that this rule is unconstitutional as it goes beyond the bounds of underlying legislation.  There is no excuse to continue funding the implementation of a regulation which has been found to be unconstitutional.  Please pass Amendment 168 to the House Interior Appropriations bill.”

Amendment 14:  “Americans for Limited Government strongly supports prohibiting funding for the rule titled “Control of Air Pollution from New Motor Vehicles: Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle Standards” as this regulation is little more than a regulatory attempt to reduce the ability of Americans to own and purchase less expensive gas powered vehicles by regulating them out of existence. This is not the regulators role, but instead should be reserved to the Article One branch.”

Amendment 73:  “Americans for Limited Government strongly urges support for Representative Paul Gosar’s amendment 73 to the Interior Appropriations bill.  The Biden administration has made a practice of waving a magic presidential wand to do the wishes of the environmental left, and the President’s August 8, 2023 Proclamation 10606 is a blatant attack on resource development at a time when our national security demands that America accelerate our mining and energy extraction capacity. Please support Representatives Gosar, Crane, Biggs, Boebert, Hageman and Lesko’s amendment 73 to the Interior Appropriations bill and say no to the Biden administrations never ending attack on American energy and resource security.”

Amendment 92: “Representative Hageman is right, the Bureau of Land Management budget should be cut by 50 percent.  Biden’s Bureau of Land Management fails to do its basic job of managing land, and instead the Biden administration has turned it into an agency that is anti-land use.  The House should reduce BLM’s funding by 50% to end their war on the west. A war which impoverishes communities and threatens America’s capacity to meet our natural resource needs in a world where the United States is becoming increasingly isolated due to the Biden administration’s flaccid approach to China’s aggressive action to dominate world resource development. It is national suicide to shutter our domestic resource development capacity, while not aggressively moving internationally to replace it. Vote for Amendment 92.”

Amendment 236:  “This amendment does not deal with resource development, but the shocking rise in anti-semitism amongst young people demonstrated on college campuses over the past month justifies passage of Mr. Gottheimer’s amendment adding funds to the Holocaust Memorial Museum to identify and increase holocaust education.  Americans for Limited Government supports this amendment.”

For media availability contact Americans for Limited Government at


House Israel Support Bill Gets it Exactly Right

Oct. 31, 2023, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement in support of the House’s $14.3 billion Israel aid legislation that also slashes IRS enforcement funds:

“Americans for Limited Government urges the House to pass their $14.3 billion Israel military support appropriations bill immediately.  This legislation focuses exclusively on Israel’s military needs as the threat of a three front war looms for our Middle Eastern ally.

“New Speaker Michael Johnson has kept his promise by narrowing this aid package to only include money for military needs, stripping out President Biden’s requests for so-called humanitarian aid for Hamas and the Palestinian Authority.  The bill offsets the proposed spending by rescinding funds allocated to the Internal Revenue Service making it budget neutral.

“The separation of the Israel aid package from the rest of the Biden request will lead to a separate debate about Ukraine, the border, humanitarian aid and a request from the Navy to increase the submarine fleet in the Pacific Ocean. The Senate is expected to consider Biden’s full $105 billion aid request without financial offsets.

“The House’s legislation focuses on the important immediate needs, not allowing the urgency resulting from the horrific October 7 attack against civilians by Hamas to be used as an excuse to railroad through other proposals which don’t have the same urgency and should have been included in the regular appropriations bills being considered.  Americans for Limited Government supports defending our ally Israel with military materiel, and the House’s fiscally sound approach meets both America’s foreign policy objectives and our domestic need to bring sanity back to our federal government spending.”

For media availability contact Americans for Limited Government at


Americans for Limited Government Praises Senator JD Vance’s Demand that Ukraine and Israel Funding be Considered Separately

Oct. 26, 2023, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement praising U.S. Sen. J.D. Vance’s proposal to separate Israel and Ukraine war funding as standalone supplementals:

“Ukrainian funding is controversial and deserves a full and thorough review given the lack of accountability for the approximately $100 billion in previous funds allocated.  It is also important that Congress force the Biden administration to provide clear goals and objectives for the Ukraine War to assess the request.

“The supplemental funding of Israel on the other hand is a straight-forward response to the horrifying attack on civilians by Hamas, which is the government of Gaza.  What’s more, the Biden administration chose to move munitions intended for emergencies facing Israel to Ukraine earlier this year and those stockpiles must be replenished immediately given the existential threat facing our only democratic ally in the region.

“Senator Vance is right to differentiate between the need for real contemplation on Ukraine policy versus the immediate need facing Israel and Americans for Limited Government urges every U.S. Senator to join him in separating the two requests, so each can be considered and amended as the Senate sees fit.

“With the House Speaker decided it is important that the Israel spending be focused upon the immediate military needs and not be restricted to defensive weapons capability.  It is also important that money designated for so-called humanitarian aid in Gaza and for the terrorist Palestinian Authority be stripped out so long as the operating governments of those two areas fail to recognize the right of the nation of Israel to exist.

“It is stupid and dangerous to fund both the terrorists and those who they wage terror against.  Standing with Israel, by necessity, means defunding and sanctioning Hamas and the Palestinian Authority along with Iran and their terror proxies like the Houthis in Yemen.

“Thank goodness that there are Senators like J.D. Vance who are willing to put a clear-eyed review on the Biden funding request to ensure that American taxpayers’ monies are spent wisely in this time of peril.”

For media availability contact Americans for Limited Government at


Congratulations to Speaker Mike Johnson

Oct. 25, 2023, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement congratulating House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) on his election as Speaker today:

“Speaker Mike Johnson introduced himself to the American public today as a man of faith and conviction in one of the most impressive acceptance speeches in memory.  It is easy to see why the House Republicans came together to trust this native of Shreveport, Louisiana with the speakership of the House of Representatives, and a position third in line to the presidency.  Americans for Limited Government looks forward to rolling up our sleeves and working together with Speaker Johnson on the critical issues facing our great nation.”

For media availability contact Americans for Limited Government at



ALG Supports Mike Johnson For Speaker

Oct. 25, 2023, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement in support of U.S. Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.) for Speaker of the House:

“The House GOP nominated Rep. Mike Johnson for Speaker last evening with a vote scheduled for noon today.  Rep. Johnson is a solid supporter of limited government principles who is the former head of the center-right Republican Study Committee. Americans for Limited Government strongly urges every House Republican to rally around Rep. Johnson and elect him the next Speaker of the House of Representatives.”

For media availability contact Americans for Limited Government at


House GOP must change broken Speaker nomination system

Oct. 24, 2023, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement reacting to House Majority Whip Tom Emmer (R-Minn.) withdrawing his name from consideration for Speaker of the House shortly after winning the House Republican Conference nomination for the post:

“Tom Emmer made the right choice in discontinuing his bid for the House Speakership when he discovered there were dozens of members opposed to his candidacy. House Republicans need to set a threshold of 217 votes in conference that any nominee must attain in order to be Speaker. There are dozens of members who would be outstanding Speakers, and I am optimistic that a consensus will emerge.”

For media availability contact Americans for Limited Government Research Foundation at


Biden responsible for Houthi terrorist attacks on Israel

Oct. 23, 2023, Fairfax, Va.–Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement blasting President Joe Biden for removing the terrorist designation for Iranian-funded Houthi terrorists in Yemen:

“One of Joe Biden’s first acts as President was to remove the terrorist designation of the Iranian funded Houthi terrorists in Yemen, allowing them to get money from around the world.  That disastrous decision has led to an on-going civil war in Yemen and now, with missiles being fired by the Houthis at Israel.  Joe Biden has done more to make certain that Iranian sponsored terrorists thrive than any president in history.  Now, he wants to pretend he is a peacemaker.  The sad part is that he actually believes that he is doing the right thing with many of these decisions. The reality is that the Biden foreign policy is only consistent in one regard, he is unfailingly wrong with the result being a weakened America in a much more dangerous world.  Congress needs to act to force the Biden administration to reinstate the terrorist designation on the Islamist radical Houthis in Yemen, and quit trying to buy love from those who look at the United States as the Great Satan.”

For media availability contact Americans for Limited Government at


ALGF joins amicus curiae brief in SEC v. Jarkesy

Oct. 19, 2023, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government Research Foundation President Rick Manning today issued the following statement after joining an amicus curiae brief in SEC v. Jarkesy:

“Americans for Limited Government Research Foundation is proud to join Advancing American Freedom  and many others in filing an amicus brief on SEC v. Jarkesy.  The administrative state has too often become prosecutor, judge and jury in determining the guilt or innocence of those accused of violating regulations.  The Constitutional separation of powers was created to provide checks against this consolidation of power.  Mr. Jarkesy has been abused by a system devised under the guise of expertise, but which is really nothing more than a consolidation of power within the executive branch which does not extend guaranteed legal protections to the accused.  It is time for the Supreme Court to end this fixed, quasi-legal system.”

For media availability contact Americans for Limited Government Research Foundation at


ALG urges House to vote for Jim Jordan for Speaker

Oct. 16, 2023, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement urging House Republicans to support House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) for House Speaker:

“It is time for all House Republicans to come together and choose a Speaker. Jim Jordan, the House Republican conference nominee for Speaker, has laid a pathway forward which restores power to committees and promises a return to regular order. Chairman Jordan has worked tirelessly on his Judiciary and Government Oversight and Accountability assignments, and proved to be one of former Speaker McCarthy’s most important and outspoken allies, keeping his word. Americans for Limited Government urges members elected as Republicans to preserve the GOP Majority mandate given by 54.5 million voters in 2022 by voting for Jim Jordan for Speaker.”

For media availability contact Americans for Limited Government at
