Topline cuts spending, upholds sequester and creates opportunity to pass all 12 appropriations bills

Jan. 8, 2024, Fairfax, Va.—Americans Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement reacting to the new topline negotiated framework for the $1.59 trillion U.S. discretionary budget:

“The released topline reduces spending by another $16 billion beyond the debt limit deal and upholds sequestration for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2024.  Most importantly, apart from the broad national defense and domestic spending categories, the topline does not dictate how the monies will be spent.  That is why it is incumbent on the House and Senate to pass the individual appropriations bills for each agency.  It is through passage of these bills, that Congress gives direct instruction to the administration on things like prohibiting the use of funds to push DEI programs, whether specific regulations shall be funded and potentially defunding the persecution of President Donald Trump by the Biden Justice Department.

“Border security remains the top priority, but it is likely to be better handled through the battle over whether to continue funding Ukraine’s ability to defend their border tying aggressive measures to force the Biden administration to staunch the unprecedented flow of illegal aliens into our country to any future funding of Ukraine.

“The topline is a step but is not the decision on how money in individual agencies should be spent.  The House has so far passed seven of the appropriations bills, with five others still pending, with dramatic restrictions on the Biden administration’s abuse of power. Americans for Limited Government is going to focus on passage of these bills with the goal of having as many of those defunds and riders survive the negotiating process with the Senate and Executive Branch.”

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Who’s in charge?

Jan. 8, 2024, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement responding to the hospitalization of Secretary of Defense Austin Lloyd being kept secret from President Joe Biden:

“Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin was sedated in Walter Reid Army Medical Center and no one bothered to tell the White House.  In what was supposed to be a minor procedure, Austin encountered a medical emergency necessitating his hospitalization for five days. Normally, this would be no big deal, but when there appears to be chain of command confusion at the Pentagon due to his top deputy being on vacation at a time when Austin has authorized military strikes against Iranian assets based in Iraq, one would think the White House would at least be aware that the Defense Secretary was out of action.

“The Middle East is a powder keg, and the national defense and intelligence establishment seems to continue believing that they are in charge and not the duly elected president of the United States.  Under President Trump, we had the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff bragging that he engaged in back door communications with China to undermine Trump and betray the nation.  Now, under Biden, the Pentagon is acting as if it is an independent branch of government without a chain of command that starts in the Oval Office.

“Who is in charge? Apparently, not the White House. No matter what you think of the current president, this pattern of military disconnection from the president we elect is beyond dangerous — it is the beginnings of a soft coup by a military establishment that could neither defeat the Taliban nor figure out an orderly and honorable exit from Afghanistan.”

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ALG urges Congress to pass Sen. Rand Paul’s Audit the Fed legislation

Jan. 5, 2024, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement urging members of the House and Senate to cosponsor and pass Sen. Rand Paul’s (R-Ky.) Audit the Federal Reserve legislation when it is introduced next week to get to the bottom of the regional bank bailout, the Bank Term Funding Program, now up to $132 billion according to the Fed’s latest H.4.1. release:

“Every member of Congress should support Sen. Rand Paul’s legislation to audit the Federal Reserve. This is not just a rhetorical talking point, it is a fiscal and monetary responsibility of Congress to unveil how the Fed has been negating the impacts of higher interest rates on too big to fail banking balance sheets in the regional bank bailout, the Fed’s now $132 billion Bank Term Funding Program. This designed mitigation and socialization of interest rate risk for some banks while other smaller banks have been forced to close their doors under the Congressionally passed Dodd-Frank law, needs to be understood to ensure that political favor does not drive the picking of winners and losers, including whether these bailouts are going to too big to fail and foreign banks.

“In 2010, under Dodd-Frank, the Fed was audited, too, of the $1.25 trillion of mortgage-backed securities bought by the Fed, foreign entities sold some $442.7 billion of their mortgage securities to the Fed, too. Similarly, it stands to reason that interest rate exposure would not be merely limited to domestic regional banks, but only a full audit will reveal the truth.

“This is not a partisan issue, it is a basic right of the people and their representatives in Washington, D.C. to know if laws need to be changed to prevent the politicization of our capital and Treasury market systems. With the increased involvement of the U.S. banking industry to promote social and economic change programs, including DEI and green agenda programs, it is essential that the public and their representatives ensure that Treasury markets particularly, with the national debt set to rise to more than $50 trillion by 2033, are not being abused for political gain.

“Please cosponsor Sen. Paul’s legislation to audit the Federal Reserve.”

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Colorado Supreme Court makes Trump victory inevitable and necessary

Dec. 21, 2023, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement in response to the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision to remove Donald Trump from the ballot of the March 5 Republican presidential primary and the general election:

“The Colorado Supreme Court’s decision to throw Donald Trump off the state ballot for both the primary and general election clearly demonstrates the abject fear held by the establishment that if given a choice, voters will choose Trump and he will win. It is clear that in Joe Biden’s America, the only true act of political defiance is supporting Trump. On Jan. 20, 2025, President Donald Trump should thank the Colorado Supreme Court justices by name for the role they played in making him the only true choice for change. As so often happens, what they intended for evil will have the exact opposite impact. Whether you are on the right or the left, you have to agree that the Supreme Court needs to act to strike down this act of outrageous desperation. Denying the American people the ability to choose their leaders is beyond dangerous and cannot be tolerated and normalized.”


“Radical Democrats look like stone cold tyrants right now—and other Democrats can see it, too.” By Robert Romano, Dec. 21, 2023 at

“As Trump soars in polls, Colorado Supreme Court tries to remove him from ballot in sop to Democrats,” By Robert Romano, Dec. 20, 2023 at

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ALG Praises Impeachment Inquiry Approval By House

Dec. 13, 2023, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement praising the House of Representatives for voting to continue the ongoing impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden:

“Americans for Limited Government praises House Republicans for voting to proceed with the ongoing impeachment inquiry of President Joe Biden. This historic vote formally expands the scope and power of the House Judiciary, Oversight and Ways and Means committees to pursue evidence related to high crimes and misdemeanors Biden may have committed. The vote was made necessary by President Biden’s refusal to answer subpoenas from the House under the claim that an impeachment inquiry had not formally been approved. Now that it has, it can be anticipated that President Biden will be compelled to fully cooperate and provide documentation to directly answer House inquiries in an expeditious manner. This is not the impeachment of Joe Biden, but is a necessary step leading to a future impeachment vote.

“This vote was an important test of Speaker Johnson’s leadership which he passed with flying colors. Every Republican in the House who voted for the resolution have done their jobs and proved that on issues of national security and preventing influence peddling, they can function together.”

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Defense Secretary Lloyd Must Be Fired Over Direct Threat To Relatives of Congress If Ukraine Funding Not Approved

Dec. 7, 2023, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement urging President Joe Biden to fire Defense Secretary Austin Lloyd over threatening Congress over Ukraine funding, telling members that if funding wasn’t approved “we’ll send your uncles, cousins and sons to fight Russia”:

“It is a crime to intimidate members of Congress in pursuit of legislation, and even President Joe Biden should be able to see the extreme danger created by Secretary Austin’s threat of involuntary, targeted conscription of members’ relatives to fight Russia if Ukraine funding is not approved. If President Biden wants to put U.S. troops in Ukraine, he has to go to Congress for authorization. Funding for Ukraine should not be considered due to Lloyd’s threat until Biden administration explains their Ukraine strategy and an endgame that doesn’t result in a war with Russia, which Biden has previously stated is off the table.”

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ALG supports House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jordan’s bipartisan FISA reforms

Dec. 6, 2023, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement urging House passage of the bipartisan “Protect Liberty and End Warrantless Surveillance Act”:

“House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan has been tasked with investigating and making recommendations on how to end the weapononization of the federal government. Unfortunately, the House Intelligence Committee, which had direct oversight over FISA surveillance abuses including Russiagate, mass surveillance and spying on members of Congress and their staff, has become little more than an apologist for those who they were created to oversee and regulate. Jordan’s bipartisan FISA reforms fall far short of completely restoring the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, however, they do put in place significant restrictions and safeguards against the inevitable future abuse we know will occur. Given that the House Intelligence Committee has historically, with the exception of Devin Nunes, failed to protect civil liberties and conduct proper oversight of what can only be described as a mass surveillance system that has been used for politics, any intelligence community proposals to police themselves should rejected.”


The Protect Liberty and End Warrantless Surveillance Act at

“House GOP bill restricts the use of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act,” By Robert Romano, Americans for Limited Government Foundation, Dec. 6, 2023 at

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ALG Condemns 70 House GOP Members Who Voted to Reward FBI

Nov. 10, 2023, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement blasting 70 House Republicans who voted against removing the FBI’s new building in Greenbelt, Maryland in the Commerce, Science and Justice Appropriations bill:

“The Federal Bureau of Investigation has been a cesspool of political corruption for almost a decade, and 70 House Republicans voted today, along with their Democrat colleagues, to reward them by funding a new massive headquarters in Greenbelt, Maryland.  The same House GOP which set up the Judiciary Committee to investigate the weaponization of government just voted to give the face of the weaponization a new dream castle.  The same House GOP which has raised countless dollars and garnered hundreds of thousands of hours of airtime attacking the FBI’s knowing pursuit of false Russiagate allegations against President Trump, just voted to fund a palace for their punishment.  The same FBI that lied to the FISA Court repeatedly to subpoena Trump campaign officials.  The same FBI that spied on congressional staff investigating the FBI.  The same FBI that could not recognize Antifa as a terrorist group, but targeted parents attending school board meetings and Latin mass saying Catholic churches gets a new home that will make their Defense Department colleagues green with envy.  Yep, that is the FBI that seventy Republican House members couldn’t wait to give a massive upgrade.

“The House has the power of the purse.  It is their major power to control an out-of-control executive branch.  And today, 70 House Republicans sent the strongest message possible to the FBI, that they have nothing to fear from any investigations, because no matter what, they will get their money.  This is the true story of the swamp, where what members do on obscure votes on Friday afternoons matters far more than what they say on the Sunday news shows and in the evenings on Fox News. What a bunch of frauds.  Here are the names of those who voted against the Gaetz amendment to defund the FBI headquarters.”

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ALG praises House GOP Conference Chair Stefanik for calling for New York judge to be removed from Trump case

Nov. 10, 2023, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government president Richard Manning praised U.S. House GOP Conference Chairperson Elise Stefanik for her standing against the political prosecution of former President Donald Trump and calling for New York Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron to be removed from the case:

“In a world where so many politicians duck for cover, Rep. Stefanik is exhibiting a true profile in courage by demanding that the New York state Commission on Judicial Conduct remove New York Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron from the case against former President Donald Trump due to his clear bias and outrageous disregard for the basic rule of law.

“Stefanik rightly cites New York Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron’s, ‘bizarre behavior’, ‘inappropriate bias’ and ‘judicial intemperance’ in the letter. Engoron outrageously disallowed direct evidence to the contrary when he declared that President Trump was guilty of fraudulently overvaluing his properties. One example was his accepting an absurdly low valuation claim by the prosecution of between $18 and $27 million offered by the Democrat Attorney General’s office for Trump’s Mar a Lago estate.  Independent real estate experts value the property in line with Trump organization estimates of between $426 million and $612 million.  On his acceptance of this single undervaluation by the anti-Trump NY Attorney General, Engoron has proven his unsuitability to try this case.

“Stefanik courageously urged the commission to ‘take corrective action to restore a just process and protect our constitutional rights, ‘by sanctioning and removing the judge from the case.

“Stefanik sticking her neck out when she did not have to in support of the rule of law and against the obvious and blatant political prosecution of President Trump, she has gained a new admirer. It took real guts to push back against the legal establishment in her own state, and the country needs more elected representatives like Elise Stefanik who stand up for what is right regardless of consequences.”

For media availability contact Americans for Limited Government at


ALG supports amendments 63, 67, 73, 107 and 109 to Transportation and Housing Appropriations

Nov. 6, 2023, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement in favor of amendments 63, 67, 73, 107 and 109 to the Transportation and Housing Appropriations Bill, H.R. 4820:

Amendment 63: “U.S. Rep. Matt Rosendale’s amendment would reduce Transportation and Housing by $4.9 billion to be more in line with Fiscal Year 2022’s spending levels of $81 billion, undoing the 6 percent increase in spending that occurred in the 2023 omnibus bill, and keeping the promise of the 2023 debt ceiling deal’s 6 percent budget sequestration that Congress enacted earlier this year.”

Amendment 67: “U.S. Rep. Eric Burlison’s amendment would deny any transportation funds to municipalities that provide safe harbor for illegal immigrants and otherwise refuse to cooperate with federal immigration authorities’ detainer requests and to submit crimes to the FBI’s National Crime Information Center database. With hundreds of thousands of immigrants crossing the border every month, sanctuary cities serve as a magnet for not only economic refugees but criminal gangs and even terrorists, posing a continued risk to national security.”

Amendment 73: “U.S. Rep. Andy Ogles’ amendment would defund implementation of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administrations ‘Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards for Passenger Cars and Light Trucks for Model Years 2027-2032 and Fuel Efficiency Standards for Heavy-Duty Pickup Trucks and Vans for Model Years 2030-2035’ that set fuel emission standards so high they cannot technically be met, effectively banning the internal combustion engine at a time of high inflation and when our dependency on fossil fuels remains very high, all to favor green electric vehicle alternatives.”

Amendments 107 and 109: U.S. Rep. Harriet Hageman’s amendments would end the practice of remote work for the Departments of Transportation and Housing, more than three years after Covid, when there is no longer any reason for remote work to be continuing. This long overdue adjustment comes at a time when there isn’t any data showing at what rate federal remote workers even report to work.”

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