Legislature must step in and conduct independent review
Fairfax, Va – Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement in response to allegations the Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger is doing a less than thorough audit:
“Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger is doing a tremendous disservice to the people of Georgia by conducting what can only be described as a ‘fraudit’ which fails to provide a complete examination of the election system, the voter rolls, and the eligibility of those who voted. There is no excuse for a less than thorough audit and the state legislature needs to take this responsibility out of the Secretary of State’s hands who apparently is more interested in rubber stamping the process than ensuring the integrity of the process. The fact that the simple and obvious concept of campaigns having ballot auditing overviews with each campaign allowed an observer for every auditor is not being allowed makes it clear that the Secretary of State is more interested in covering his tail, than having an honest process.
“Gov. Brian Kemp and the Georgia state legislature need to step up to the plate and conduct their own, independent audit as the Raffensberger effort is clearly nothing more than a “fraudit” designed to give the appearance of review without engaging in the real substance of that review. Having the Secretary of State audit his own work is like having former Enron CEO Ken Lay audit his own company’s books, and the state legislature needs to step in and conduct their own independent review of not only the vote counting system, but whether systemic fraud occurred using the absentee ballot system. The eyes of the nation are on Georgia, it is important that the state get the vote counting right.”
Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 or at media@limitgov.org.