National Park Service praised for reopening America’s parks

June 5, 2020, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement praising the National Parks Service for reopening America’s parks:

“Just in time for summer, America’s National Parks re-open so we can enjoy our nation’s great national treasures with a new appreciation.  This is the fantastic news from the U.S. Department of Interior which has recently announced the re-opening of national parks ranging from Kings Canyon National Park and Sequioa National Park to Yellowstone to the Grand Canyon, Antietam National Battlefield and Dinali National Park in Alaska.

“After being cooped up in our homes social distancing, Americans can now go out to the beauty that is our great country and re-discover America.  Secretary David Bernhardt and his entire team at Interior are re-opening the great outdoors just in time for each of us to enjoy some much needed fresh air, sunshine and exercise.

“Just as America is reopening, there is no better way to celebrate than to use this time to check out a national park or battlefield near you.  We have a great country, and with all that is going on, it is time to enjoy it.  Thank you, Secretary Bernhardt, for moving fast to safely and wisely re-open some of our nation’s most precious resources for the public.”

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