Speaker Pelosi’s failure to plan at fault for House delays in bill passage

March 27, 2020, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement urging Congress to adopt rules that allow members to vote from home during a national emergency:

“Last week, Speaker Pelosi knew there was going to be a major piece of legislation from the Senate that the House would have to vote on, but she failed to pass temporary emergency rules changes to let members vote from home. This failure of basic planning and administration is the reason the House had to come back to town to vote on sustaining the U.S. economy during this emergency. It is morally wrong for the House or Senate to turn their responsibility to represent their constituencies over to a Speaker who only represents San Francisco, and a Senate Majority Leader who only represents Kentucky, and to turn these bodies into rubber stamps. The people have a constitutional right to be represented. Pelosi’s failure to plan for this basic constitutional right may be endangering lives and livelihoods across the nation. While they’re in town, they could change the rules right now.”

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 ext. 1 or at media@limitgov.org.
