Nov. 18, 2019, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement regarding recent reports that the White House had directed federal agencies to cancel subscriptions to the Washington Post and the New York Times as part of Americans for Limited Government’s program to identify wasteful federal spending:
“I’m thrilled with the President’s decision to cancel U.S. government subscriptions to the Washington Post and the New York Times. Any paper that smears a 16-year-old Catholic kid, runs an obituary headline referring to a bloody terrorist as an ‘austere religious scholar,’ or prints an anti-Semitic cartoon depicting the Israeli prime minister as a dog is an absolute disgrace and does not deserve taxpayer money.
“Ultimately, there is no rationale for continuing to spend hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars subsidizing the financially failing New York Times or the Jeff Bezos-backed Washington Post. There simply is no basis for continuing to pick winners (the Washington Post and New York Times) and losers (every publication that doesn’t get a federal government subscription subsidy worth hundreds of thousands of dollars). Meanwhile, both the NYT and WaPo long ago ceded any semblance of being objective sources for news.”
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