Time to adopt the USMCA

Aug. 30, 2019, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement urging Congress to act promptly on the USMCA trade deal as soon as President Donald Trump submits it to Congress:

“As the decoupling with China begins, President Trump is ahead of the curve in securing trade deals with Japan and also Canada and Mexico as supply chains are moved away from China. There’s nothing that China produces that cannot be produced elsewhere. The USMCA is about to be submitted to Congress and is ready to be adopted. It will be a boon for U.S. exporters including agriculture, and addresses labor conditions in Mexico. Plus the currency provisions against competitive devaluation will set a gold standard in terms of shaping future trade deals. It is important that Congress act now and not get caught flat-footed. After more than 25 years of complaining about NAFTA, it’s finally time to do something about it by supporting the new USMCA agreement.”

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 ext. 1 or at media@limitgov.org.
