Economy keeps on chugging along as jobs created since Jan. 2017 rises to 5.16 million

Aug. 2, 2019, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement in response to the latest jobs numbers:

“283,000 more Americans were employed in July than in June with the number not in the labor force shrinking by 183,000.  Over the past twelve months, the number of employed has jumped by more than 1.3 million about 200,000 more than the civilian labor force increased. Since Jan. 2017, the Trump economy has produced 5.16 million jobs in the household survey.

“Americans continue to see job opportunity growth that is positively impacting people across the socio-economic spectrum with average hourly earnings continuing to rise. July’s Labor Department report shows that our nation’s economy continues to grow and move forward with the only thing holding it back being a shortage of workers.  That will be the economy’s challenge over the next few years, as baby boomers continue to retire out of the workforce, identifying, encouraging and skilling those who are currently out of the workforce to meet our nation’s future economic needs.”

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