April 17, 2019, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement blasting House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for opposing any proposed U.S.-United Kingdom trade agreement:
“Speaker Pelosi’s stated refusal to consider a U.S.-United Kingdom stand-alone trade deal would put $141 billion of exports to the United Kingdom in jeopardy, including $66 billion of goods exports of machinery, aircraft and agricultural products that we currently ship there. Those goods could be stranded at our ports if a trade deal is not negotiated and approved by Congress.
“It is clear that Pelosi is following in former President Obama’s tradition when he removed Winston Churchill’s bust from the Oval Office. Unfortunately, Pelosi’s knee-jerk anti-British attitude could have far more serious ramifications for American workers and our nation as a whole. The U.S. does not hold sway over what the terms of Brexit are. President Trump needs to submit a separate deal to Congress when the time comes and call Pelosi’s bluff and see if she can hold her Democratic majority together. It’s time to break San Francisco’s stranglehold on the rest of America.”
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