Mob rule must not prevail on Kavanaugh nomination

Oct. 5, 2018, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today urged members of the Senate of both political parties to vote to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court and reject mob rule:

“The Kavanaugh nomination boils down to a simple point, whether an American is innocent until proven guilty. Through all of the protests and vile behavior by opponents to the Kavanaugh nomination, history will view this vote through the lens of whether due process is more important than the screams of the mob. One thing is certain, should Kavanaugh be defeated, the mob will not be assuaged but instead be emboldened, and it would be hard to imagine anything worse for our nation as we seek to reconcile during these tumultuous times. The only vote that has the potential of healing these wounds is a yes vote on the Kavanaugh nomination. In the end, mob rule must not be allowed to prevail.”

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