In light of FISA abuse, Trump should declassify all documents that originated Russia collusion probe

July 23, 2018, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement urging President Donald Trump to declassify all documents that originated the Russia collusion probe after Judicial Watch revealed the Oct. 2016 FISA application by the FBI against the Trump campaign:

“The release of the heavily redacted FISA application by the FBI against Carter Page in Oct. 2016 through June 2017 proves that the Trump campaign was subjected to an intelligence operation and surveillance that looked back through records and communications before the election in violation of the Constitution. What is shocking is that such a violation of the understood separation of the intelligence services and domestic politics appeared to be routinely rubberstamped, clearly demonstrating current legal safeguards are insufficient and merit Congress revisiting the authorizing of the FISA court in its entirety. Hats off to Judicial Watch for getting this via FOIA.

“The big loser in all this is James Comey, who signed a FISA application that he declared to be ‘verified’ and then testified three months later to Congress under oath that the evidence the FBI relied on was in fact ‘salacious and unverified.’ Either he lied to the court or he lied to Congress. There is no ambiguity.

“This makes it all the more important that President Donald Trump grant House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devein Nunes’ request to declassify the documents that originated the Obama administration’s Russia collusion investigation. The charade being conducted by Special Counsel Robert Mueller and the left needs the disinfectant of transparency in order to be fully exposed. This must never be allowed to happen again.”


“Carter Page FISA proves Obama administration and FBI relied on Christopher Steele dossier to spy on Trump campaign,” By Robert Romano, July 23, 2018 at

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