Great economic news for the nation

July 06, 2018, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning, a former Trump Labor Department transition team member, today commented on today’s release of unemployment numbers:

“There is great news in June’s employment numbers. 601,000 more Americans were in the labor force than in May.  While the unemployment rate went up slightly due to this huge number of people either entering or re-entering the job market, it is evidence that increasing numbers of people are becoming convinced that jobs are available and that working makes sense.  Those marginally attached to the workforce has declined by 145,000 over the past year, and the number of discouraged workers has declined by 155,000, showing that the economic growth is restoring hope.

“And the good news is even more apparent as the job growth has occurred in the higher paying areas of manufacturing, mining, construction and health care, while retail has taken a slight dip. These new jobs are not burger flipper positions, but ones that people can make careers out of, and that is the ultimate test of whether our nation’s economic vitality will continue to accelerate.”

Correction: The civilian labor force increased by 601,000, not 413,000.


“Bureau of Labor Statistics Employment Situation Summary”

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