Jan. 29, 2017, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement urging the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence to release its memorandum detailing illegal spying into the Trump campaign in 2016 that was carried over into 2017 after President Donald Trump won the election:
“The House Intelligence Committee should vote to #ReleasetheMemo immediately, and seek immediate approval from the President to move forward with full disclosure. The public has a right to know if intelligence agencies and the Justice Department utilized illegal spying against the Trump campaign in 2016, with the goal of altering the election results and providing an ‘insurance policy’ against a Trump presidency, and then carried over the investigation into 2017 after he won. Every American whether they are liberal or conservative must stand united against the unacceptable politicization of the intelligence agencies and federal bureaucracy, which subverts the Constitution, the will of the electorate and therefore the consent of the governed. It’s time to #ReleasetheMemo into the public domain and its corroborating documents so everyone can determine the severity of the situation and what if any actions need to be taken moving forward.
“This could be the greatest constitutional crisis the nation has faced since the Civil War, and the next year of the Trump presidency should be spent working with Congress to clean up this mess to ensure that the people’s constitutionally protected rights are restored even as we move further into the technologization of our society. It is my hope that the Nunes memo only shows modest amounts of corruption. It is my fear that it’s worse than anyone could have imagined. Either way, the politicization of the Justice Department, FBI and intelligence services is unacceptable in a free society and safeguards must be put in place to prevent this from ever happening again.”
“Devin Nunes is the right man, in the right place, at the right time to rein in the deep state,” By Rick Manning, Jan. 29, 2018 at http://netrightdaily.com/2018/01/devin-nunes-right-man-right-place-right-time-rein-deep-state/
Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 ext. 106 or at media@limitgov.org to arrange an interview with ALG experts.