Jan. 16, 2018, Fairfax, Va.–Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today in the following statement urged President Donald Trump to accept the International Trade Commission’s recommendation to punish Samsung and LG for trade violations:
“This week, President Trump will decide if South Korean companies Samsung and LG will be punished for being caught dumping washing machines into the United States not one, not two, but three times. For the two companies, who are now promising to build washers in the U.S., cheating on the U.S.-South Korea trade deal has allowed them to build U.S. market share to the point where between the two of them they now have over a third of the entire market. This was not a mistake, but a determined business plan, and if the KORUS agreement is going to mean anything, President Trump must affirm the penalties recommended by the International Trade Court. If free trade agreements are going to have any meaning, then when companies are caught and convicted on multiple occasions of gross violations of the rules, they must be held accountable, rather than simply being allowed to profit for a generation due to their lawlessness.”
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