FISA Section 702 reauthorization cannot pass without reforms to stop violating the constitutional rights of the American people

May 24, 2017, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement urging Congress not to reauthorize Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act without substantial reforms to stop the violating the 4th Amendment rights of the American people:

The unsealed April 26 FISA Court ruling finding of the unconstitutional use of federal government spying powers against the American people in 2016 underscores the exact reason why civil libertarians on the right and the left have been concerned about the growing surveillance state. The implications of the Obama administration unmasking hundreds of targeted people unconstitutionally leads any reasonable person to wonder how precisely this illegally gained information was used. In light of the obvious abuse of power in the Mike Flynn case of leaking Flynn’s name to the press after being unmasked for political reasons, it becomes reasonable to assume that was the intent of these unmaskings all along, and calls into question the continuance of the entire program.”

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