Obama, former presidents should be cut out of loop of classified information

March 3, 2017, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following call for President Donald Trump to cut former presidents’ access to classified information, including former President Barack Obama’s:

“Given the New York Times report of Obama’s apparent operation to expand access to classified intelligence including innocuous contacts with Trump campaign officials and Russians, we can no longer trust that former President Barack Obama will treat classified intelligence information as anything but political fodder. Until the leak investigation is completed, all former presidents should be cut out of the loop of classified information under federal rules and by revising Executive Order 13526. They have no need to know.”

To view online: http://getliberty.org/2017/03/obama-former-presidents-should-be-cut-out-of-loop-of-classified-information/


32 CFR 1909.5 Requirements as to who may apply at https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/32/1909.5

(c) Former Presidents and Vice Presidents. Any former President or Vice President may submit a request for access to classified CIA information. Requests from former Presidents or Vice Presidents shall be in writing to the Coordinator and shall identify the records containing the classified information of interest. A former President or Vice President may also request approval for a research associate, but there is no entitlement to such enlargement of access and the decision in this regard shall be in the sole discretion of the Senior Agency Official.

32 CFR 1909.12 – Termination of access at https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/32/1909.12

The Coordinator shall cancel any authorization and deny any further access whenever the Director of Security cancels the security clearance of any person who has been granted access to classified CIA information under the part; or whenever the Senior Agency Official, or the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, determines that continued access would no longer be consistent with the requirements of this part; or at the conclusion of the authorized period of up to two years if there is no renewal under § 1909.11.

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 ext. 106 or at media@limitgov.org to arrange an interview with ALG experts.
