Dec. 6, 2016, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government senior editor Robert Romano today issued the following statement urging the House to reject legislation, H.R. 4919, a bill that would allow the Attorney General to determine “which types of tracking devices can be used” on humans, which is now reported to be coming up under suspension of the rules:
“While the human tracking device law is well-intentioned to help locate those with Alzheimer’s or who are autistic who become lost, it creates a power for the Attorney General to determine what types of devices can be used to track humans, creating the possibility that surgically implanted chips could become authorized in the future on an involuntary basis. This is not only unnecessary, but affordable, non-invasive devices are already available via the private sector, like Angel Sense, which is fully developed and even works on your smart phone. This was done without any federal legislation or any need for the Attorney General to approve a darned thing, proving that this legislation, which has already passed the Senate is unnecessary overreach. The House postponed a hearing on this bill due to concerns, and now House leadership wants to push it through under suspension of the rules. What’s the rush to get this done during the lame duck session?”
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