Senate Democrats cave on protecting American workers

May 13, 2015, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement blasting Senate Democrats for abandoning their opposition to granting trade promotion authority to President Barack Obama and ceding their demands for enforceable currency provisions in fast track bill itself:

“Senate Democrats are abandoning American workers concerned that their jobs may be shifted overseas due to unfair trade related to currency manipulating nations in the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Doing a trade bill without monetary policy—the primary mechanism nations use to make their exports cheaper—ensures that the Trans-Pacific Partnership is neither free nor fair. The house of cards gamesmanship that was played yesterday to fool constituencies about the Democrat stance on fast track is exposed by this latest capitulation on currency manipulation.

“No one can vote for fast track and claim with a straight face they opposed currency manipulation. It is time for Senate Majority Leader McConnell to end the charade of fast track and return to the politically viable business of the Senate.”


“Fast-Track Bill Needs Enforceable Currency Provision,” By Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio), Wall Street Journal, May 13, 2015 at

“Path to Pacific Trade Deal May Open in Senate After All,” By Jonathan Weisman, May 13, 2015 at

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