Labor force exodus continues

 Sept. 5, 2014, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Nathan Mehrens today issued the following statement on the latest jobs numbers:

“In the midst of what Obama continues to claim is an improving economy, in August only 80,000 fewer people were unemployed than in the previous month.  Of those, 64,000 gave up on trying to get a job entirely and are no longer counted, with only 16,000 actually getting a job.  Incredibly the unemployment rate went down in spite of this disastrously bad employment report because all together 268,000 fewer Americans were counted as being in the labor force at all.  If our nation’s economy continues along this path we will reach full employment because no one is actually being counted as being in the labor force.”

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at (202)744-4427 or at to arrange an interview with ALG experts including ALG President Nathan Mehrens.
