ALG Urges Congress To Limit Jurisdiction Of U.S. District And Circuit Courts

March 19, 2025, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government Executive Director Robert Romano today issued the following statement urging Congress to invoke Article III, Sec. 2 and to pass laws curtailing federal courts’ jurisdiction from hearing cases on political questions:

“Article III, Sec. 2 of the Constitution provides Congress with the power to create exceptions to federal courts’ jurisdiction. Since district courts are taking it upon themselves to commandeer core presidential executive powers under Article II of the Constitution, Congress could use its own power to limit the inferior courts’ jurisdiction to, for example, exclude any cases on the exercise of core Article II presidential executive powers including the Commander-in-Chief clause and directing military actions, the discourse with foreign nations including but not limited to treaty and trade matters, and appointments and firings, while still leaving a direct route to the Supreme Court when needed. This would apply to all future presidents, Democrats and Republicans alike. Or just eliminate courts that keep getting overturned.

“These nationwide injunctions have gone far enough. If lower courts’ will not limit themselves to only justiciable questions, then Congress can define what those are for them by establishing what are the long agreed-upon political questions that courts should not be involved with. They can also reduce the number of courts. Congress has a voice in this process, too. This wouldn’t be necessary if long-established precedents on the separation of powers were being followed by courts. They clearly are not.”


“President Trump Refuses To Turn Planes Around Carrying Enemy Aliens, Defies Imperial Judiciary,” By Robert Romano, March 17, 2025 at

“Trump Is Right. How Can A President Be Able To Cancel Treaties But Not Foreign Aid?” By Robert Romano, March 18, 2025 at

“The Imperial Judiciary Is Trying To Commandeer The U.S. Military From President Trump,” By Robert Romano, March 19, 2025 at

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