Feb. 25, 2025, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement in response to a ruling placing an injunction of the White House Office of Management and Budget from pausing any federal spending while it is being reviewed for possible fraud:
“Biden appointed U.S. District Judge Loren AliKhan continued to block the Trump administration’s decision to freeze federal spending while they review it for possible fraud, waste and abuse. AliKhan asserted that her injunction, ‘is the only thing, in this case holding potentially catastrophic harm at bay.’
“Apparently, AliKhan became confused when listening to the case about the role of the judiciary, which is not to determine the wisdom of policy decisions by elected officials, but instead to determine whether those decisions comported with the Constitution and law.
“The unelected AliKhan who is a local federal district judge has taken upon herself to stop the elected President of the United States from enacting his policies because she doesn’t agree with them.
“Last time I checked, she got a vote and lost. This local federal judge’s activism which she presumes to inflict on the entire country is an exact case study for the Supreme Court to finally act and end the lowest federal court judges from imposing their views nationwide, effectively wielding more power than individual Supreme Court Justices.
“In the case of AliKhan, who was confirmed after Vice President Harris broke a 50-50 deadlock over her ill-conceived appointment, it is clear that her objective is to cause the expenditure of hundreds of billions of dollars which the Trump administration has on the chopping block. If she wants to be a legislator, run for Congress. If she wants to be President, run for the presidency. But it is undemocratic and elitist for one federal district judge to determine federal spending policy which clearly is not within her judicial purview.
“Chief Justice Roberts, who oversees the District Court of Washington D.C., should intervene immediately as AliKhan’s decision clearly does violence to the separation of powers.”
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