Americans for Limited Government expresses disgust for the Democrats’ discarding of President Joe Biden

Aug. 20, 2024, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement responding to the treatment of President Joe Biden at the 2024 Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Ill.:

“Americans for Limited Government believes that Joe Biden committed impeachable offenses and should be legally removed from office, but what the Democrats did to Joe Biden over the past month has been breathtakingly efficient and equally disgusting. The final ignominy was their decision to force the President of the United States to cool his heels behind AOC and a list of lightweights until he was allowed to take the stage at 11:28 p.m. EST on the little watched first night of a convention that was supposed to be his coronation.

“In just a month, the Democrats turned Joe Biden from their symbol of moving forward in America to an afterthought and embarrassing crazy uncle who they had to let out of the basement to rant in a time slot reserved for Jimmy Kimmel.

“I don’t know Joe Biden personally, and believe that his weaponization of government and on-going characterization of Donald Trump and his supporters as being lower than gum to be scraped off of America’s shoe has fueled the rapidly increasing violence on the left, but as President of the United States, Biden deserved more than the ceremonial funeral he was given on Monday night. Left to deliver his own eulogy, Biden was his usual self, but those who orchestrated the coup which ended his bid for a second term should have had the class to give him an honorable send off.

“It was once said, ‘if you want a friend in politics, get a dog.’ On Monday August 19, 2024, that lesson was made abundantly clear to America. Once the Democrat elites determined that Joe Biden no longer served their purpose, they not only kicked him to the curb, but they are trying to erase him. For those who reject truth as absolute and believe the ends justify the means, what else could be expected? They have an election to win, power to retain and they won’t let even the current occupant of the Oval Office who they celebrated in June get in their way in August.”

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