Bannon imprisonment demonstrates banana republic two-tiered justice system

June 6, 2024, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement blasting the imprisonment of Steve Bannon:

“The decision to revoke Steve Bannon’s bail and require him to report to prison by July 1 with his sentence set to end in early November is a stark reminder of the two-tier justice system.  Bannon’s ‘crime’ was filing an appeal based upon the mainstream legal theory that counselors to the President have a legal shield when it comes to providing official advice.  This shield is important as without it, outside advisors on foreign policy would be required to testify under penalty of perjury about whatever was discussed between them and the President. It is common and necessary for presidents to seek consultation with people outside of their administration, particularly as it pertains to political matters. After the Court ruled against Bannon’s immunity from interrogation, he agreed to appear before the laughable and reprehensible January 6 Committee of the House of Representatives, only to be told that they didn’t really want to hear from him, they wanted to jail him. Imagine a world where David Axelrod went to jail for not appearing before Congress to discuss political discussions he had with Barack Obama. That is the world that is being thrust upon us, as Steve Bannon’s decision to have the Court determine whether he was compelled to testify has resulted in his conviction and imprisonment.

“As someone who has cautioned against an eye for an eye approach to these political prosecutions, the imprisonment of top Trump White House advisor Peter Navarro, impending imprisonment of Steve Bannon, along with the kangaroo court conviction of former president Donald Trump demonstrates that those responsible for weaponizing the criminal justice system against their political enemies must be held to account.  The dangerous game being played by those who clearly have no fear of legal consequences due to their elite status protecting them from prosecution by their friends and wealthy neighbors is shredding any semblance of a politically blind justice system. Trust in an honest the judicial system is the most important American social contract holding our nation together and the Bannon imprisonment will provide more evidence that the very fabric that holds our nation together has been breached. As every person who has ever recited the Humpty Dumpty rhyme knows, once something is broken, it is impossible to put back together.

“For those who embrace ‘fundamental transformation’ of a country that valued a blindfolded justice system the damage done by the Obama-Biden lawfare may be their crowning achievement as the country which once had a judicial system that was the envy of the world has made banana republics shrink in horror at what it has become.”

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