ALG Praises Supreme Court Unanimous Decision In NRA v. Vullo

May 30, 2024, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement praising the unanimous Supreme Court decision in NRA v. Vullo:

“The left has used lawfare as a means to silence their political foes. The various cases against former president Donald Trump put an exclamation point on the abuse of this power.  But a little discussed, but almost as damaging to our republican form of government which depends upon debate amongst people with diverse opinions to thrive, was the effort by the state of New York to intimidate corporate partners with the National Rifle Association. The Supreme Court today unanimously decided in favor of the National Rifle Association in National Rifle Association v. Maria T. Vullo finding that the state of New York Department of Financial Services unlawfully disrupted and used intimidation to trample the NRA’s ability to partner with insurance companies who had exclusive rights to underwrite insurance products for NRA members.

“In an amicus brief by Advancing American Freedom which Americans for Limited Government joined, we argued that the government cannot accomplish by proxy what it cannot accomplish directly and the Court agreed.  It is hoped that the state of New York is hit with penalties that dwarf the absurd bail requirements imposed on former president Trump to send a message to all state and local government’s that there will be a massive price to pay for using their coercive powers to deny the rights of their political opponents.”

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