March 17, 2025, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government Executive Director Robert Romano today issued the following statement urging Senate confirmation of President Donald Trump’s choice for Federal Reserve Vice Chair of Supervision Michelle Bowman:
“Michelle Bowman has served on the Federal Reserve Board of Governors since 2018 and has shown she is a true inflation hawk. In Sept. 2024, while consumer inflation was still outpacing incomes, crushing American household budgets, she was the only member of the Fed Open Market Committee to vote no on prematurely cutting interest rates, the only ‘no’ vote since 2005. Her view was vindicated by subsequent sticky inflation reports, showing that the top concern must still be to eliminate inflation above all other concerns and for the Senate’s consideration, that Bowman is an independent thinker who deserves a promotion.”
“Michelle Bowman is the Best Conservative Option for the Fed’s Top Supervision Post,” Rick Manning, Jan. 22, 2025,
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