ALG President Rick Manning Joins Trump Administration Labor Department

March 14, 2025, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement announcing his departure from Americans for Limited Government and Americans for Limited Government Foundation to join the Trump administration U.S. Department of Labor:

“I will be joining the Trump administration in a position in the Department of Labor on March 17, ending my 14 year and 358 days journey with Americans for Limited Government. Serving as the head of Americans for Limited Government and Americans for Limited Government Research Foundation has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life as every day I was able to wake up and in some measure achieve a clear, yet daunting mission.

“This new chapter will allow me to be part of the solution from within the government as President Trump oversees a restructuring that seeks to restore fundamental constitutional governance.

“There are many challenges ahead for our great nation, and I look forward to my new role to help achieve the President and Secretary Lori Chavez-Deremer’s mission to highlight and expand opportunities for Americans to achieve their individual economic dreams.

“To the thousands of supporters and friends of Americans for Limited Government, all I can say is thank you for your help and encouragement over the years.  The organization is being left in good hands, as Robert Romano who is succeeding me, has for the past 17 years worked at ALG to limit the size and scope of government.”

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