ALG strongly supports six-month continuing resolution with SAVE Act to ensure only citizens can vote

Sept. 11, 2024, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement urging passage of House Speaker Mike Johnson’s (R-La.) proposal for a six-month continuing resolution with the SAVE Act attached:

“House Republicans need to unite around Speaker Johnson’s proposal for a six-month continuing resolution with the SAVE Act included in order to best ensure that only U.S. citizens can vote in federal elections, with full knowledge that President Biden and Vice President Harris, who want to allow millions of illegal aliens to vote in November, will almost certainly veto it. This inexcusable loophole in our voting system should have been closed decades ago, but here we are now, with the White House and Democratic Senate who will refuse to do a thing about it. It is still a fight the House should bring forward to let the American people know what the score is: that Democrats do not support election security in any way, shape or form. The six-month continuing resolution is important Joe Biden and Kamala Harris from getting another bite at the funding apple, which always leads to disastrous Christmas Eve spending atrocities.”


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