Government Growth Leads June Job Gains

July 5, 2024, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement on the latest jobs numbers:

“70,000 of the reported 206,000 jobs gained in the economy were from increases in government. The only category of workers that gained more was ‘health care and social assistance’ effectively an adjunct to our government run health care system, where private sector social assistance is typically done by government contractors acting on behalf of the government.

“See anything wrong with this ‘economic growth picture’?

“Meanwhile, the unemployment rate continues to rise, now reaching 4.1 percent, with the number of employed only 195,000 more than a year ago.  In spite of all the talk about jobs gained by the Biden administration, the number of people actually employed is basically the same over the past year.  Meanwhile the number of unemployed has risen by 814,000.  On top of the stagnant job growth, the initial unemployment claims numbers continue to climb, with continuing claims (meaning those who are on unemployment but have not dropped off due to finding a job) came in at the highest level since the pandemic.

“Apparently, government or government dependent workers are doing great under Bidenomics.  No wonder no one in DC can figure out that the economy stinks everywhere else.”

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