FDIC’s Gruenberg Should Be Fired Immediately By Biden

June 12, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement urging that FDIC Chairman Martin Gruenberg be removed from his position immediately by President Joe Biden:

“Americans for Limited Government agrees with House Financial Services Committee Chairman McHenry that FDIC Chairman Martin Gruenberg must be fired immediately due to the widespread malfeasance and mismanagement at the agency detailed in the 200-page plus independent report requested by the FDIC Board of Directors.

“Gruenberg’s callous response that he will resign once someone else is put in place misses the entire point that system-wide change at the Agency is needed right now, not whenever someone else is approved to take the helm. When a ship is stuck on the shoals of employee abuse, the captain doesn’t get to call the shots – the captain gets replaced immediately. Gruenberg’s refusal to participate in today’s House Financial Services Committee hearing is a slap in the face to Congress and a sign of true cowardice in his refusal to face and respond to an inquiry about the abuse of employees at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation under his watch as Chairman. Gruenberg is the problem and not the solution.

“It is telling that the Biden White House, which virtue signals non-stop on whatever is the latest social issue of the day, has failed to follow the President’s day-one promise to fire anyone immediately who disrespects – let alone abuses – their colleagues. As today’s hearing is proving, it is time for Gruenberg to go in order to begin reestablishing trust amongst the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation workforce. This is a test of whether Joe Biden will fire someone immediately who has overseen what Sen. Joni Ernst called an Animal House-like atmosphere at an agency that Americans trust to oversee our banking system. Failure to fire Gruenberg would mark just one more sad example of Joe Biden’s administration talking a big game, and shrinking back when it comes time to back it up. Martin Gruenberg should be fired today.

“Protecting our nation’s banking system is a big job.  It is a job that needs to be done without the distraction of sexual harassment, abuse of disabled employees, and intimidation. It is time for the Biden White House to fire Martin Gruenberg immediately and stop putting their political and policy agenda ahead of the need for a functioning Agency overseeing the nation’s banking system.”

For media availability contact Americans for Limited Government at media@limitgov.org.
