Protesters in Washington D.C. should cease and desist from violence

Jan. 6, 2021, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement echoing President Donald Trump’s call for protesters in Washington, D.C. to “Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!”:

“Americans for Limited Government calls upon all attendees at the Save America rally to cease and desist from provocative actions which inevitably will lead to violence. We share the frustration about the blatant theft of the presidency. However, violence begets violence and any aggressive actions will be utilized by the radical left which will soon control the White House as an excuse to engage in draconian measures and to curtail liberties. Once again, the immense frustration created by the collapse of a legal means to fight fraud, when cases are simply dismissed without hearing evidence, is understandable and shared. But the truth is that the very same people who control the media, corporations, the legal system and soon the White House and Congress who ignored violence against Trump supporters for more than four years will use any rioting at the Capitol as a proof point to prosecute anyone for supporting Donald Trump for President. I share everyone’s concern that basic individual freedoms in America will never be restored in the wake of the blatant abuse of power in this election and lack of any response by institutions charged with protecting individual liberties and freedom, however, violence at this juncture guarantees that the bright shining hope of America will not be restored either.”

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