Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey testified in a congressional hearing today that the social media giant was wrong to have censored the Hunter and Joe Biden corruption story before the election. Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning issued the following statement in reaction:

“Twitter’s Jack Dorsey declaring that “it was wrong” to block the Hunter and Joe Biden corruption story from being told on his platform is meaningless. He accomplished his objective by denying millions of people access to relevant information from a mainstream source and his decision that it should be banned caused countless others to label the reporting “fake news.
.@Jack declaring it was wrong to block the Hunter/Joe Biden corruption story is meaningless. He denied millions access to relevant information from a mainstream source and caused countless others to label it fake news. Tell @Jack what you think. Switch to
— Limited Government (@LimitGovt) November 17, 2020
“@Jack doesn’t get to substantively impact the election and then go all “Roseanna Roseannadanna” on Congress and the country and say “never mind” or “my bad” or whatever a rabid Silicon Valley billionaire says when they are trying to recover a shred of credibility. Tell @Jack what you think by switching to We cannot trust @Jack with our social media communications ever again. ALG will continue to maintain our Twitter account but we are going to spend a lot more time developing our Parler presence and hope that people will follow us on that platform @limitgov.”
Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 or at