Q3 boom shows choice between Trump’s hope vs. Biden’s dark winter

Oct. 29, 2020, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement reacting to the latest Gross Domestic Product numbers that showed a massive 33.1 percent, inflation-adjusted, annualized boom in the third quarter, an all-time high:

“The record increase in annualized Gross Domestic Product shows conclusively that President Trump deserves full credit for the economic rebound with more than 14 million jobs already recovered. His willingness to accept responsibility for the forced economic downturn in the second quarter, and determination to make certain that as many people as possible were not permanently hurt due to the Covid response, has resulted in all-time high growth in the third quarter. While many politicians were cowering, afraid to make a mistake, President Trump boldly led America through a national emergency, approaching the problem as a businessman who’s had to make payrolls, and made certain that assistance went directly to those who were most adversely impacted, including small businesses, with an eye towards the V-shaped recovery he is now delivering.

“While the third quarter was fantastic, it is imperative that America not make the mistake of engaging in policies which increase taxes and regulations, and once again lock down our businesses, effectively strangling the recovery before it goes into full bloom. The choice for the future is stark: Trump’s hope and opportunity against Biden’s dark winter of despair. No choice has ever been as important in our lifetimes.”


“Great Again: Trump economy grows record 33.1 percent in third quarter amid rapid recovery,” By Robert Romano, Oct. 29, 2020 at http://dailytorch.com/2020/10/great-again-trump-economy-grows-record-33-1-percent-in-third-quarter-amid-rapid-recovery/

Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 or at media@limitgov.org.
