President Trump takes on China’s human rights abuses in UN speech

Sept. 23, 2020, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement in response to President Donald Trump’s speech yesterday to the United Nations:

“President Trump laid the wood to the Communist Chinese regime at the United Nations.  The President chastised the Chinese over their decision to export the coronavirus to the world while stopping flights and travel from its point of origin to the rest of China and urged the world to hold them accountable.

“The President then continued by reminding the United Nation’s delegates that China leads the world in carbon emissions, nearly twice those in the U.S., hitting China in their polluted soft underbelly.

“Beijing is a government which allows unprecedented amount of pollution, enslaves its own people, encourages forced organ transplants from live political and religious dissidents and minorities, and forces millions of minorities into concentration camps.

“It is astonishing that the world tolerates the Chinese government on the world stage. But what is even more astonishing is that America’s Wall Street continues to pour our nation’s retirement, government and private investments into China, propping up their house of cards economy.

“Let me be clear, just as President Trump called on the United Nations to hold China accountable, it is unconscionable that America’s financial titans proceed with business as usual making Americans who entrust them into unwitting Chinese slaveholders.  Wall Street needs to listen hard to President Trump’s UN address and search their souls as to which side of the moral fence they wish to stand.  In this nation, there is no place for those who not only tolerate slavery but fund and profit from it.  It is time for America to”

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