Aug. 7, 2020, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement on the latest jobs numbers:
“President Donald Trump continues to lead a dramatic rebound in the jobs economy as America added 1.46 million new private sector jobs in July with the retail, hospitality and health care sectors leading the way. In other great news, 1.4 million fewer Americans were unemployed in the month than in June. The impact of the economic shutdown driven by the Chinese-originated and unleashed virus pushed our nation from having the greatest jobs economy in more than sixty years with fewer unemployed in February of 2020 than at any time since early in 2001. The rapid recovery is a testimony to the President’s keeping his eye on the ball and fighting the virus while also working every day to make certain that it didn’t permanently squash the hopes and dreams of Americans from all backgrounds and age groups. Even more good news is that in the past three months since the economy began to re-open, between 9.3 million and 10.1 million people have found work cutting the unemployment rate by 4.5 percent.”
“Trump was right. U.S. economy produces 10 million jobs in three months amid speedy recovery since April as Covid cases decline,” By Robert Romano, Aug. 7, 2020 at
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